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Systemic Ethics, Responsibility, and Sustainability (SERS)

We partner with academic institutions worldwide to address global systemic problems through education and research. This forms our SERS International Network.

A global network

The SERS International Network facilitates partnerships between academic groups and institutions. We work with each other across continents to develop education, research and engagement with Ethics, Responsibility, and Sustainability (ERS).

Our operating principles are:

  • open consultation
  • participation
  • reciprocity
  • responsible ownership
  • support for diversity of ideas
Person in business attire holding a green globe of the Earth made of grass

We foster partnerships in education and research collaboration. We also assist and promote staff and student mentoring.

Our Network facilitates international learning experiences for our Members’ students. This takes place through both intra- and extra-curricular activities.

We engage with a range of institutions to achieve our objectives. These include:

  • international networks
  • industry bodies
  • community organisations
  • professional and government agencies

Committed to global initiatives

The SERS International Network is committed to advancing education and research that promotes the following global initiatives:


An active community

Throughout the year, the SERS Network runs a range of activities for students, staff and Network members.

Network activities

Contributions to Global ERS Events

Network Members collaborate to deliver invited keynote presentations and other ERS research and education content as part of high-profile global events in the field. 

Global Student Case Competitions

Students from Network Member institutions seek to develop the best solution to a business or education-related case study within an allocated time frame. Cross-institutional teams assess a real-world situation facing a partner industry organisation, analyse available information, craft a solution, and defend their recommendations to competition judges.

Network Research Webinars

Academic staff at Network Member institutions share their SERS expertise, provide feedback on Network colleagues’ work-in-progress, and facilitate research mentoring of junior researchers and postgraduate research students.

Past network activities

Find out about our recent sessions and view recordings of our online Forums.

2023 Tri-University Annual Conference

Newcastle University Business School shone at the Tri-University Annual Conference in Xiamen, highlighting sustainable society research and international collaboration.

Sustainability in Fast Fashion: What is the role of the consumer?

Our panellist discussion explored the devastating impact the Fast Fashion industry has on our environment, the alternatives available and the role we as consumers play in limiting those impacts.

Transitioning to sustainable energy: what is the role of corporations? An academic and corporate practitioner discussion

The focus of this panel discussion was on the global transition to more sustainable energy resources and the role that corporations play in this transition.

NGO activism towards social sustainability in restrictive institutional contexts

Prof Natalia Yakovleva, Professor of Strategy at KEDGE Business School, France, delivered this virtual guest lecture.

The role of banks in tackling climate change: A practitioner-scholar perspective

Wendy Dobson, Head of Group Corporate Citizenship at Standard Bank Group (South Africa), joined us for an online talk.

Whistleblowing webinar

This webinar brought together academics from three schools to discuss pressing issues in whistleblowing research and share knowledge and research ideas.

The Purpose Ecosystem: innovative private sector agency addressing the sustainable development goals?

Our first research webinar welcomed Associate Professor Wendy Stubbs (Monash School of Social Sciences) who presented on ‘The Purpose Ecosystem'.

MBA International Case Competition 2021

MBA students from three international business schools collaborated in a challenging case competition, led by industry partner Kaefer Ltd.

Racial justice and social theory

The second webinar in the 2021 Series of Racial Justice at the Intersection of Business and Society.