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Monitoring and Review

Monitoring and Review

Newcastle University has comprehensive and robust quality management mechanisms. We have an excellent record in external quality assessment.

All taught programmes must be monitored annually (through the AMR process) and are periodically reviewed. Annual and periodic review of programmes are two parts of the same process of continuous improvement and enhancement of provision.

A significant number of our programmes are accredited by Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs) - providing another layer of external review and validation.

Annual Monitoring and Review (AMR)

Annual Monitoring and Review (AMR) is a year-round process carried out by the Board of Studies according to an institutional schedule of business for all taught programmes.

Boards of Studies are required to review annually all taught programmes for which they are responsible according to an institutional schedule of business. This takes place in accordance with guidance issued by University Education Committee (UEC).

To support the AMR process key data sets are provided centrally in the Strategic Insights Portal. 

Annual Monitoring and Review reports are then considered by the appropriate Faculty Education Committee (FEC), which in turn presents a summary report to the Taught Programmes Sub-Committee acting on delegated authority from UEC.

Further guidance


External Review

As a Higher Education Provider operating in England, the University is subject to a range of national regulatory requirements. These include requirements that relate to the academic quality and standards of our educational provision. The following briefing notes provide a summary for members of the University of these requirements, and how the University ensures that it meets these requirements.

Learning and Teaching Review

The Learning and Teaching Review policy was suspended by Taught Programme sub-committee of University Education Committee with effect from the 2024-25 academic year.

This decision reflects the fact that the Education Strategy Leading Edge workstream will lead to the comprehensive staged renewal of our programmes in line with a new curriculum frameworkA revised approach to periodic review is under development, which will be introduced following this signfiicant programme of work.

Subject areas which require a periodic review or validation event as part of their Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body accreditation should in the first instance contact to discuss their requirements.

Professional Accreditation

The University has links with a wide range of Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs) which provide valuable external review of the quality of our provision. Responsibility for detailed engagement with PSRBS resides with individual academic units. 

A number of University programmes are accredited by Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs) the following documents have been developed to outline University policy in relation to the links these reviews have with the University's internal quality assurance procedures.

The Educational Governance and Policy Service hold a Register of Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies. For further information contact


Research Degree Programmes

The Quality Assurance and Enhancement Framework for Research Degree Programmes provides Schools and Institutes with an opportunity to reflect on their current practice in relation to the provision of research degrees, the research learning opportunities and research learning experiences necessary to enable students to achieve: Quality Assurance and Enhancement Framework for Research Degree Programmes.

Information about, and the framework for the quality assurance and enhancement framework for research degree programmes can be found on the internal Student Progress webpages.

The Student Progress Service has very extensive support on their Postgraduate Research Student Administration page covering, amongst other areas: