Newcastle Magnetic Resonance Centre

Work With Us

Work With Us

Guide to accessing the Centre

The key steps involved in the initiation of a study, incorporation of Centre-specific information into applications for funding and ethical approval, and performance of the study are:

  1. Contact our CIVI Admin staff with your study expression of interest and a Costings Request form will be provided to you.
  2. Discuss your project plans with Dr David Cousins or Dr Pete Thelwall, if required.
  3. If your study is accepted, study costs will be finalised and relevant information provided to you for your ethics application; it is our policy that scanner safety information provided by our MR physics team is incorporated into applications for ethical approval.
  4. Submit your grant application and ethics application and notify the Centre of successful funding and ethical approval.
  5. Your study is registered with us once all approvals are in place.
  6. Schedule your study scans and attend MR safety training, if applicable.

 Details of the documents required to undertake scanning at the Centre can be found in Step in launching a study pdf