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Lotte Dijkstra and Intersectional Belonging

Lotte’s research looks at questions around intersectional belonging, psychological ownership and urban forest qualities.

Lotte's research is rooted in the knowledge that “we are more than just the sum of our parts”, and that we are “not either this or that”. As a researcher Lotte acknowledges that reality is complex, and she wants to explore this complexity in the context of her research.

Lotte’s current PhD project explores how a sense of intersectional belonging contributes to increasing equitable access to urban forest qualities, and gender is an important factor of that. Being at an early stage of her PhD journey, Lotte doesn’t know yet what role gender will play in her research, but she is eager to find out how much of a role gender plays for women who use public space.

Besides her PhD, Lotte is also an intern for the project ‘What is a Good City?' at Newcastle University Centre for Researching Cities. In terms of gender, Lotte and her colleagues want to find out what a good city is, according to whom and for whom. The internship is a great opportunity for Lotte as it is rooted in the same ideas and motivations as Lotte’s own research.

Watch the video (passocde: 'ISS') below to hear more about Lotte’s experience as an early-career researcher.

To read more about Lotte’s work and her PhD, you can check out her website Studio PLACES .

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences