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Case study: Co-creating inclusive educational spaces in an urban school

A secondary school in Portugal ( students aged 10-15 years) uses the Survey on Students' School Spaces tool to explore their students' views and feelings about their current school environment. (This case study is written in: English/Português)

The co-creation of inclusive educational spaces in a school of consolidated urban space

Eugénio de Castro School in Portugal (students aged 10-15 years) used the Survey on Students' School Spaces tool to explore their students uses and feelings about their current school environment, and to capture their ideas for future refurbishment. The survey was undertaken by two classes (7th and 9th Grade). To find out more download the full case study below.

Co-criação de espaços educativos inclusivos numa escola de espaço urbano consolidado

A Escola Eugénio de Castro em Portugal (com alunos com idades entre 10-15 anos) usou a ferramenta Survey on Students' School Spaces para explorar os usos e sentimentos dos alunos relativamente aos seus atuais ambientes educativos e para desenvolver sugestões para futura reabilitação dos espaços. O questionário foi respondido por duas turmas (7º e 9º ano). Descarregue o caso de estudo abaixo para ler todos os detalhes.