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Get involved

You can continue to be involved with Newcastle University Business School by joining our volunteering programme.

Alumni supporters

There are loads of great reasons to volunteer.

Getting involved is an excellent opportunity to raise your profile and make business connections. These will benefit your personal and professional life.

With your help, we can continue to build a world-class business school.

How you can volunteer

You have invaluable experiences that our students and fellow alumni can learn from. Our alumni community volunteer in many ways to support our students and you can too.

Giving to Newcastle

We have many ways in which you can contribute financially to the life and well-being of the Business School. We'd welcome a discussion with you, should you be in a position to help.

Find out more about how you can donate

Submit a profile

An excellent way of inspiring our students is for you to share your journey with them. Through your profile, you can give our students a real-life account of what they can achieve.

Email us and express your interest.

Join us online

Stay connected with us and the University through our dedicated alumni groups on social media. Follow us on:

Become a guest speaker or panellist

The student experience is one of our highest priorities. We are always looking to enhance our students' learning. The real commercial experience from our alumni helps us do that.

Guest speaking is a way for you to add value and provide insights that inspire the business leaders of tomorrow.

Support our student recruitment

In a highly competitive environment, selecting the right Business School is not an easy process. As a member of the alumni network, you can provide valuable advice and your perspective on what it's like to study here.

This will help new students make an informed decision when choosing to study with us.

Become a mentor

Our students face a series of challenges during their studies and when they join the workplace. As a mentor, you'll share your knowledge and provide guidance and support. You will offer advice on issues and challenges such as:

  • finding research
  • writing reports
  • running a business
  • giving presentations

Whatever you provide advice for, it will be based on your own professional experiences, and it will be invaluable to our students.

Become an alumni ambassador

Support alumni activity in your country by joining one of our networks. If you are looking for an active role working with fellow alumni and the School Alumni Relations team to develop the network in your area, you can join one of our global networks.