For Companies
We work with a wide range of partners in both the public and private sectors. We're keen to hear from other potential collaborators.
A strong track record of partnering with industry
We offer expertise in a broad range of rare conditions, spanning the R&D pipeline.
We are in partnership with the Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust. Through this we provide dedicated local and national clinical services.
We currently work with over 30 industrial partners across the world. Our researchers have attracted over £10 million in private funding. This goes to a broad range of activities, including:
- disease characterisation
- biomarker discovery
- Next Generation Sequencing initiatives
- therapy development
- clinical trials
- repurposing of medicines
- funding educational and training events for patients and professionals
- conducting feasibility assessments for future trials based upon robust longitudinal registries
A leading role in case studies and treatment
- You can find a selection of case studies on industry interaction about Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products here
- The Northern Alliance Advanced Therapy Treatment Centre (NA-ATTC) is dedicated to gene and cell therapies. You can read more about Newcastle's leading role in it here
- We have a dedicated Newcastle NIHR Clinical Research Facility. Between 2019 and 2020, this accommodated 90+ early phase studies in rare disease. For a list of recent studies, see here

For more information on our Centre and our work in rare disease, please see our brochure. You can also explore the 'Our Disease Expertise' and 'Our Research' pages.
To discuss collaborative opportunities, or to learn more about our work, please email