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For Education

Share your experience and help us to nurture the next generation of business leaders through real-world insight.

Our students offer fresh insight

Our students and graduates are emerging business leaders who strive for excellence and are ready for the future of work. Your real-world knowledge will help to give students a different perspective. This can change the way they think of business forever.

Student projects

Your business can benefit from our students' knowledge. You'll get fresh insight of the latest business thinking through a one-off project. They'll offer recommendations on strategic business issues, helping you to achieve your objectives.

Our students' experience varies, depending on their level of study.

MBA students

Our Master of Business Administration (MBA) students learn all aspects of business including finance and marketing. There is also a focus on application in a business context.

They hold at least an undergraduate degree or have extensive business experience.

They will have 3-10 years of business experience and have worked at management or strategic level.

Master's students

Our master's students study one primary subject from:

  • accounting and finance
  • economics
  • human resources
  • operations management
  • marketing

They have often completed up to three years after their first degree, and others may have some first-hand business experience.

Undergraduate students

Our undergraduate students study one primary subject from:

  • accounting and finance
  • economics
  • business management
  • marketing

Joint honours degree students will pick two primary subjects. They are often educated to A Level standard or equivalent with little prior business experience.


Gain from our students' current knowledge and enthusiasm. They will give your organisation fresh perspective and ideas. Our students experience the highest quality of teaching. This means our graduates are sought after by a wide range of global employers.

Hiring our students for a 12-month placement, your business can can enjoy:

  • fresh thinking to help give you a competitive advantage
  • up-to-date knowledge to support your business objectives
  • creative and enthusiastic talent to support your team
  • access to a future talent pool
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We give undergraduate students the option to undertake a 12-month, paid business placement. This occurs between their second and final year of study.

This opportunity can be beneficial to both our students and your organisation. Many go on to work for their placement companies post-graduation, too.

Our Student Experience Team will work with you on the job description, advert, and person specification. They'll be on-hand to offer support and guidance to you and our student throughout the duration of the placement.


An internship is a great way to reinvigorate your business. It can offer a host of benefits, such as adding new ideas and bringing energy and new knowledge to your workplace.

Some of the businesses we work with have a regional base here in the North East, while others operate in other countries.

Either way, you could offer our students the opportunity to work on a project, developed by you, to help find solutions for your business.

Bridges Internships

Our Bridges internship programme supports small local independent organisations. It enables them to engage with our students and work with them on a business challenge.

Find out more on our the 

Herbert Loebl Export Academy Internship

This internship was created with the aim of leaving a lasting legacy to North East-based SMEs. It provides resources to help the business community take products and services to a global market.

Find out more on the 

We’ve hosted MBA seminars at Lloyds Banking Group for several years as part of the Business Awareness Experience. They bring real business issues to the MBA group for insight and understanding.

Richard Hill, Head of Outsourced Operations Oversight, Lloyds Banking Group

Share your expertise

From visiting the School to deliver a guest lecture or providing a case study on a recent success, there are so many ways you can inspire our students. Here’s an overview of how you can share your knowledge and expertise:

Guest lecture or panel discussion

Guest lectures, being part of a panel or leading an event as a keynote speaker are great ways to impart your knowledge and refine your thinking. It can also show our students how our theory works in practice.

Many of our speakers are experts and business leaders in their field. They offer fresh thinking and insight across a range of industries and disciplines.


These interactive sessions help our postgraduate and MBA students. They offer the opportunity to gain further insight on topical business issues.

The sessions conclude with a Q&A session where you can expect difficult, but insightful, questions.

Insight visit

Your organisation could play host to our students and provide a real insight to company life.

We seek businesses to host intensive workshops, insight visits and challenges. This aids our students in developing their core business skills.

It also teaches them how to devise practical solutions to real-time challenges and key strategic issues.

Case study

Has your business had a great success or an unfortunate failure? Our students can learn so much from your experiences.

We use business case studies in our teaching to outline business issues and goals. We discuss examples to achieve or overcome these and share what the outcome was.


Let us know if you have a good story to tell.

There is nothing more inspirational for a student to see someone who was once where they were, succeeding in something they want to do.