Staff Profile
Professor Tim Townshend
Professor of Urban Design for Health
- Address: School of Architecture, Planning & Landscape
Claremont Tower
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tim Townshend is Professor of Urban
Design for Health and leader of the Global Urban Research Unit (GURU) 'Urban Design and Human Flourishing" theme in the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape;
Tim has established a national/international profile in interdisciplinary health/built environment work through a steady output of publications that has crossed disciplinary divides. His work has been cited over 2500 times (as at Sept '17). Of particular note was the 2010 co-edited volume ‘Obesogenic Environments’ attracted contributions from Australia, USA, New Zealand and the Netherlands, establishing an international context for Tim's work. His contribution to this volume made the case for interdisciplinary approaches to tackle contemporary health issues such as obesity. This is now widely accepted in the fields of public health and urban planning as evidenced by the growing number of interdisciplinary events in recent years. In 2013 the joint congress of the American Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) and Association of European Schools of Planning established a health track for the first time, for which Tim was the first track chair. In 2014 the major epidemiological conference the International Conference on Urban Health (ICUH) had its initial urban planning track, at which Tim was a keynote speaker.
In the recent past Tim's research has moved beyond obesity to embrace other health and wellbeing issues, for example the development of the "Toxic High Street" concept -
Tim is a regular reviewer for journals from both urban planning and health and funding bodies.
Tim's work always attempts to maximise its impact and as such is always policy relevant. He has been a consultant on a series of national reports and policy documents and sits on a number of external committees and panels.
In 2014 his co-authored paper 'Obesogenic environments:exploring the built and food environments' - was the most downloaded article in Perspectives in Public Health - he received an award from the Royal Society of Public Health in January 2016 in recognition.
Professional Memberships:
Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts
Google Scholar: Click here.
Research Interests
Urban design; public space; and in particular links between the design of the built environment, health and well-being
Postgraduate Supervision
Tim Townshend currently has 5 PhD students
Undergraduate Teaching
TCP1018 Design Awareness and Communication
TCP3024 Urban Design Option
Postgraduate Teaching
TCP8091 Principles and Practice of Urban Design
TCP8912 Urban Design and Conservation Project
ARC8045 Urban Design Project 1
ARC8063 Urban Design Project 2
ARC8065 European Study Visit
- Moore HJ, Lake AA, O'Malley CL, Bradford C, Gray N, Chang M, Matthews C, Townshend TG. The impact of COVID-19 on the hot food takeaway planning regulatory environment: perspectives of local authority professionals in the North East of England. Perspectives in Public Health 2024, 144(1), 52-60.
- Moore H, O'Malley C, Lloyd S, Butler M, Eskandari F, Rose K, Townshend T, Brown H, Clarkson D. Measuring the association between the opening of a new multi-national restaurant with young people's eating behaviours. Appetite 2024. In Preparation.
- Gilroy R, Townshend T. Avoiding 'bungalow legs': active ageing and the built environment. Journal of Urban Design 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Bradford CPJ, O'Malley CL, Moore HJ, Gray N, Townshend TG, Chang M, Mathews C, Lake AA. 'Acceleration' of the food delivery marketplace: Perspectives of local authority professionals in the North-East of England on temporary COVID regulations. Nutrition Bulletin 2024, 49(2), 180-188.
- O'Malley C, Lake A, Moore H, Gray N, Bradford C, Petrokofsky C, Papadaki A, Spence S, Lloyd S, Chang M, Townshend T. Regulatory mechanisms to create healthier environments: planning appeals and hot food takeaways in England. Perspectives in Public Health 2023, 143(6), 313-323.
- O'Malley C, Lake A, Townshend TG, Moore H. Exploring the fast food and planning appeals system in England and Wales: Decisions made by the Planning Inspectorate (PINS). Perspectives in Public Health 2021, 141(5), 269-278.
- Jeffries JM, Gilroy R, Townshend TG. Challenging the visual: Learning from the mobility narratives of visually impaired persons. Journal of Urban Design 2020, 25(2), 254-274.
- Carmichael L, Townshend T, Lock K, Ogilvie F, Fischer T, Petrokofsky C, Sheppard A, Sweeting D. Urban planning as an enabler of public health: challenges and good practice in England following the 2012 planning and public health reforms. Land Use Policy 2019, 84, 154-162.
- Jun Q, Yuping D, Townshend T. Application and Development of Affordance Theory in Western Environmental Planning and Design. Urban Planning International 2019, 34(6), 100-114.
- Roe MH, Townshend T, Davies C, Ward Thompson C, Gulsrud NM, Qin Q. Urban National Parks or National Park Cities?. Town and Country Planning 2018, 87(7).
- Wilkie S, Townshend T, Thompson M, Ling J. The impact of built environment restructuring projects on adult health behaviours: A scoping review from a behaviour change perspective. Health and Place 2018, TBC. Submitted.
- Wilkie S, Townshend T, Thompson E, Ling J. Restructuring the built environment to change adult health behaviors: a scoping review integrated with behavior change frameworks. Cities and Health 2018, 2(2), 198-211.
- Sanil T, Townshend T. Hegemonic power relations in real practices of spatial planning: the case of Turkey. European Planning Studies 2018, 26(6), 1242-1268.
- Lake AA, Henderson E, Townshend TG. Exploring planners’ and public health practitioners’ views on addressing obesity: lessons from local government in England. Cities and Health 2018, 1(2), 185-193.
- Townshend TG. Toxic High Streets. Journal of Urban Design 2017, 22(2), 167-186.
- Townshend T, Lake A. Obesogenic Environments: current evidence of the built and food environments. Perspectives in Public Health 2017, 137(1), 38-44.
- Tyrrell RL, Townshend TG, Adamson AJ, Lake AA. I’m not trusted in the kitchen’: food environments and food behaviours of young people attending school and college. Journal of Public Health 2016, 38(2), 289-299.
- Gallo RG, Townshend TG, Lake AA. Exploring urban parks and their peripheral food environments using a case study approach: Young people and obesogenic environments. Urban Design International 2015, 20(1), 28-43.
- Setaih K, Hamza N, Mohammed M, Dudek S, Townshend T. CFD modeling as a tool for assessing outdoor thermal comfort conditions in urban settings in hot arid climates. Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITCon) 2014, 19, 248-269.
- Townshend TG. Youth, alcohol and place-based leisure behaviours: A study of two locations in England. Social Science and Medicine 2013, 91, 153-161.
- Roberts M, Townshed TG. Youth Drinking and the Decline of the English Pub: an issue for planning?. Planning Theory and Practice 2013, 14(4), 455-469.
- Lake AA, Townshend TG. Exploring the built environment, physical activity and related behaviours of young adults attending school, college and those not in employment. Journal of Public Health 2013, 35(1), 57-66.
- Townshend TG, Roberts M. Affordances, Young People, Parks and Alcohol Consumption. Journal of Urban Design 2013, 18(4), 494-516.
- Townshend TG, Lake AA. Relationships between ‘Wellness Centre’ use, the surrounding built environment and obesogenic behaviours, Sunderland, UK. Journal of Urban Design 2011, 16(3), 351-367.
- Townshend T, Lake AA. Obesogenic urban form: Theory, policy and practice. Health & Place 2009, 15(4), 909-916.
- Lake AA, Townshend T, Alvanides S, Stamp E, Adamson AJ. Diet, physical activity, sedentary behaviour and perceptions of the environment in young adults. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 2009, 22(5), 444-454.
- Townshend TG, Madanipour A. Public space and local diversity: The case of north east England. Journal of Urban Design 2008, 13(3), 317-328.
- Gilroy R, Pendlebury J, Townshend T. Making Better Places Through Heritage Designation? The Byker Estate, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. DOCOMOMO Journal 2008, 39, 59-63.
- Townshend T. Why aren't we building more sustainable residential neighbourhoods in the UK?. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 2007, 2(2), 222-238.
- Townshend T, Lake AA. Warning Sloburbia! Does where you live affect your waistline and your health?. Town and Country Planning 2007, 76(2), 62-63.
- Lake AA, Townshend T. Obesogenic environments: exploring the built and food environments. Journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health 2006, 126(6), 262-267.
- Townshend T. From inner city to inner suburb? Addressing housing aspirations in low demand areas in NewcastleGateshead, UK. Housing Studies 2006, 21(4), 501-521.
- Townshend T, Gilroy RC, Pendlebury JR. The conservation of English cultural built heritage: a force for social inclusion?. International Journal of Heritage Studies 2004, 10(1), 11-31.
- Pain R, Townshend T. A safer city centre for all? Senses of 'community safety' in Newcastle upon Tyne. Geoforum 2002, 33(1), 105-119.
- Townshend TG, Pendlebury J. The Conservation of Historic Areas and Public Participation. Journal of Architectural Conservation 1999, 5(2), 72-87.
- Townshend T, Pendlebury J. Public Participation in the Conservation of Historic Areas: Case-studies from North-east England. Journal of Urban Design 1999, 4(3), 313-331.
- Townshend TG. Safer City Centres: The Role of Public Lighting. Oc, T. & Tiesdell, S. Ed. Safer city Centres: Reviving the Public Realm, Paul Chapman Publishing, London, 119-129 1997.
Authored Books
- Cullingworth B, Davoudi S, Webb D, Vigar G, Pendlebury J, Townshend T, Gkartzios M, Hart T, Nadin V. Town and Country Planning in the UK. London: Routledge, 2024.
- Townshend T. Healthy Cities? Design for Well-being. London: Lund Humphries, 2022. In Preparation.
- Cullingworth B, Nadin V, Hart T, Davoudi S, Pendlebury J, Vigar G, Webb D, Townshend T. Town and Country Planning in the UK. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2015.
- Lake AA, Townshend TG, Alvanides S. Obesogenic Environments: Complexities, Perceptions and Objective Measures. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2013.
Book Chapters
- Abdul Aziz F, Speak S, Townshend T. Social implication of squatter relocation: The case of desa mentari. In: Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation. Springer Nature, 2020, pp.515-526.
- Townshend TG. Urban Parks for Human Health and Well-being. In: Moccia, FD; Sepe, M, ed. Retie einfrastrutture dei territori contemporanei. Rome, Italy: INU Edizioni, 2016.
- Townshend TG, Gallo R, Lake AA. Obesogenic Built Environment: Concepts and Complexities. In: Barton, H; Grant, M; Thompson, S; Burgess, S, ed. The Routledge Handbook of Planning for Health and Well-being. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2015.
- Townshend TG. Walkable Neighbourhoods: Principles, Measures and Health Impacts. In: Cooper, R; Burton, E; Cooper, CL, ed. Wellbeing: A Complete Reference Guide, Volume II, Wellbeing and the Environment. Oxford, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2014, pp.219-248.
- Townshend TG. Design and the Planning System. In: Cullingworth , B et al, ed. Town and Country Planning in the UK. London, UK: Routledge, 2014.
- Townshend TG, Ells L, Alvanides S, Lake AA. Towards Transdisciplinary Approaches to Tackle Obesity. In: Obesogenic Environments: Complexities, Perceptions and Objective Measures. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2013, pp.11-20.
- Alvanides S, Townshend TG, Lake AA. Obesogenic Environments: Challenges and Opportunities. In: Obesogenic Environments: Complexities, Perceptions and Objective Measures. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2013, pp.215-220.
- Townshend TG. What role can urban planning and transportation policy play in the prevention of obesity?. In: Crawford, D; Jeffery, RW.; Ball, K; Brug, J, ed. Obesity Epidemiology: from aetiology to public health. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.
- Alvanides S, Townshend TG, Lake AA. Obesogenic environments: challenges and opportunities. In: Lake, AA; Townshend, TG; Alvanides, S, ed. Obesogenic Environments. London: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, pp.215-219.
- Pendlebury J, Townshend TG, Gilroy RC. Social Housing as Heritage: The Case of Byker, Newcastle upon Tyne. In: Gibson L; Pendlebury J, ed. Valuing Historic Environments. Farnham: Ashgate, 2009, pp.179-200.
- Townshend T, Lake AA. Sustainable and Healthy Urban Form: linking well-being, obesity and the built environment. In: Babalis D, ed. Ecopolis: Conceptualising and Defining Sustainable Design. Florence: Alinea, 2007.
- Larkham P, Pendlebury J, Townshend T. Public Involvement in Residential Conservation Planning: Values Attitudes and Future Directions. In: Rydin, Y., Thornley, T, ed. Planning in the UK: Agendas for the New Millennium. Ashgate: Aldershot, 2002, pp.237-256.
- Townshend T, Madanipour A. Urban design in the planning system. In: Greed, C; Roberts, M, ed. Approaching Urban Design: The Design Process. Harlow: Longman Pearson Education, 2001, pp.132-40.
- Townshend TG. But Would You Live Here? Researching attitudes towards Newcastle upon Tyne's urban area. In: Benson, J.F. & Roe, M.H, ed. Urban Lifestyles: Spaces, Places, People. Rotterdam, Brookfield: A.A. Balkema, 2000, pp.221-228.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Setaih K, Mohammed A, Hamza N, Dudek S, Townshend T. Crafting and Assessing Urban Environments Using Computational Fluid Dynamics. In: Digital Crafting, the 7th International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD). 2014, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: Department of Architecture, Effat University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- Setaih K, Hamza N, Townsend T. Use of CFD Simulation in Urban Design for Outdoor Thermal Comfort in Hot and Dry Climates: A Review. In: 11th International Postgraduate Research Conference (IPGRC 2013). 2013, Manchester, UK: School of Built Environment, University of Salford.
- Setaih K, Hamza N, Townshend T. CFD Simulation for Outdoor Thermal Comfort in Hot and Dry Climates. In: SB13 Dubai international conference. 2013, Dubai, UAE.
- Setaih K, Hamza N, Townshend T. Assessment of Outdoor Thermal Comfort in Urban Microclimate in Hot Arid Areas. In: Building Simulation 2013 (BS2013) : 13th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association. 2013, Chambéry, France.
- Lake AA, Brookes G, Townshend T, Adamson AJ. Diet, physical activity and the obesogenic environment: are they related?. In: Planning and designing healthy public outdoor spaces for young people in the 21st century. 2006, Bristol, UK.
- Townshend T. Transforming landscapes of abandonment: changing perception in low demand housing areas in Newcastle Gateshead, U.K. In: Sustainable Development and Planning. 2005, Bologna, Italy: WIT Press.
- Townshend T. But Would You Live Here? Researching attitudes towards Newcastle upon Tyne's urban area. In: Urban Lifestyles: Spaces, Places, People: Proceedings of an international conference on cities in the new millennium. 2000, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: A A Balkema.
Edited Book
- Lake AA, Townshend TG, Alvanides S, ed. Obesogenic Environments: complexities, perceptions and objective measures. London, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010.
- Townshend TG. Urban design and human flourishing. Journal of Urban Design 2020, 25(2), 181-185.
- Walsh CL. Editorial. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability 2020, 173(4), 161-162.
- Roberts M, Townshend TG. Urban design in an age of recession. Journal of Urban Design 2017, 22(2), 133-136.
- Townshend TG. Editorial. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Urban Design and Planning 2015, 168(4), 159-160.
- Townshend TG, Madani-Pour A, Roe MH. Public Space Vitality in the North East of England. 2006. Final Report.
- Townshend T, Alderson P. The sustainable housing challenge: a view from providers. Newcastle upon Tyne: Newcastle University, 2005. Electronic Working Documents.
- Townshend T. Hidden Shrinkage, Burgeoning Inequality and Opportunistic Urban Design. Journal of Urban Design 2019, 24(1), 75-77.
- Townshend T, Roe M, Davies C, Qin Q. National Park City: Salutogenic city?. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 2018, 217, 203-211.
- Townshend TG. Therapeutic Landscapes: An Evidence-based Approach to Designing Healing Gardens and Restorative Outdoor Spaces. Landscape Research 2015, 40(8), 1018-1019.