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Digital Innovation

Decarbonisation, decentralisation, digitisation, and democratisation.

The transition to a low-carbon energy system will be enabled by the four Ds:

  • decarbonisation
  • decentralisation
  • digitisation
  • democratisation

The resulting energy infrastructure will be a complex cyber-physical system. It will depend significantly on information and communication networks.

Smart home devices enabled by the internet of things will be used to help engage customers and balance supply and demand.

This will lead to more decentralised solutions, which could include concepts like local energy markets.

This presents several challenges including:

  • the amount of data generated by these systems
  • the number of complex control actions available
  • potential vulnerability to cyber-attacks

These aspects, particularly those around cyber-security, are crucial to ensuring the resilience of future smart energy systems.

Digital innovation

Newcastle University cyber-physical lab