Materials Science and Engineering
Materials science research covers a wide range of fields, and is fundamental in the development of new devices, solutions, or products.
What is materials science?
To make anything, you need the right materials.
At its simplest, materials science analyses what materials are made of, why they behave the way they do, and how we can use this knowledge to address global challenges by creating new products or devices.
These devices can solve issues within all manner of fields, from the environment and climate change, to healthcare and aerospace transport.
How we work
We employ an interdisciplinary approach to building new materials, incorporating the methodologies of:
- physics
- chemistry
- chemical engineering
- mechanical engineering
Our innovations have made great waves, from our development of new membranes for more efficient conversion of carbon dioxide, to investigating how ions move through solids so we can create more efficient batteries.
Materials research is fundamental to all science and engineering disciplines. To find out more about the things we do, explore our site further or, alternatively, you can find all the latest research stories on our blog.