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Student Co-Researchers

Learn about our opportunities for funding student led research through Challenge Labs and Internships

Challenge Labs

Challenge labs are interdisciplinary co-researching spaces that are designed to support Newcastle University students at all stages to develop small interdisciplinary and collaborative research projects.

Jump straight to applying.

Student Internships

Student internships enable the participation in our research activity. We aim to provide a welcoming and supporting environment where you can learn valuable skills and experience.

Meet our Student Researchers

Challenge Labs

Challenge Labs provide an opportunity for a type of research internship that offers the chance to build skills and methodological knowledge that complement your studies. Example themes might be Challenge Labs that relate to topics such as illiteracy, environmental justice, race equality and allyship, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), or data ethics and digital practices. Each Challenge Lab will be allocated a budget to cover students’ time working on the project. Budget allocation will depend on the number of participants and the length of the proposed project. Some Challenge Labs may take a short, intensive workshop format; other labs might take a longer format. There is no prescribed format for Challenge Labs. They can take whatever form is appropriate for the topic being researched.

The scheme can work in one of two ways:

Create a Challenge Lab

Students who have a good research idea, want to work collaboratively with colleagues in other schools or faculties and have support from a member of staff who will offer mentorship can propose their own topic and apply for funding.

Join a Challenge Lab

Students can apply to become co-researchers on a Challenge Lab that has already been proposed, either by another student or by a member of staff (see offers posted on our website or via the NU Students' Union JobsOC).

Challenge labs address ‘research-worthy’ problems, require working in a group, and take an approach that draws on methods and expertise derived from several disciplines, including one or more arts, humanities or social science disciplines.

Who can apply?

We welcome applications from students at all stages and located in any faculty. We encourage interdisciplinary and cross-school and/or faculty proposals that bring students and staff together across the Humanities and Social Sciences, and beyond.

When do I need to apply?

Challenge Labs can take place at any time of year and can vary in duration. If you would like to join one of the proposed Challenge Labs, please refer to the specific internship advert. If you would like to propose your own Challenge Lab, you can submit a proposal at any time. We do encourage that all applications are made before 31 May 2023 in order to support its set up before the end of the academic year.


Inspired by the prospect of a challenge lab please read more about our current offerings or register interest in creating your own. Still looking for inspiration? Please read more about our previous Challenge Labs fellows. Including one of our previous winners, Philippa Carter, who has wrote a very interesting blog about the impact of her project.

Challenge Labs allowed me to explore an interdisciplinary way of approaching a topic in a supportive environment with access to the funds needed to make my project a reality. The whole experience was great and hugely enjoyable!

Elsa Ryan, BA (Hons) Ancient History

Student Internships

We believe strongly in supporting the development of our students through paid internships.

We work closely with the Careers Service Jobs on Campus team to provide a range of student intern opportunities which are open to both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students who are registered at Newcastle University.

I am a researcher considering employing a student intern

If you are a researcher looking for support to undertake a research project, then we usually fund internships through our Pioneer Award scheme. We acitively encourage researchers to consider using an intern to help support their research activities. 

Working with colleagues in the Jobs on Campus (JobsOC) team we can work with you help find the ideal intern to support your research project. Recruiting an intern is remarkably straight forward and together with JobsOC we will help you get up and running with your new research partner.

The many benefits internships can offer you include: 

  • Potentially freeing up research time to do other tasks; 
  • Gaining a fresh perspective and new ideas; 
  • You may be eligable for additional funding from the Careers Service of £500 to support your research activities.

Our interns are usually paid £11.88 per hour and can work up to 20 hours a week during term time. Our internships are flexible but typically range between 5 and 20 hours support per week. If you are interested in incorporating a student intern into a pioneer award application to us, then please feel free to email Chris O'keeffe for help and advice. 


I am a student looking for an internship opportunity

We strongly value student participation in our research activity and welcome applications for our internships from all students at all stages of their studies. We aim to provide a welcoming and supporting environment where you can learn valuable skills and experience.

Our student intern opportunities are open to all registered students at Newcastle University. Our internships are offered as part of the wider Careers Service Jobs on Campus scheme. If you wish to apply for one of our internships then you must register with the Careers Service first.

Typically or internships are paid at a rate on £12.56 per hour which includes an element of holiday pay. The hours offered will vary from project to project, but typically range from anywhere between 5 and 20 hours per week during term times.

Our vacancies are advertised on the Jobs on Campus website. More details about registering and applying for internships can be found here

Our student intern was amazing! Her web development, design skills, and curatorial ideas have been central to the project, and she has been a committed, enthusiastic, and invaluable member of the research team.

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences