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Council is the executive governing body of the University. It is specifically charged with the management and control of the University's finances and property and reviewing the work of the University. It has 23 members and meets six times a year.

Agenda and Unreserved Documents

The next meeting of Council will take place on Monday 10 June 2024. The agenda and unreserved items are posted below. ‌

Council Agenda 10 June

Doc C - Risk Management

Doc K - Summary of the Meeting of Senate 1 May 2024‌

D‌‌oc L - UREC Minutes 24 April 2024

Doc M - Reported Business

Council Meeting Dates

2024 / 25 Academic Year

12.30pm    Monday 14 October 2024

3.00pm      Monday 9 December 2024

12.30pm    Monday 20 January 2025

                 Monday 31 March 2025  (Away Day)

12.30pm    Monday 2 June 2025

3.00pm      Monday 7 July 2025


Chair - Pat Ritchie CBE (2027)

Ex officio members

The Vice-Chancellor and President - Professor Chris Day
Deputy Vice-Chancellor - Professor Nigel Harkness
Treasurer - Angela Russell (2027)

Appointed Members

Members appointed by and from Senate (1 professorial, 1 non-professorial)

Professor Rhiannon Mason (2026)

One member elected by and from the Academic staff of the University

Dr Anjam Khan (2027)

One member elected by and from the Professional Services staff of the University

Emma Reay (2027)

Members appointed by Council (10 to 13 lay)

Professor Derek Bell OBE (2027)
Linda Conlon MBE DL (2027)
Will Garton (2027)
Arun Harish (2027)
Lisa Hunter (2027)
Alex Lamb (2025)
Bill MacLeod (2025)
Claire Morgan (2025)
Marta Phillips OBE CA (2027)
Colin Riordan CBE (2027)
Mags Scott (2025)
Adam Serfontein DL (2027)
Nitin Shukla (2025)

Two student members elected by the Students' Union

Leo David
Jasmine Banks

Role of Council Members

Register of Interests