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Health Information Systems Interoperability

Introduction to Health Information System Interoperability

We're not currently accepting applications for this program.

Dr Dunmail Hodkinson
Chief Technology Officer, Black Pear Software Ltd

For health information to be useful and useable, it must be shared consistently and meaningfully between information systems.

This course will discuss the key terms associated with health information systems and its standards, which are integral to the functioning of information systems, playing a critical role in ensuring information exchange and interoperability.

The course will focus on the role and usage of interoperability standards within healthcare information systems and the organisations that create and maintain these standards.

The course covers:

  1. What is an interoperability standard?
  2. Basics of information systems architectures and language:
  3. Who creates standards?
  4. International standards organisations
    • Adapting international standards for local use
    • UK standards organisations
  5. What standards are in use?
    • International standards
    • National standards
  6. Further resources
  7. Summary
  8. Q&A

New dates for this session to be announced in Mid 2023

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