Staff Profiles
Dr Yu-Tzu Wu
NU Academic Track Fellow (NUAcT)
- Personal Website:
- Address: Population Health Sciences Institute
Biogerontology Building
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Newcastle University
Campus for Ageing and Vitality
I am an epidemiologist working on ageing research and my research interests focus on investigating the potential impact of environment on health and wellbeing in later life using quantitative analytical methods. During my PhD and postdoctoral periods, I have been working with several UK-based and international cohort studies and analysed complex data on dementia and healthy ageing. Before joining Newcastle University, I worked as an epidemiologist/statistician for the Improving the Experience of Dementia and Enhancing Active Life (IDEAL) project at the University of Exeter and a postdoctoral researcher for the Ageing Trajectories of Health: Longitudinal Opportunities and Synergies (ATHLOS) project at King’s College London.
PhD Public Health and Primary Care, University of Cambridge
MSc Health and Society: Social Epidemiology, University College London
BSc Public Health, National Taiwan University
Postdoctoral research associate, King’s College London
Research fellow (Epidemiologist/Statistician), University of Exeter
Research associate, University of East Anglia
Systematic reviewer, World Alzheimer Report 2015
Professional associations
Royal Statistical Society Chartered Statistician (registration number: 223696)
Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy
Fellow of Newcastle University Policy Academy
Committee member of World Health Organisation Consortium on Metrics and Evidence for Healthy Ageing
I am a member of the Population Health Sciences Institute and work in the Ageing and Geroscience, Mental Health, Dementia and Neurodegeneration, Public Health and Health Inequalities research theme. I also part of the Healthier Lives, Ageing and Inequality NUCoRE.
Research Interests
Quantitative methods in ageing research
Environmental determinants of healthy ageing
Mental and cognitive health in older age
Research grants
Royal Society International Exchange Grant (2023-2026, Principal Investigator, £12k): Enhancing population health metrics in ageing research: a collaborative network between the UK and China
UKRI-NHMRC Built Environment and Prevention Research Scheme (2020-2024, Co-Investigator, £538k): The impact of the Environment and Pollution On Cognitive Health (EPOCH): Building the knowledge base through international collaboration
Dementia Platform UK Early Career Research award (2019, Principal Investigator, £5k)
King’s College London Early Career Research award (2018, Principal Investigator, £2k)
ESRC/NIHR Dementia initiative grants (2018, Co-investigator, £10k)
- Wu YT, Kitwiroon N, Beevers S, Barratt B, Brayne C, Cerin E, Franklin R, Houlden V, Woods B, Zied Abozied E, Prina M, Matthews F. The longitudinal associations between ambient air pollution exposure and dementia in the UK: results from the cognitive function and ageing study II and Wales. BMC Public Health 2024, 24, 1233.
- Henderson C, Knapp M, Martyr A, Gamble LD, Nelis SM, Quinn C, Pentecost C, Collins R, Wu YT, Jones IR, Victor CR, Pickett JA, Jones RW, Matthews FE, Morris RG, Rusted J, Thom JM, Clare L. The Use and Costs of Paid and Unpaid Care for People with dementia: Longitudinal Findings from the IDEAL cohort. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2022, 86(1), 135-153.
- Wu Y-T, Kingston A, Houlden V, Franklin R. The longitudinal associations between proximity to local grocery shops and functional ability in the very old living with and without multimorbidity: Results from the Newcastle 85+ study. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 2022, 101, 104703.
- Wu YT, Prina M, Matthews F. The availability of local primary care services, satisfaction with health services and self-rated health in older English adults: a population-based study. Preventive Medicine Reports 2022, 27, 101786.
- Brayne C, Wu Y-T. Population-based studies in dementia and ageing research: a local and national experience in Cambridgeshire and the UK. American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias 2022, 37.
- Liu Y, Wu Y, Cai J, Huang Y, Chen Y, Venkatraman TM, Lobanov-Rostovsky S, Bandosz P, Yang Y-J, Wu Y-T, Liao J, Hao Y, Brunner EJ. Is there a common latent cognitive construct for dementia estimation across two Chinese cohorts?. Alzheimer's and Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment and Disease Monitoring 2022, 14(1), e12356.
- Wu Y-T, Niubo AS, Daskalopoulou C, Moreno-Agostino D, Stefler D, Bobak M, Oram S, Prince M, Prina M. Sex differences in mortality: Results from a population-based study of 12 longitudinal cohorts. CMAJ 2021, 193(11), E361-E370.
- Wu Y-T, Clare L, Jones IR, Nelis SM, Quinn C, Martyr A, Victor CR, Lamont RA, Rippon I, Matthews FE. Perceived and objective availability of green and blue spaces and quality of life in people with dementia: results from the IDEAL programme. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 2021, 56, 1601-1610.
- Moreno-Agostino D, Daskalopoulou C, Wu Y-T, Koukounari A, Haro JM, Tyrovolas S, Panagiotakos DB, Prince M, Prina AM. The impact of physical activity on healthy ageing trajectories: evidence from eight cohort studies. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2020, 17, 92.
- Wu Y-T, Kralj C, Acosta D, Guerra M, Huang Y, Jotheeswaran AT, Jimenez-Velazquez IZ, Liu Z, Llibre Rodriguez JJ, Salas A, Sosa AL, Alkholy R, Prince M, Prina AM. The association between, depression, anxiety, and mortality in older people across eight low- and middle-income countries: Results from the 10/66 cohort study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2020, 35(1), 29-36.
- Wu Y-T, Niubo AS, Daskalopoulou C, Moreno-Agostino D, Stefler D, Bobak M, Oram S, Prince M, Prina M. Sex differences in mortality: Results from a population-based study of 12 longitudinal cohorts in the ATHLOS consortium. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2020, 193(11), E361-E370.
- Wu Y-T, Brayne C, Liu Z, Huang Y, Sosa AL, Acosta D, Prina M. Neighbourhood environment and dementia in older people from high-, middle- and low income countries: results from two population-based cohort studies. BMC Public Health 2020, 20, 1330.
- Nguyen H, Wu Y-T, Dregan A, Vitoratou S, Chua K-C, Prina AM. Multimorbidity patterns, all-cause mortality and healthy aging in older English adults: Results from the English Longitudinal Study of Aging. Geriatrics and Gerontology International 2020, 20(12), 1126-1132.
- Wu YT, Nelis GM, Quinn C, Martyr A, Jones IR, Victor CR, Knapp M, Henderson C, Hindle JV, Jones RW, Kopelman MD, Morris RG, Pickett RA, Rusted JM, Thom JM, Litherland R, Matthews FE, Clare L. Factors associated with self- and informant ratings of quality of life, wellbeing and life satisfaction in people with mild-to-moderate dementia: Results from the Improving the experience of Dementia and Enhancing Active Life. Age and Ageing 2020, 49(3), 446-452.
- Wu Y-T, Daskalopoulou C, Muniz-Terrera G, Sanchez Niubo A, Rodriguez-Artalejo F, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Bobak M, Caballero FF, de la Fuente J, de la Torre-Luque A, Garcia-Esquinas E, Haro JM, Koskinen S, Koupil I, Leonardi M, Pajak A, Panagiotakos D, Stefler D, Tobias-Adamczyk B, Prince M, Prina AM, on behalf of the ATHLOS consortium. Education and wealth inequalities in healthy ageing in eight harmonised cohorts in the ATHLOS consortium: a population-based study. The Lancet Public Health 2020, 5(7), e386-e394.
- Henderson C, Knapp M, Nelis SM, Quinn C, Martyr A, Wu Y-T, Jones IR, Victor CR, Pickett JA, Hindle JV, Jones RW, Kopelman MD, Matthews FE, Morris RG, Rusted JM, Thom JM, Clare L. Use and costs of services and unpaid care for people with mild-to-moderate dementia: Baseline results from the IDEAL cohort study. Alzheimer's and Dementia: Translational Research and Clinical Interventions 2019, 5, 685-696.
- Nelis SM, Wu YT, Matthews FE, Martyr A, Quinn C, Rippon I, Rusted J, Thom JM, Kopelmann MD, Hindle JV, Jones RW, Clare L. The impact of comorbidity on the quality of life of people with dementia: findings from the IDEAL study. Age and Ageing 2019, 48(3), 361-367.
- Wu YT, Clare L, Matthews FE, IDEAL Study. Relationship between depressive symptoms and capability to live well in people with mild to moderate dementia and their carers: results from the Improving the experience of Dementia and Enhancing Active Life (IDEAL) programme. Aging and Mental Health 2019, 25(1), 38-45.
- Daskalopoulou C, Koukounari A, Wu Y-T, Terrera GM, Caballero FF, de la Fuente J, Tyrovolas S, Panagiotakos DB, Prince M, Prina M. Healthy ageing trajectories and lifestyle behaviour: the Mexican Health and Aging Study. Scientific Reports 2019, 9(1), 11041.
- Prina AM, Stubbs B, Veronese N, Guerra M, Kralj C, Llibre Rodriguez JJ, Prince M, Wu Y-T. Depression and Incidence of Frailty in Older People From Six Latin American Countries. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2019, 27(10), 1072-1079.
- Prina AM, Wu Y-T, Kralj C, Acosta D, Acosta I, Guerra M, Huang Y, Jotheeswaran AT, Jimenez-Velazquez IZ, Liu Z, Llibre Rodriguez JJ, Salas A, Sosa AL, Prince M. Dependence- and Disability-Free Life Expectancy Across Eight Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A 10/66 Study. Journal of Aging and Health 2019, 32(5-6), 401-409.
- Clare L, Wu Y-T, Jones IR, Victor CR, Nelis SM, Martyr A, Quinn C, Litherland R, Pickett JA, Hindle JV, Jones RW, Knapp M, Kopelman MD, Morris RG, Rusted JM, Thom JM, Lamont RA, Henderson C, Rippon I, Hillman A, Matthews FE, on behalf of the IDEAL study team. A Comprehensive Model of Factors Associated With Subjective Perceptions of “Living Well” With Dementia: Findings From the IDEAL Study. Alzheimer’s Disease and Associated Disorders 2019, 33(1), 36-41.
- Clare L, Wu Y-T, Quinn C, Jones IR, Victor CR, Nelis SM, Martyr A, Litherland R, Pickett JA, Hindle JV, Jones RW, Knapp M, Kopelman MD, Morris RG, Rusted JM, Thom JM, Lamont RA, Henderson C, Rippon I, Hillman A, Matthews FE, on behalf of the IDEAL study team. A Comprehensive Model of Factors Associated With Capability to “Live Well” for Family Caregivers of People Living With Mild-to-Moderate Dementia: Findings From the IDEAL Study. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders 2019, 33(1), 29-35.
- Silarova B, Nelis SM, Ashworth RM, Ballard C, Bienkiewicz M, Henderson C, Hillman A, Hindle JV, Hughes JC, Lamont RA, Litherland R, Jones IR, Jones RW, Knapp M, Kotting P, Martyr A, Matthews FE, Morris RG, Quinn C, Regan J, Rusted JM, van den Heuvel EA, Victor CT, Wu YT, Clare L. Protocol for the IDEAL-2 longitudinal study: following the experiences of people with dementia and their primary carers to understand what contributes to living well with dementia and enhances active life. BMC Public Health 2018, 18, 1214.
- Wu YT, Clare L, Rees-Jones I, Martyr A, Nelis SM, Quinn C, Victor CR, Lamont RA, Rippon I, Matthews FE. Inequalities in living well with dementia – the impact of deprivation on wellbeing, quality of life and life satisfaction: results from the Improving the experience of Dementia and Enhancing Active Life study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2018, 33(12), 1736-1742.
- Wu YT, Clare L, Hindle J, Nelis S, Martyr A, Matthews FE. Dementia subtype and living well: results from the Improving the experience of Dementia and Enhancing Active Life (IDEAL) study. BMC Medicine 2018, 16, 140.
- Wu Y-T, Luben R, Wareham N, Griffin S, Jones AP. Weather, day length and physical activity in older adults: Cross-sectional results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) Norfolk Cohort. PLoS ONE 2017, 12(5), e0177767.
- Wimo A, Guerchet M, Ali G-C, Wu Y-T, Prina AM, Winblad B, Jonsson L, Liu Z, Prince M. The worldwide costs of dementia 2015 and comparisons with 2010. Alzheimer's and Dementia 2017, 13(1), 1-7.
- Wu YT, Beiser AS, Breterler MMB, Fratiglioni L, Helmer C, Hendrie HC, Honda H, Ikram MA, Langa KM, Lobo A, Matthews FE, Ohara T, Peres K, Qiu C, Seshadri S, Sjolund BM, Skoog I, Brayne C. The changing prevalence and incidence of dementia over time — current evidence. Nature Reviews Neurology 2017, 13(6), 327-339.
- Wu Y-T, Prina AM, Jones A, Matthews FE, Brayne C. The Built Environment and Cognitive Disorders: Results From the Cognitive Function and Ageing Study II. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2017, 53(1), 25-32.
- Cosco TD, Prina M, Stubbs B, Wu Y-T. Reliability and Validity of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale in a Population-Based Cohort of Middle-Aged U.S. Adults. Journal of Nursing Measurement 2017, 25(3), 476-485.
- Wu Y-T, Prina AM, Jones A, Barnes LE, Matthews FE, Brayne C. Micro-scale environment and mental health in later life: Results from the Cognitive Function and Ageing Study II (CFAS II). Journal of Affective Disorders 2017, 218, 359-364.
- Wu Y-T, Luben R, Jones A. Dog ownership supports the maintenance of physical activity during poor weather in older English adults: Cross-sectional results from the EPIC Norfolk cohort. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2017, 71(9), 905-911.
- Prince M, Ali G-C, Guerchet M, Prina AM, Albanese E, Wu Y-T. Recent global trends in the prevalence and incidence of dementia, and survival with dementia. Alzheimer's Research and Therapy 2016, 8, 23.
- Wu Y-T, Jones NR, Van Sluijs EMF, Griffin SJ, Wareham NJ, Jones AP. Perceived and objectively measured environmental correlates of domain-specifc physical activity in older english adults. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 2016, 24(4), 599-616.
- Wu Y-T, Prina AM, Jones A, Barnes LE, Matthews FE, Brayne C, CFAS MRC. Land use mix and five-year mortality in later life: Results from the Cognitive Function and Ageing Study. Health and Place 2016, 38, 54-60.
- Wu Y-T, Fratiglioni L, Matthews FE, Lobo A, Breteler MMB, Skoog I, Brayne C. Dementia in western Europe: epidemiological evidence and implications for policy making. Lancet Neurology 2016, 15(1), 116-124.
- Stubbs B, Wu Y-T, Prina AM, Leng Y, Cosco TD. A population study of the association between sleep disturbance and suicidal behaviour in people with mental illness. Journal of Psychiatric Research 2016, 82, 149-154.
- Wu Y-T, Prina AM, Barnes LE, Matthews FE, Brayne C. Relocation at older age: Results from the Cognitive Function and Ageing Study. Journal of Public Health 2015, 37(3), 480-487.
- Wu YT, Prina AM, Jones A, Matthews FE, Brayne C, MRC CFAS. Older people, the natural environment and common mental disorders: cross-sectional results from the Cognitive Function and Ageing Study. BMJ Open 2015, 5(9), e007936.
- Wu Y-T, Grant WB, Prina AM, Lee H-Y, Brayne C. Nutrition and the prevalence of dementia in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan: An ecological study. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2015, 44(4), 1099-1106.
- Wu Y-T, Prina AM, Jones AP, Barnes LE, Matthews FE, Brayne C. Community environment, cognitive impairment and dementia in later life: Results from the Cognitive Function and Ageing Study. Age and Ageing 2015, 44(6), 1005-1011.
- Wu Y-T, Nash P, Barnes LE, Minett T, Matthews FE, Jones A, Brayne C. Assessing environmental features related to mental health: A reliability study of visual streetscape images. BMC Public Health 2014, 14(1), 1094.
- Wu Y-T, Lee H-y, Norton S, Chen C, Chen H, He C, Fleming J, Matthews FE, Brayne C. Prevalence Studies of Dementia in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Plos One 2013, 8(6), e66252. In Preparation.
- Cosco TD, Stubbs B, Prina AM, Wu Y-T. Religiosity and suicidal behaviour in the National Survey of American Life. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2016, 134(2), 183-184.
- Brayne C, Wu Y-T. Preventing both stroke and dementia – Authors' reply. The Lancet Neurology 2016, 15(7), 659-659.
- Wu Y-T, Lee H-Y. National Health Insurance database in Taiwan: A resource or obstacle for health research?. European Journal of Internal Medicine 2016, 31, e9-e10.
- Soysal P, Stubbs B, Lucato P, Luchini C, Solmi M, Peluso R, Sergi G, Isik AT, Manzato E, Maggi S, Maggio M, Prina AM, Cosco TD, Wu Y-T, Veronese N. Corrigendum to “Inflammation and frailty in the elderly: A systematic review and meta-analysis” (Ageing Research Reviews (2016) 31 (1–18) (S1568163716301106) (10.1016/j.arr.2016.08.006)). Ageing Research Reviews 2017, 35, 364-365.
- Moreno-Agostino D, Wu Y-T, Daskalopoulou C, Hasan MT, Huisman M, Prina M. Global trends in the prevalence and incidence of depression:a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders 2021, 281, 235-243.
- Wu Y-T, Ali G-C, Guerchet M, Prina AM, Chan KY, Prince M, Brayne C. Prevalence of dementia in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Epidemiology 2018, 47(3), 709-719.
- Martyr A, Nelis SM, Quinn C, Wu Y-T, Lamont RA, Henderson C, Clarke R, Hindle JV, Thom JM, Jones IR, Morris RG, Rusted JM, Victor CR, Clare L. Living well with dementia: A systematic review and correlational meta-analysis of factors associated with quality of life, well-being and life satisfaction in people with dementia. Psychological Medicine 2018, 48(13), 2130-2139.
- Soysal P, Stubbs B, Lucato P, Luchini C, Solmi M, Peluso R, Sergi G, Isik AT, Manzato E, Maggi S, Maggio M, Prina AM, Cosco TD, Wu Y-T, Veronese N. Inflammation and frailty in the elderly: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Ageing Research Reviews 2016, 31, 1-8.
- Wu Y-T, Prina AM, Brayne C. The association between community environment and cognitive function: a systematic review. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 2015, 50(3), 351-362.
- Wu Y-T, Brayne C, Matthews FE. Prevalence of dementia in East Asia: A synthetic review of time trends. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2015, 30(8), 793-801.
- Wu Y-T, Lee H-Y, Norton S, Prina AM, Fleming J, Matthews FE, Brayne C. Period, birth cohort and prevalence of dementia in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2014, 29(12), 1212-1220.
- Wu Y-T, Matthews FE, Brayne C. Dementia: Time trends and policy responses. Maturitas 2014, 79(2), 191-195.