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Undergraduate student life

We want you settle into university life, create memories, develop your employability skills and enjoy your time here.

Life-changing experiences

Student life at Newcastle is about so much more than a fantastic education. You’ll meet people from around the world and forge lasting friendships.

You'll seek out life-changing experiences and create memories that will be with you for life. We'll provide you with opportunities and tools to equip you with the skills you need while your time with us.

We help you to understand the future of work and leading on leadership.

Our Business School Careers Consultants and the Placement and Study Abroad Team are available to support you. They can help you to identify and apply for other opportunities.


Throughout your time at the Business School, you’ll have access to our Careers Consultants and other experts.

They're all dedicated to supporting your career journey.

Our Careers Consultants can offer you tailored advice on CVs, job applications and interviews.

You’ll also have access to the University’s award-winning Careers Service.

You can access this support while you're studying, and for up to three years after you have graduated.

Our dedicated Placement and Study Abroad Team are available to help you to enhance your degree. They can support you with:

  • work placements
  • study abroad
  • shorter mobility options including summer schools and internships

We've recently created an employability hub. This is a dedicated space where you can find information about the latest job opportunities and upcoming careers events.

You can also gain one-to-one advice from our Placement and Study Abroad Team and our Careers Consultants. They identify opportunities to help our students to become leaders of the future. They also look at ways to broaden our offering.

Future Focus Careers Conference

Our flagship employability event is our Future Focus Conference. This conference has a day dedicated to students on each stage of their programme. This allows us to address specific needs.

Many of the speakers are alumni of the Business School. We invited them back to share personal journeys about their career paths since graduation.

Previous events have featured sector-based sessions too. They will help you understand where you might like to work in the future.

There are also a variety of workshops on topics such as:

  • mock interviews
  • LinkedIn profiles
  • understanding what employers are looking for
LinkedIn learning

We're dedicated to your personal and professional development. We offer all our students free access to thousands of online courses with LinkedIn Learning.

LinkedIn Learning offers a personalised experience. It recommends courses to you based on your skills, interests, and career aspirations. You can share the courses you complete with potential employers.

You can also discuss the courses you have completed in interviews and on applications and add them to your LinkedIn profile.

Jobs On Campus

The University offers you the opportunity to work on campus (JobsOC) in a variety of different roles. These can be temporary part-time positions or longer-term internships. The benefits include:

  • flexible working hours to fit around your studies
  • developing graduate skills including communication, teamwork and planning
  • using your work with JobsOC to work towards the ncl+ award

For more information visit the Careers Service website.


We encourage all our students to take part in Volunteering activities. You can provide support by identifying suitable projects. You would also prepare students on how to make an impact on the organisation they will be spending time with.

We provide support for students to get recognition for their contribution by applying for the ncl+ award.

Enhance your degree

Studying or working overseas, undertaking a placement, or doing an internship boosts employability.

It helps you stand out in the job market and develop a range of skills which employers are looking for.

No matter what you choose to do, these opportunities will give you an unforgettable experience that will stay with you for the rest of your life.

You can find out more information, and book one-to-one sessions with the Placement and Study Abroad Team at our Employability Hub.


A placement year in the UK or further afield will provide you with the opportunity to gain real-life business experience. You can put the theory learned during the first two years of your degree into practice.

Completing a placement is a great way to enhance your employability. It allows you to stand out in a competitive graduate market.

Our students often return from placement with a much clearer idea of what they want to do upon graduating.

94% of Newcastle University Business School students who completed a placement and graduated in 2019 achieved a 1st or 2.1.

A placement year will also allow you to:

  • earn a salary develop industry-specific skills and knowledge
  • increase commercial acumen and occupational awareness
  • network with potential employers
  • return to your final year more mature and determined


Study abroad

Gain a global perspective

Studying abroad can be a once in a lifetime opportunity. It provides you with the chance to:

  • travel
  • discover new cultures
  • meet new people
  • enhance your global perspective

Spending a year studying abroad helps you learn more about yourself. You'll get to study at one of our prestigious partner universities. You will also be able to deepen your academic learning and develop skills, setting you apart from other graduates.

Enhance your skills

Study abroad offers you a unique opportunity to see the world whilst enhancing your degree knowledge. This will allow you to:

  • build international networks
  • improve your language skills
  • increase confidence in working on an international scale
  • increase cultural awareness
  • gain valuable life skills not taught in the lecture theatre
Summer Schools

Summer Schools are an opportunity for you to do a short study placement. They last from two to four weeks, either in person or online.

Summer Schools provide an opportunity for you to meet other students and create an international network of friends. Participants come from all over the world and have different cultural and academic backgrounds. 

The Business School may be able to offer some summer school places with a tuition fee waiver on physical Summer School programmes. – you would only need to pay for your travel, accommodation and subsistence. The opportunities available vary from year to year. 

There are also self-funded opportunities at many universities throughout the world. This includes a range of European countries and further afield.

Global competitions

If you’re looking for a challenge, take part in a global competition. Show your skills and knowledge in a subject area and it could be your passport to global experience.

Working on a global business competition will see you work across time zones and continents. You'll work with students from some of our world-class international partner universities.

Gain an insight into what it’s like to work in a virtual team, something many global employers will need you to do daily.

Wellbeing and Student Support

Our Student Health and Wellbeing Services support students. They work with local and national organisations.

This maximises their academic potential and helps them gain the most from their time here at Newcastle.

Our in-house wellbeing support service enables you to book direct appointments with a trained counsellor or mental health adviser.

You can book regular appointments, or attend a virtual drop-in session.

Support choices for you

We also run several themed sessions during term time. They allow you to meet staff from support services across the University and find out how they can support your studies.

You can also access central support via the University’s Student Health & Wellbeing service, which you can access via King’s Gate. 

We also provide you with access to help and guidance on how to study most effectively during your time here. This includes help in areas such as mathematics, academic writing and language. 

Student Voice

We seek feedback from our students to identify areas which we can develop to meet your needs. Although it is not always possible to implement every suggestion, your feedback is very important to us and we respond whenever we can.

An example of this includes the commissioning of digital skills sessions. It enabled our students to learn about areas including Google Analytics and WordPress. 

Academic Representatives are students who represent your academic interests. They work with University staff to create positive change for our student community.