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NU Open Badge

Open Badge in Global and Cultural Awareness.

NU Open Badge

Global Opportunities have launched an Open Badge to allow students to demonstrate their global and cultural awareness.

Open Badges contain metadata that show a range of learning achievements, and which can be added to email signatures, websites like LinkedIn, and social media. Open Badges are a great way to highlight skills, achievements and competencies to employers.

A range of Language Resource Centre activities could be used to support an application for an Open Badge.

Find out more using the links below:

What is an Open Badge?

Open badges are digital badges which show a range of learning achievements. You can share them on social media and employability websites such as LinkedIn.

Metadata held within the badge will tell prospective employers:

  • about the criteria that you have met to achieve the badge
  • that you have demonstrated that you gained the badge from Newcastle University
What is the Newcastle University Open Badge in Global and Cultural Awareness?

The Newcastle University Open Badge in Global and Cultural Awareness will demonstrate that you have taken part, and reflected on this activity, which has supported you in order to develop global and cultural awareness.

How do I get the Open Badge?
  1. sign up to, and complete the Canvas module (2-3 hours): Enrol here
  2. submit a 500-750 word reflective essay
What are the benefits of a badge?
  • validated & credible achievement
  • highlight your skills & competencies to employers
  • publicise your achievements, add to your email signature, employability websites (e.g. LinkedIn), or social media (e.g. Twitter).
  • demonstrate your knowledge is up to date and relevant
  • can be done in your own time
Who can get the badge?

In order to complete the Canvas module you must take part in activities and/or events which support you to develop your global and cultural awareness.

The activities may include:

  • participation in a global study/exchange/internship/work experience programme
  • participation in University’s Study Abroad and Exchange Buddy Scheme or assisting at International Welcome Week
  • attending extracurricular language classes (at NU or recognised partner institution)
  • participation in a global virtual exchange or engagement programme or event
  • volunteering for an organisation with an international/cultural focus in the UK or overseas
  • engagement with NUSU clubs and/or societies with an international/cultural focus (e.g. International Society, Model United Nations,
  • students for Global Health, or one of the many country or cultural societies)
  • participation in a project or events (academic/non-academic) which focus on cross-cultural or global issues
  • participating in a Career Service programme that focuses on international careers
Which Language Resource Centre activities could be used to support an application?
  • ; attendance of sessions and/or work as PAL Leader
  • participation in the  as part of the LRC's educational outreach remit
  • participating in LRC's language and culture taster events e.g. Festival of Languages, Language Day events
  • participating in 
  • participating in language and culture exchanges with facilitation from the LRC e.g. 
How do I find out more?

If you are not sure whether your activity is relevant to the badge, or would be considered sufficient to gain the badge, or if you would like some advice on how to find such activities we can help!

For more information, please contact us via email