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For Business

Collaborate with peers and business experts in our hub of research excellence. We take our theoretical expertise and apply it to your real-world business challenges.

We work together with you and your business to provide expert support. We find solutions to real-world business challenges.

These include the increasing pace of technological change, and the challenges of big data.

MBA Corporate Consultancy

Each year, our MBA students work with a range of organisations on Corporate Consultancy Projects. They investigate strategic real-world business challenges and explore new opportunities.

Whether you're looking for fresh insights into a complex problem, or wanting to explore a new business opportunity, our students are ready to make a significant impact.


An MBA student and business leader examining financial charts and data on a tablet and printed documents.

Knowledge Transfer Partnership

A Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) is a collaborative three-way partnership between a university, a business, and a graduate (known as the Associate) that benefits everyone involved.

KTPs help businesses like yours innovate and grow by utilising expertise that you may not have available in-house.  A KTP can boost your business' performance by making you more competitive and productive.

The Associate is employed by us but works at your business premises which can be anywhere in the UK. The Associate will work on an innovative, strategic project for your business throughout the duration of the KTP.  To participate, Associates are not required to be graduates of Newcastle University.

Depending on the project and your business needs, a KTP usually lasts between one and three years. Government funding supports the scheme. Your contribution depends on the size of your business and the scale and duration of the project.

Collaborative research consultancy

We can work in collaboration with you on projects that are of a mutual interest to you and us. It’s an opportunity to share knowledge and experience by giving you direct access to our team of thought leaders.

Our research is of the highest academic quality. With more than 100 academic and research staff, our research takes on many different forms. It can be subject-specific or interdisciplinary, and is capable of influencing policy and practice.

Our networks, with strong links to practice, mean we are well-positioned to work with any organisation across the globe.

Supporting small and microenterprises

Captured is an internationally recognised leadership development programme. We deliver this free of charge to small and micro-enterprises in the North East of England employing fewer than 20 staff.

Captured enables owners of eligible enterprises to develop their management and leadership skills. The programme includes four half-day workshops over two months. Each Captured cohort contains up to eight business owners.

We pair each business owner with an experienced manager from one of the region’s larger businesses. That figure offers objective advice and a fresh perspective.

Find out how you can get involved here.

Recruit our graduates

You may want to hire for a fixed term contract or are looking for something more permanent. Our talented graduates could be perfect for your business. They are emerging business leaders who strive for excellence and are ready for the future of work.

They’ll bring fresh thinking to your organisation. They offer subject level expertise and transferable skills in:

  • cultural awareness
  • communication
  • commercial acumen
  • teamwork
  • problem solving
  • leadership and organisation

This is all nurtured through our Employability Programme.

Get in touch with our Graduate Recruitment Consultant to find out how we can support your recruitment campaigns.

Raise your profile with our students

There are a range of opportunities for to you to raise your profile among our network of high calibre students and graduates.

Publicise vacancies

We can advertise your vacancies and events to our students and alumni – at no cost to you. We post these on our Vacancies Online platform.

Recruitment fairs

Our high-profile recruitment fairs increase your profile on campus. They also boost awareness of your organisation amongst our talented students.

Employer presentations

These events provide a great opportunity to raise the profile of your business or your career. You can also network with potential clients.

Through our career insights series, you can share your expertise in a specific field with a group of students.

Networking events

Share your knowledge and experience with our students on campus. This is a great opportunity for talent spotting, networking, knowledge sharing and brand awareness.

The KTP provided us with the research and expertise of Newcastle University Business School. The KTP will help with the change that the automotive aftersales market is experiencing right now.

Gavin Ruddick, Aftersales Director, Lookers plc