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Health Intervention Projects

Diet, physical activity, and dementia risk in UK adults: Epidemiology and MedEx feasibility study


  • Professor John Mathers
  • Professor Anne Marie Minihane (University of East Anglia – Lead Investigator)
  • Dr Sarah Aldred (University of Birmingham)
  • Dr Mario Siervo (University of Nottingham)


There are currently 850,000 people in the UK living with dementia. In the absence of any drugs to prevent or effectively treat the conditions, one in three people born in the UK in 2017 will develop dementia in their lifetime. This highlights the great needs to identify lifestyle strategies which promote healthy brain ageing through health interventions. There is some evidence that having a nutritious diet, defined by a high Mediterranean diet score (MDS), and taking regular exercise reduces dementia risk. However, robust evidence from health intervention trials, in particular in UK populations, are lacking.

In this MedEx-UK feasibility health intervention, we have recruited 106 adults across three sites (Norwich, Newcastle, and Birmingham) into a feasibility study lasting six months. We are investigating the possibility of increasing UK participants MDS by three points (14 unit scale) and exercise levels to > 150 min per week. Such data will be used to design a large-scale intervention looking at the cognitive benefits of improved MDS and exercise over two to five years.

In addition, we are analysing two existing data sets, which includes 9,000 adults from the Norfolk and Aberdeen areas to increase our understanding of the relationships between cardiovascular health, diet (and a MDS), cognition, and brain health.


Shannon OM, Stephan BCM, Minihane AM, Mathers JC, Siervo M. (2018) J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 73(7):902-904. “Nitric Oxide Boosting Effects of the Mediterranean Diet: A Potential Mechanism of Action.”

Shannon OM, Stephan BCM, Granic A, Lentjes M, Hayat S, Mulligan A, Brayne C, Khaw KT, Bundy R, Aldred S, Hornberger M, Paddick SM, Muniz-Tererra G, Minihane AM, Mathers JC, Siervo M. (2019) Am J Clin Nutr. 110(4):938-948. “Mediterranean diet adherence and cognitive function in older UK adults: the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition-Norfolk (EPIC-Norfolk) Study.”

Shannon OM, Mendes I, Köchl C, Mazidi M, Ashor AW, Rubele S, Minihane AM, Mathers JC, Siervo M. (2020) J Nutr. 150(5):1151-1159. “Mediterranean Diet Increases Endothelial Function in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.”

Cowell OR, Mistry N, Deighton K, Matu J, Griffiths A, Minihane AM, Mathers JC, Shannon OM, Siervo M. (2020) J Hypertens. doi: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000002667. Online ahead of print. PMID: 33060448 “Effects of a Mediterranean diet on blood pressure: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials and observational studies.”

Funding: Alzheimer’s Research UK

Prof Eileen Kaner - projects


Prof Eileen F. S. Kaner, Prof Public Health & Primary Care (Res), Population Health Sciences


To conduct cross-disciplinary, applied health research across the life-course to improve physical, mental health and social outcomes in individuals and communities.


  • To understand the impact of structural, social and behavioural risk factors on individuals, communities and wider society.
  • To explore the impact of multiple (social) disadvantage on physical and mental health outcomes.
  • To develop and evaluate complex interventions aimed at promoting health and well-being across the life-course.
  • To accelerate the uptake and use of evidence-based preventive care by health and social care practitioners.
  • To promote evidence-based policy and practice to improve physical and mental health and wider well-being in society.

Research Grants:

Harrison S, Martin D, Kaner E, Rapley T, McPhee J. The co-creation of personalised multifaceted balance training delivered alongside pulmonary rehabilitation to reduce falls risk in people with COPD. NIHR Advanced Career Fellowship, 2021-26. Award Value: £1,420,103

Campbell R, Jago R, Kidger J, deVocht F, Kaner E, van Sluijs E, Fairbrother H, Williams J, Womack J, Newsome C, Thomas K, Strong S. South-west School Health Research Network (SW-SHRN) – Creation of a network to characterise and improve adolescent mental health and well-being. NIHR SPHR Phase 2, 2020-22. Award Value: £449,297

O’Donnell A, Hanratty B, Crossley N, Yardley L, Kaner E. ADEPT: Using complexity science and digital technology to improve co-morbid Alcohol use disorder and DEpression Prevention and Treatment. NIHR Advanced Career Fellowship (2020-24). Award Value: £662,242

Salonen D, Kolemainen N, Kaner E, Smith V. The role of fathers in families and on reducing alcoho-related harm. Our ref: NIHR301146. HEE/NIHR ICA Pre-doctoral Clinical Academic Fellowship, 2020-24, NIHR301146. Award Value: £38,305

Adams E, Muir C, Smiles C, Dotsikas K, Crosby L, Widnall E, Ramsay S, Kaner E, O’Donnell A, Burrows M, Broadbridge A, Reed C. Exploring and understanding access to community-based mental health and addiction services for severe and multiple disadvantage service users and providers in Newcastle and Gateshead in times of extreme adversity. NIHR School of Public Health Research 2020-22. Award Value: £25,628

Wolfe I, Kaner E, Forman J, McGovern R, Taylor Robinson D, Fox-Rushby J, Howard L, Boulding H, Baginsky M, Allard A, Hackett S, Fleming K, Mental Health and Substance use in Children and Families Experiencing Adversity or OveRcoming Adverse ChiLdhood Experiences (ORACLE). NIHR Policy Research Programme, PRP (ST-01-30), 2020-25. Award Value: £1,470,122

McGovern R. Hackett S, Smart D, Alderson H, McGovern W, Cooling V, Kaner E. PaRental intimate partner viOlence and abuse: measuremenT of the risk of Exposing Children and the menTal health impact: PROTECT study, 2020-21, UK Research and Innovation, Violence Abuse and Mental Health Network. Award Value: £24,474