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Case Studies

Current Case Studies will be displayed here.

Planning for Healthier Food Environments

This health policy research will develop a continuing professional development (CPD) training package for local authority planning and public health teams. The training package will increase skills and knowledge, and bridge the gap between planning and public health. The underlying research approach used Delphi consultation and survey methods with planners and public health practitioners from representative local authorities to identify training and skill needs, and understand barriers to healthier food environment planning. The training package arising from our work supports the implementation of Public Health England’s ‘healthy weight environments: using the planning system’ guidance. It focuses on the food environment, using examples of good practice such as Gateshead’s Hot Food Takeaway Supplementary Planning Guidance. The training packaged will be hosted by Public Health England and launched later in the year.

  • This work will allow a step change supporting local authorities to integrate planning with public health outcomes for the benefit of communities.



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