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Get Ahead: Our Year 12 Event

Get ahead on your journey to university with Newcastle University's Year 12 event. Take part either online or in person.

Develop your study skills and experience an academic taster session

Visit us on-campus on 12 April 2024:

  • meet current students
  • go on a campus tour
  • take part in an academic skills session
  • attend a subject taster session

Join us online via Zoom on 15, 16, and 17 April. Each 1-hour evening session is a new opportunity to:

  • learn new skills
  • find out more information about the university
  • ask questions
  • see our campus
On-campus event

Friday 12 April 2024

9:30-10:00 - Arrival and registration

Register your attendance, grab a tea of coffee and chat to some current students.

10:00-10:15 - Welcome talk

Eve, a recent graduate, will give a brief introduction to the day.

10:15-11:30 - Academic skills session

Learn some vital skills to help with revision, focus, and memory. We aim to give the tools to help you through your exams, and into University.

11:30-12:30: Academic taster session

Attend an academic taster session. This will be led by lecturers from Newcastle University, and will give you an introduction to university learning. It is also a chance to use the skills you learnt in the morning.

We will allocate you an academic taster session based on your preferences, which you highlighted on your application form.

12:30- 13:30: Networking lunch

During a provided lunch buffet, talk to staff from around the University. Ask questions to people from accommodation, sport, societies, PARTNERS and more.

13:30-14:30: Feedback session

In groups facilitated by our current students, talk about your academic taster session and how the academic skills you learnt helped.

14:30 - 15:30: Optional campus tour

At this point you can either say goodbye or attend an optional campus tour led by current students.

Virtual one-hour sessions

You can attend up to 1,2 or 3 sessions:

Monday 15 April 2024 17:00-18:00: Student panel

Meet some current students, and ask them your questions. This is your chance to hear about student life. You can find out what it's like to study at Newcastle University from those currently doing it. There will be students from a variety of subjects and backgrounds to answer your queries.

Tuesday 16 April 2024 17:00-18:00: Academic skills session

Eve, a recent graduate, will introduce some academic skills. These include note taking, revision, and tips for focus. This session aims to provide you with the tools to succeed in your exams. It also aims to help you transition to university.

Wednesday 17 April 2024 17:00-18:00: Campus tour

Meet current students as they Zoom in from around campus. Have the chance to see our facilities, buildings, and locations around Newcastle, live.

Event impact

Get Ahead aims to support the development of student study skills. It also allows you to experience undergraduate-level teaching in university facilities.

Key results from Get Ahead 2023 include:

  • 76% of attendees felt confident in their academic note-taking skills after attending the event, an increase of over 20%.
  • 78% of attendees agreed with the following statement after taking part: 'I have the information, help and guidance I need to make a successful transition to higher education.'
  • 95% of attendees agreed with the following statement after taking part: 'I understand how my own skills and current studies could be applied to a university subject area or course.'

I found the sessions very useful to understand the difference between school and university.

Get Ahead 2023 attendee

Really opened my eyes up to university life and type of study and fuelled my passion for my desired course.

Get Ahead 2023 attendee

Very interesting and prepared me for uni life.

Get Ahead 2023 attendee

A great day, well organised.

Get Ahead 2023 attendee

It's an excellent use of time, shows you what university will be like.

Get Ahead 2023 attendee

Interesting and insightful.

Get Ahead 2023 attendee

Great interactivity, good amount of content covered.

Get Ahead 2023 attendee

Register now

You will receive confirmation of your attendance at Get Ahead in the week commencing 25 March 2024.

Before you register to attend Get Ahead, consider what is listed below:

  • Get Ahead is completely free and open to all Year 12 and first year college students
  • if the on-campus event becomes oversubscribed, we may have to assess individual registrations
  • we will allocate places on Get Ahead using our PARTNERS programme criteria

Please register your attendance at Get Ahead using the link below.