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Research Student Profiles

Find out more about our current postgraduate research students in the School of Modern Languages.

PhD Students
The Ludic Artificiality and the Distancing Effect of Louis Jouvet's Body in Cinema 
Influencing Governance in Xinjiang, Northwest China: How to utilise advocacy expertise to identify strategies and opportunities of change-making
The Role of the Negative Morpheme no/non in Old Spanish 
  Examining Change in Anglo Norman French Using Computational Methods 
  Examine the Role and Impact of Museums and Heritage Sites on Peacebuilding and Community Cohesion
Bienvenue re-viewed: Representing and reframing hospitality in contemporary French visual culture  
  Chinese Modernity and Gender re-constructed in Lin Yutang's transcreation work: A case study on Moments in Peking
  'Ballets that are dreams': How surrealism has influenced the Hollywood film musical 
Mu Xin and Chinese Aesthetic Modernity 
The Institutionalisation of Court Interpreting in China (1901-1949) 
Translating Feminism and (Re)constructing Female Images in China: A comparative analysis of the Chinese translations of Margaret Mitchell's Gone With The Wind 
Being a Woman and a Warrior in Modern China: Xie Bingying's Autobiographical Practices in the twentieth century
'Bilingual' Education for Uyghurs in Xinjiang: A 'Creeping' Linguicide
An Exploration of Metapoetry in Contemporary Chinese Poetry in the 1980s and 1990s
Memory, Intangible Heritage and Storytelling in the Second and Third Generation of the Southern Cone Dictatorships’ Diaspora
Expert Performers' Multisensory Integration during Speech-in-Speech Recognition and Adaptation to 'Noise' in Adverse Conditions
A Critical Discource Analysis of Gender Expression in the Translation of 'Hong Lou Meng'
Fan Subtitling of Lesbian Representation from English to Chinese in Anglophone Film and TV


MLitt Students
Twenty-first Century Neo-Noir in Chinese Narrative Context: Crime, Black Humour, Social Satire
  The Information Research Department's Destabilisation of João Goulart's Government (1961-1964)
The Potential for Benjaminian Internet Studies