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Data Privacy and Protection in Healthcare

Data Privacy and Protection in Healthcare

We're not currently accepting applications for this program.

Dr Charles Morisset
Senior Lecturer in Security, School of Computing, Newcastle University

Dr Charles Morisset

Charles is a Senior Lecturer in Security in the School of Computing at Newcastle University. He is the degree programme director of MSc in Computer Security and Resilience, leads the undergraduate System and Network Security module, and also co-leads the postgraduate System Security Module. Charles also co-organised the Cyber Security: Safety at Home, Online, in Life online course that explores practical cyber security including privacy online, payment safety and security at home. His research interests include decision-making for security systems in general, and access control in particular as well as security and resilience of infrastructure systems.

This course will focus on the key provisions of GDPR that apply to health data as well as on the rights and obligations associated with the processing of health data. Further, the impact of GDPR on cyber security will also be analysed. The learners will be guided through exercises to understand the privacy challenges associated with some common problems such as data re-identification and de-anonymisation.

The course covers:

  1. Privacy & Data Protection in general: the basics
  2. What constitutes personal and special category data?
  3. The problem of re-identification/de-anonymisation
    • k-anonymity; suppression/generalisation (a bit about differential privacy)
  4. Key elements of the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR
  5. How does the GDPR relate to the DPA and what does it mean for the healthcare sector?
  6. Role of the Data Protection Officer
  7. Accountability, obligations, and transparency under GDPR
  8. National data opt-out
  9. Review of Caldicott principles to ensure safe and respectful handling of information
  10. What does GDPR mean for cyber security?
  11. Misuse of GDPR

New dates for this programme will be announced in Mid 2023

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