Flow Cytometry Core Facility

Basic Analysers

Basic Analysers

All the fluorochromes listed in the tables have been validated to work on our instrumentation individually or as part of multi colour panels.

We have three basic analysers:

  • FACSCanto II
  • Accuri C6
  • Tali Image Based Cytometer

Read about them below.

Download more details about each analyser (PDF: 344 KB).


We have 4 identical FACSCanto II cytometers between our two sites. One is at the Centre for Life, two are at the Medical School and one is in the Cellular Therapies Unit.

These are dedicated for analysing cell populations generated for therapeutic purposes. 

All four instruments are configured in the same way with identical lasers and parameters.

All are three laser (Blue, Red, Violet) with eight colour capability.

Accuri C6

This small instrument has two lasers and a flexible configuration. It can detect a maximum of four parameters at any one time.

It can be set up as either a three blue one red configuration, or two blue two red configuration.

Ask a member of staff if you want to change the configuration before your experiments.

Tali Image Based Cytometer

This equipment is capable of taking accurate cell counts using a bright field image. It can detect both red and green fluorescence.

Read more information about the instrument and compatible dyes.