Education Outreach
Our team organise interactive taster sessions and events for local schools. We also develop resources for use in the language classroom.
Taster and Language support sessions
We are able to offer a variety of taster and language support sessions, depending on availability of Student Language Ambassadors. For general queries and other information, please email us.
Linguacast Days
Linguacast days let your pupils visit the University and use our resources. They'll get to practise languages, learn new ones, and find out about studying a language at University.
This event is aimed at Year 8 - Year 13 pupils (maximum 30 pupils). Your pupils will improve their language skills and raise their confidence.
Activities can include:
- taster session in a new language
- question and answer session with current NU students
- information on university life and study
- storyboard writing and recording

Past events
Interpreting Day
These days give your pupils a chance to find out about interpreting as a career, and get some hands-on experience. Your pupils will learn various techniques and methods for consecutive and simultaneous interpreting.
Our Conference Interpreting suite is an exact replica of meeting rooms used by the EU in Brussels and Strasbourg. Your pupils will be able to use the suite to have a go at interpreting in their target language.
In the past we've had a talk by a consecutive interpreter who works for Newcastle United Football Club. He talked about his experiences and the benefits of a career in interpreting.
We give a live demonstration of simultaneous interpreting. Pupils team up with students from Newcastle University for group work.
Pupils also take part in a consecutive interpreting competition. They put into practice all the skills and techniques they learn on the day. Each student uses a soundproof booth and interprets an A-level appropriate text.
TiLT Show
We held a Technology in Language Teaching (TiLT) show. This enabled teachers to:
- engage with other language teachers
- swap ideas
- boost the confidence and subject-knowledge of their staff
There were several talks by experts in education and technology, and a chance to network.
Night at the Museum
Many schools in the region took part in our ‘Night at the Museum’.
Visiting pupils were partnered with our Student Ambassadors. They created their own series of short language-learning animations in a target language of their choice.
Pupils learned how to use digital technology to create videos and audio recordings. They created storyboards associated with exhibits from the Great North Museum: Hancock.
They used the language they were studying at school to come up with an entertaining short story. They wrote speech bubbles and recorded character voices in the target languages.
This session was run in:
- French
- German
- Spanish
- Chinese