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Social Media Analysis for Social Geography

Project Dates: From February 2014 to May 2016

Project Leader: Prof. Paul Watson (PI)

Staff: Dr. Paolo Missier, Mike Coombes, Ranald Richardson, Darren Wilkinson

Sponsors: ESRC

The team is extending the current 'Tweet My Street' software tool to include connection analysis, to explore the use of modern statistical techniques to extract understanding from Twitter data, develop new case studies demonstrating the uses of the tool and bring their work together with a dissemination and training event. All tools generated by the project will be made freely available as open-source software.

Exploring the extent to which data derived from Twitter, can reveal more about spatial and temporal behaviours, and the meanings attached to these locally. This is being done with the longer-term vision to support the co-production and delivery of local services, effective complaint mechanisms and horizontal community support networks.