Staff Profile
Professor Andy Pike
Sir Henry Daysh Chair of Reg Dev Studies
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 8011
- Personal Website:
- Address: Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS)
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne
Roles and Responsibilities
- Director, Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS) (2012-2017)
- Visiting Professor, Department of Geography, National University of Singapore (2016)
- Co-Director, i-BUILD research centre (Infrastructure BUsiness models, valuation and Innovation for Local Delivery)(2013-18)
- Daxia (Great China) Guest Professor, East China Normal University, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China (2014-)
- Special Researcher, Institute of Spatial Planning and Regional Economy (ISPRE), National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), Beijing, People’s Republic of China (2014-)
- Advisory Board Member, ESRC, BIS and CLG What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth (2013-16)
- Editor, Regional Studies (2005-2014)
- Visiting Senior Research Fellow, History, International and Social Studies, Ålborg University, Denmark (2008-09)
- Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland (2008-09)
- External Examiner, MSc Urban and Regional Development, Cardiff University (2013-17)
- External Examiner, MSc Local Economic Development, London School of Economics (2008-13)
- Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Centro de Estudos Geográficos, University of Lisbon, Portugal (2003-)
- ESRC Virtual College Member
- Founding Degree Programme Director MA Local and Regional Development (Research) and MA Regional Development and Spatial Planning (2002-2013, 2018-)
- PhD Geography, University of Liverpool
- BA (Hons) Geography, University of Liverpool
Area of expertise
- Local, regional and urban development, policy and governance
Previous positions
- 2003-2009 Senior Lecturer, CURDS, Department of Geography, Newcastle University, UK
- 1995-2003 Lecturer, CURDS, Department of Geography, Newcastle University, UK
- 1993-95 Research Associate, CURDS, Department of Geography, Newcastle University, UK
- Member and Fellow of the Regional Studies Association
- IBG-RGS Economic Geography Research Group
- Institute of Economic Development
Honours and Awards
- Regional Studies Association Best Book Award 2012 (Handbook of Local and Regional Development edited with Andrés Rodríguez-Pose (LSE) and John Tomaney (UCL), Routledge: London)
- Regional Studies Association Best Book Award 2010 (Whither Regional Studies?, Routledge: London)
- Conferment as Academician of the UK Academy of Social Sciences (2009-)
- Best Published Paper Prize Nomination, Association of European Schools of Planning and US Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, 2007 (“What kind of local and regional development and for whom?” with Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and John Tomaney, Regional Studies)
Google scholar: Click here.
Research Interests
My central research interest is the geographical political economy of local, regional and urban development, governance and policy.
This core provides the basis for two main strands of work. First, this research is concerned with the concepts and theory of the meaning and governance of development regionally and locally in an international context. In particular, this work seeks to question and broaden our understandings of ‘development’ beyond the economic to encompass the social and ecological in more sustainable and progressive ways and to begin more meaningfully to connect development locally and regionally in the global North and South.
Second, this research focuses upon the intersections between local, regional and urban development and Economic Geography. This theme has been explored recently in work on: economic evolution, structural change and adaptation in British cities (ESRC); financialisation, the local state and infrastructure (EPSRC and ESRC); manufacturing renaissance in industrial regions and local industrial policy (ESRC); and, 'left behind places' and understanding demographic and socio-economic change in peripheral regions in France, Germany and the UK (ESRC ORA).
My research builds upon close policy and institutional engagement and has informed local, regional and urban development, governance and policy for international (e.g. European Commission, United Nations International-Labour Organisation (UN-ILO), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), national (e.g. Government Departments – Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy; Housing Communities and Local Government, National Audit Office, devolved administrations, Joseph Rowntree Foundation), regional (e.g. Local Enterprise Partnerships, Regional Development Agencies, trade unions, voluntary organisations) and local (e.g. Local Authorities, Development Agencies) institutions.
Recent Work
My recent work was focused on 3 areas of activity:
1.Financialisation, the local state and infrastructure
We published a book – Financialising City Statecraft and Infrastructure (2019, Elgar) – written by Andy Pike, Peter O’Brien, Tom Strickland, Graham Thrower and John Tomaney. Financialising City Statecraft and Infrastructure addresses the struggles of national and local states to fund, finance and govern urban infrastructure. It develops fresh thinking on financialisation and city statecraft to explain the socially and spatially uneven mixing of managerial, entrepreneurial and financialised city governance in austerity and limited decentralisation across England. As urban infrastructure fixes for the London global city-region risk undermining national ‘rebalancing’ efforts in the UK, city statecraft in the rest of the country is having uneasily to combine speculation, risk-taking and prospective venturing with co-ordination, planning and regulation. See The book was based upon work funded through the inter-disciplinary research centre i-BUILD (Infrastructure BUsiness models, valuation and Innovation for Local Delivery) involving the Universities of Birmingham and Leeds and funded by EPSRC and ESRC began in 2013. See:
2. Economic evolution, structural change and adaptation in British cities
Over the past few years, cities and city-regions have assumed growing prominence in discussions over economic growth and performance. Both geographers and economists point to the increasing concentration of economic activity and wealth creation in cities, and their crucial importance as the loci of national prosperity. National governments and international bodies have likewise recognised the key economic role that cities play, and have correspondingly directed attention to cities as the foci of policy intervention and governance reform. In the UK, interest in the economic performance of cities takes on particular importance given the Government's concern spatially to rebalance the economy between the less prosperous North and the more prosperous South. 'Powering up' northern cities to unlock their growth potential is seen as crucial to securing that political imperative. This project is intended to help inform these concerns and debates by focusing on how far and in what ways, over the medium to long term, cities have differed in their ability to reorientate and transform their economic structures in response to or anticipation of changes in demand, competition, trade, and technology, and how those differences have then influenced the comparative growth paths of cities. How far these divergent growth evolutions have been influenced by differences in structural transformation and reorientation was the basic focus of this research. Most of the analysis focused on the past forty years, since 1971, a period when, nationally, a major shift in the national economy has occurred from manufacturing to services. How the structural details of this shift have played out across Britain's cities, and with what consequences for city growth patterns, are key questions the research addressed. The project is led by Ron Martin (Cambridge University) and is funded by the ESRC Urban Transformations programme. See:
3. The governance of uneven development
This ongoing research focuses on the governance of uneven development. This work specifically examines the governance of economic development in England and has recently explored the shift away from regions, regionalisation and regionalism toward rebalancing, decentralisation and localism under the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition and now Conservative government in the UK. This research includes studies of the demise of the RDAs, the emergence of the LEPs and the Combined Authorities and metro-mayors in England. Future areas of work aim to focus on the austerity state and decentralisation and the impacts of Brexit. It has been undertaken in collaboration with David Marlow (Third Life Economics and CURDS), Anja McCarthy (CURDS), Peter O’Brien (CURDS) and John Tomaney (UCL). This work was part of my involvement in the Spatial Economics Research Centre (SERC) funded by ESRC, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (DBIS), and the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG). See
Current Research
1. Beyond 'left behind places': understanding demographic and socio-economic change in peripheral regions in France, Germany and the UK
The aim of the project is to develop a new understanding of socio-economic and demographic change in peripheral regions, going beyond the problematic label of ‘left behind’ places through in-depth investigation of their predicaments and prospects. Adopting a cross-national comparative approach, this aim translates into four objectives: i) To understand the distinctive circumstances and development pathways of peripheral regions, overcoming the tendency to subsume different kinds of places beneath the broad category of ‘left behind’; ii) To assess the relationships between the demographic dynamics of peripheral regions and people’s socio-economic, health and political outcomes, covering both population mobility and immobility to redress the existing research bias towards interregional mobility; iii) To examine the livelihood activities and practices of residents in peripheral regions, remedying the neglect of how ‘ordinary’ people deal with peripherality; iv) To identify new policy responses that combine conventional and alternative perspectives, addressing the limitations of prevailing city-centric approaches to regional inequality based upon agglomeration and positive spill-overs from larger cities. In summary, the project will move beyond the label of ‘left behind’ places to advance a more sophisticated cross-national understanding of the development pathways and prospects of peripheral regions. Adapting a process-oriented, context sensitive approach, the research will give agency and voice to people in peripheral regions and support the development of regionally-tailored policy responses. This project is led by Danny MacKinnon and funded by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR; France), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; Germany), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC; UK) as part of the Open Research Area (ORA) for the Social Sciences scheme. The project consortium includes partners in the United Kingdom (Newcastle University and University College London), France (Universities of Strasbourg and Montpellier) and Germany (Leibniz institute for Regional Geography, Leipzig).
2. Manufacturing renaissance in industrial regions and the potential of advanced manufacturing for sectoral and spatial rebalancing
The deep recession from 2008, and the persistent sectoral and spatial imbalances in the recovery, have provoked a political call for ‘rebalancing’ the economy. It is argued that rebuilding the country’s manufacturing base will not only help provide a more stable mode of economic growth, but promote a more even geographical distribution of growth. Strengthening manufacturing in the Midlands and North is integral to sectoral and spatial rebalancing. However, despite its centrality to aspirations for national and regional economic renewal and rebalancing, and the profound uncertainties surrounding manufacturing after the Brexit vote, there has been a lack of recent research into the evolution of manufacturing across Britain. Focusing on the advanced manufacturing industries seen as key to any industrial renewal, this proposal seeks to explain the determinants and geographies of their differential economic performance. It examines whether and how ‘traditional’ industrial regions provide a conducive context for their growth, and whether there are significant local, regional and urban dimensions to the causes of advanced manufacturing development. This project is examining the geographical, organisational and economic dynamics of four key manufacturing industries: electrical, computing and optical equipment; aerospace; pharmaceuticals; and motor vehicles. The project is led by Peter Sunley (Southampton) and is funded by the ESRC
3. Financialisation and the local state
Scrutinising accounts of risky and speculative activities, this project on ‘Financialisation and Local Statecraft in England: Councillors at the Casino?’ is developing a new theory of local statecraft to explain the differentiated financialisation of local government and its implications for local financial sustainability, development, wellbeing, and politics. Focusing on England as a public sector reform laboratory amidst austerity since 2010, it is examining how financialising is unevenly rewiring and rescaling the objectives, incentives and accountabilities of local statecraft and relocating risks and uncertainties onto local government and the local state.
4. 'Inclusive growth’ and ‘inclusive economies’ in cities
This research aims to explore the emergence of ‘inclusive growth’ and ‘inclusive economies’ and their utilisation and adaptation and urban development and policy. This research builds upon our report for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation Job Creation for Inclusive Growth in Cities – see
Research Roles
Editorial Advisory Board, Local Economy
Editorial Board, Finisterra - Portuguese Journal of Geography
International Editorial Advisory Board, Regional Studies
Postgraduate Supervision
Jaun Hwang (2023-, FT) ‘Co-evolutionary process between agencies and institutions toward regional path development’ (Self-funded, Joint supervision with Kean Fan Lim)
Yuhong Lei (2023-, FT) ‘Industrialization, institutionalization, and chinese state capitalism: regional path creations in china’s manufacturing’s trajectories’ (Self-funded, Joint supervision with Kean Fan Lim)
Jenni Boddy (2021-, FT) 'Brexit, COVID-19, and the rural British pub: assessing the adaptive resilience of the 'local' amidst contemporary crises' (ESRC NINE DTP studentship, Joint supervision with Alex Hughes and Mark Shucksmith)
Fatih Cure (2020-, FT) 'Decentralisation, populism and regional development' (Turkish Government studentship, Joint supervision with Danny MacKinnon)
Luke Green (2020-, FT) 'Financialisation, universities and urban development' (ESRC NINE DTP studentship, Joint supervision with Jane Pollard)
Jungsuk Woo (2020-, FT) 'The role of the state in industrialisation strategy: the influence of the state's involvement on industrial development in South Korea' (Self-funded studentship, Joint supervision with Kean Fan Lim)
Minjing Li (2019-, FT) 'Global production networks, the state and the media in China' (Self-funded, Joint supervision with Kean Fan Lim)
Ian Jones (2016-, FT) ‘Redundant spaces in cities and regions’ (iBUILD Studentship, Joint supervision with Richard Dawson (Civil Engineering) and Jane Gibbons (NUBS))
Laura Sariego (2015-29, FT) ‘Local institutions and local economic development in Latin America’ (Costa Rican Government Studentship, Joint supervision with Danny MacKinnon)(Now Lecturer, University of Costa Rica)
Graham Thrower (2014-18, FT) ‘Private investment and local infrastructure funding, financing and governance’ (iBUILD Studentship, Joint supervision with Jane Gibbons (NUBS) and Oliver Heidrich (Civil Engineering))(Now Head of Infrastructure and Investment, Urban Foresight)
Diana Morales (2014-18, FT) ‘Regional co-operation and development in Colombia and Germany’ (Colombian Government Studentship, joint supervision with Danny MacKinnon)(Now Research Associate, Karlstad University)
Liam Keenan (2013-17) ‘Financialisation and the decline of the local pub: An Anglo-German comparison’ (ESRC Collaborative Studentship, Joint supervision with Paul Langley (Durham), Neill Marshall, Jane Pollard and CAMRA)(Now Research Associate, Oxford University)
Fraser Bell (2012-15) ‘The reputation of place’ (ESRC Collaborative Studentship, Joint Supervision with Stuart Dawley, Ray Hudson (Durham) and Tina Snowball, NewcastleGateshead Initiative)(Now Research analyst, Arriva)
Matt Jenkins (2012-15) ‘The social construction of economic statistics’ (ESRC Collaborative Studentship, Joint supervision with Mike Coombes and Joe Painter (Durham))
Emile Boustani (2012-18, PT) ‘Variegated financialisation of global production networks in post-socialist contexts: the automobile supplier industry in Hungary and eastern Germany’ (Self-funding, joint supervision with Jane Pollard)(Now Financier, Soc Gen)
Emil Evenhuis (2011-14) 'The political economy of adaptation in old industrial regions' (ESRC Studentship, Joint supervision with Stuart Dawley and John Tomaney (UCL))(Now Researcher, PBA Netherlands)
Anja McCarthy (2011-17) 'The local state and economic development and regeneration' (ESRC Collaborative Studentship, Joint supervision with John Tomaney (UCL) and Newcastle City Council)(Now Research lead, National Centre for Innovation and Ageing)
Tom Strickland (2011-14) 'Financialising urban development? A UK-US comparison' (ESRC Collaborative Studentship, Joint supervision with Jane Pollard and Newcastle City Council)(Now Partner, Cameron Barney)
Rebecca Richardson (2010-14) 'Place branding for urban development?' (ESRC Collaborative Studentship, Joint Supervision with Anoop Nayak and Tina Snowball, NewcastleGateshead Initiative)(Now at Durham University)
Sophie Yarker (2010-14) 'Urban regeneration and the transformation of local identities' (ESRC Studentship, Joint Supervision with Robin Humphrey and John Tomaney (UCL)) (Now Research Fellow, Manchester University)
Ben Fisher (2009-2012) 'New industry path creation and evolution' (Joint Supervision with Stuart Dawley) (Now Business Development Manager, Northumbria University)
Cecilia Pasquinelli (2008-12) ‘Place Branding’ (Joint Supervision with Professor Nicola Bellini, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy)(PhD awarded 2012)(Now Post-doctoral Researcher, Department of Economic and Social Geography, Uppsala University, Sweden)
Xue Feng Wang (2008-09) ‘Cities and the Knowledge Economy in China’ (Chinese Government, Joint Supervision with John Tomaney) (PhD Awarded 2009) (Now Research Associate, CURDS)
Rosibel Víquez-Abarca (2008-11) ‘Universities and Regional Development in the Knowledge Economy’ (Costa Rican Government, Joint Supervision with Andy Gillespie and José Esteban Castro) (PhD awarded 2011) (Now Researcher, UNED, Costa Rica)
John Edwards (2007-11) ‘Social Capital and Territorial Development Institutions and Policy’ (ESRC Studentship, Joint Supervisor with John Tomaney) (PhD awarded 2011) (Now Post-doctoral Researcher, European Commission Joint Research Centre, Seville, Spain)
Michail Biniakos (2006-11) ‘Transition and New Regionalism in the Balkans’ (Greece National Government Studentship, Joint Supervisor with Alison Stenning and John Tomaney) (PhD awarded 2011) (Now Local Government Official, Greece)
Pedro Marques (2006-10) ‘Power and Territorial Innovation Systems’ (Portuguese National Government Studentship, Joint Supervisor with Andy Gillespie)(PhD awarded 2010)(Now Research Associate, Cardiff University)
Liz Dixon (2000-2004) ‘The Role of the Private Sector in Regional Development and Governance’ (ESRC CASE Studentship with EEF Northern Association; Jointly supervised with John Tomaney)(PhD awarded 2004)(Formerly Research Associate, CURDS)
Chris Potter (2000-2005) ‘Host Economies and Transnational Corporations’ (ESRC Competition Studentship)(PhD awarded 2005).
Peter O'Brien (1999-2004) ‘The Role of Trade Unions in Regional Development and Governance’ (ESRC CASE Studentship with Northern TUC; Jointly supervised with John Tomaney)(PhD awarded 2004)(Formerly Chief Executive, North East Local Enterprise Partnership and now Research Associate, CURDS)
Stuart Dawley (1998-2002) ‘High-tech Investment Cycles and Peripheral Region Development’ (ESRC CASE Studentship with North of England Microelectronics Institute; Jointly Supervised with David Charles)(PhD awarded 2002)(Now Senior Lecturer, CURDS)
Research Funding
2017-19 ESRC, ‘Manufacturing renaissance in industrial regions? Investigating the potential of advanced manufacturing for sectoral and spatial rebalancing’, (£500k, with PI Peter Sunley (Southampton))
2015-18 ESRC ‘Structural transformation, adaptability and city economic evolutions’, (£670k, with Ron Martin PI (Cambridge University))
2017 TUC, ‘Tees Valley economy review’ (£20k, with Peter O’Brien, Stuart Dawley and Lewis Evans)
2017 OECD, ‘SME and entrepreneurship policy review: Indonesia’, (£10k, PI)
2017 EU ESPON, ‘Territories and low carbon economy’, (£5k, with Simin Davoudi PI)
2017 Joseph Rowntree Foundation ‘Job creation for inclusive growth in cities’ (£40k, with Louise Kempton, Danny MacKinnon (CURDS) and Neil Lee and Yohan Iddewala (LSE))
2017-18 ESRC IAA, ‘Metro Mayors and decentralised governance in England’ (£10k, with Louise Kempton, Peter O’Brien and John Tomaney (UCL)
2015-17 EPSRC/ESRC Re-distributed Manufacturing Network ‘Building sustainable local nexuses of food, energy and water: from smart engineering to shared prosperity’, Co-I (£500k, with Aidong Yang, Oxford University)
2015-17 Newcastle University-Xiamen University Joint Research Initiative, ‘Adaptive Capacity, Resilience and Change: A Comparative Study of Local and Regional Development in Northern England and Fujian Province’, Co-I (£150k, with David Bradley, Stuart Dawley, Danny MacKinnon, Peter O’Brien and Xuefeng Wang)
2014-15 Joseph Rowntree Foundation, ‘Tacking Declining Cities in the UK’, PI (£90k, with David Bradley, Tony Champion, Mike Coombes, Danny MacKinnon and Liz Robson)
2013-16 What Works in Local Economic Growth Centre, ESRC Co-I (£3m)
2013-2017 i-BUILD (Infrastructure BUsiness models, valuation and Innovation for Local Delivery), EPSRC and ESRC, Co-I (£3.5m)
2012-13 Local Economic Recovery and Development Planning in Iraq, United Nations – International Labour Organisation, PI ($20k)
2012 SME and Entrepreneurship Issues and Policies at the National and Local Levels in Russia, OECD, PI (€5k)
2012 The Contribution of Manufacturing to UK Resilience, BIS and Government Office for Science PI (£10k)
2011-13 Spatial Economics Research Centre II, ESRC/BIS/WAG, PI and Co-I (£20k)
2012-13 BIS/NIESR, Regional Economic Analysis, Co-I (£48k)
2010 OECD, SME and Entrepreneurship Issues and Policies at the National and Local Levels in Mexico, PI (€5k)
2011 European Spatial Observatories Network (ESPON), Knowledge Support System Expert Sounding Board Member (5.5k€)
2010 Henan Development and Reform Commission, China, 'Spatial and Industrial Development', (Co-I with Professor John Tomaney and Dr Xuefeng Wang) (£150k)
2010 Communities and Local Government 'Decentralisation and public service provision' (Co-I with Professors Tomaney and Rodríguez-Pose and Drs Torrisi and Tselios) (£70k)
2009 OECD ‘Non-State Actors in Local Development Governance’ (PI with Professor John Tomaney and Drs Gianpiero Torrisi and Vassilis Tselios) (1.5k€)
2009-11 ESRC ‘Devolution and Economic Performance’ (Spatial Economics Research Centre Project 5b) (PI with Professors Ian Gordon, Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and John Tomaney) (£80k)
2008-09 British Academy ‘A ‘British’ Brand? The Case of Burberry’ (Principal Investigator) (£6.7k)
2008-2011 ESRC, Department of Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, Communities and Local Government and Welsh Assembly Government Spatial Economics Research Centre (Co-I with LSE, Glasgow, Oxford and Swansea) (£2.4m)
2008-2011 ONE North East ‘Integrated Regional Strategy Peer Assist’ (Co-I with Professor John Tomaney and Dr Nick Henry, GHK) (£190k)
2008-2010 The Northern Way ‘Research Programme Peer Assist’ (Co-I with Professor John Tomaney and Ranald Richardson) (£181k)
2008-09 ONE North East ‘Evaluation of the Impact and Policy Response to Restructuring at Northern Rock’ (Co-I with Professors Neill Marshall and John Tomaney, Drs Stuart Dawley and Jane Pollard and Regeneris Consulting) (£148k)
2008 South West Regional Development Agency ‘Assessment of Regional and Local Development over the Last 20 Years’ (Co-I with Professor John Tomaney and Dr Nick Henry, GHK) (£20k)
2008 ONE North East ‘Economic Capacity Building’ (PI with Professors Richard Harris (Glasgow), Ian Stone (Durham), Colin Wren (Newcastle) and Dr Henry Overman (LSE)) (£20k)
2007 OECD Local Economic and Employment Development Programme and Welsh Assembly Government ‘Västra Götaland Regional Growth Agreement, Sweden’ (PI) (£1k)
2007 OECD Local Economic and Employment Development Programme and USAID ‘Strengthening Entrepreneurship Innovation and Economic Development at Local Level in Croatia: Institutional arrangements for the design and delivery of entrepreneurship policies’ (PI) (£3k)
2007 The Northern Way ‘Economic Linkages in the Northern City-Regions’ (Co-I with Professors Alan Harding and Bryan Robson) (£80k)
2007 North Tyneside Council ‘Economic and Social Change in North Tyneside’ (PI with David Bradley) (£3.5k)
2007-2009 ESRC Seminar Series ‘Changing Cultures of Competitiveness’ (Co-I with Ngai-Ling Sum and Bob Jessop (Lancaster University) - see (£15k)
2006-2009 European Commission ‘Social Innovation and Inclusion in the Knowledge Economy – KATARSIS’ (Co-I with Professor Frank Moulaert (Leuven)) (£606k)
2006 ONE North East ‘What Works in Regional Economic Development: Learning from International Best Practice’ (Co-I with Professors John Tomaney and Mike Coombes and Drs Nick Henry and Stuart Dawley, GHK) (£47.5k)
2005 OECD Local Economic and Employment Development Programme and German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs ‘Strengthening Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in Eastern Germany’ (PI) (£3.5k)
2005-2007 ESRC Seminar Series ‘The New Public Management and Regional Policy’ (Co-I with Les Budd (Open University), Josie Kelly (Aston) and Joyce Liddle (Durham) (£14.1k)
2005 Office of the Deputy Prime Minister ‘The Economic Viability and Self-Containment of Geographical Economies’ (PI with Mike Coombes, Tony Champion, Lynne Humphrey and John Tomaney) (£32k)
2005-08 Regional Studies Association ‘Regional Studies Editorship’ (Editor-in-Chief with 9 other Editors) (£116k)
2005 ESRC Advanced Training and Development Award ‘Researching Civic Engagement and Devolved Governance in Europe’ (PI with the Regional Studies Association) (£10.2k)
2004 University of Newcastle Vacation Scholarship ‘Microbreweries in North East England’ (Co-I with Matthew Needham) (£1.5k)
2004 ESRC Advanced Training and Development Award ‘Research Strategy and Methodology for Regional Development and Governance in an Enlarged Europe’ (PI with the Regional Studies Association) (£9.4k)
2003-04 European Commission ‘Regional Economic Sustainability and University Learning and Teaching Strategies - RESULTS’ (Co-Investigator with Dr Hans-Peter Baumeister (Reutlingen University)) (£118k)
2003 University of Newcastle, Arts and Humanities Research Fund ‘Recasting Steel Geographies’ (Co-I with Alison Stenning, and Stuart Dawley) (£2.5k)
2003 North East Assembly ‘Regional Governance Capacity Building Course’ (PI with Professor John Tomaney) (£30k)
2003 University of Newcastle Vacation Scholarship ‘Directly Elected Mayors and Local Economic Development’ (Co-I with Graham Turner) (£1.5k)
2002 ESRC Advanced Training and Development Award ‘Doing Regional Research in a Devolving State: Research Strategy and Methodology in Post-Devolution UK’ (PI with the Regional Studies Association) (£6.8k)
2002 Government Office North East ‘Regional Governance’ (Co-I with Professor John Tomaney) (£7.5k)
2001 University of Newcastle Vacation Scholarship ‘Pension Fund Capitalism and Regional Development’ (Co-I with Felicity Wray) (£1.5k)
2000 UNISON ‘The Economic and Social Implications of Best Value’ (PI with Peter O’Brien) (£2.5k)
2000 University of Newcastle Small Grant ‘Task Forces and the Governance of Economic Development’ (PI with Stuart Dawley) (£1.5k)
Undergraduate Teaching
GEO2099 Economic Geographies
GEO2111 Doing Geographical Research
GEO2124 Berlin field course
GEO3114 Local and Regional Development
GEO3099 Dissertation module
Stages 1, 2 and 3 Tutorials
Postgraduate Teaching
GEO8017 Human Geography: Concepts in Action
GEO8089 Research Dissertation
- Ward C, Brill F, Deruytter L, Pike A. Local State Financialisation: Future research directions for an emergent conjuncture. Finance and Space 2024. In Press.
- Crisp R, Waite D, Green A, Hughes C, Lupton R, MacKinnon D, Pike A. 'Beyond GDP' in cities: Assessing alternative approaches to urban economic development. Urban Studies 2024, 61(7), 1209-1229.
- Houlden V, Robinson C, Franklin R, Rowe F, Pike A. ‘Left Behind’ neighbourhoods in England: Where they are and why they matter. The Geographical Journal 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Pike A, Beal V, Cauchi-Duval N, Franklin R, Kinossian N, Lang T, Leibert T, MacKinnon D, Rousseau M, Royer J, Servillo L, Tomaney J, Velthuis S. ‘Left behind places’: a geographical etymology. Regional Studies 2024, 58(6), 1167-1179.
- Sunley P, Evenhuis E, Harris J, Harris RID, Martin R, Pike A. Renewing industrial regions? Advanced manufacturing and industrial policy in Britain. Regional Studies 2023, 57(6), 1126-1140.
- MacKinnon D, Kempton L, O'Brien P, Ormerod E, Pike A, Tomaney J. Reframing urban and regional 'development' for 'left behind' places. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy & Society 2022, 15(1), 39-56.
- Sunley P, Harris JL, Pike A, Harris R, Martin R, Evenhuis E. Industrial policies, strategy and the UK’s Levelling Up agenda. Local Economy 2022, 37(5), 403-418.
- Moore-Cherry N, Kayanan CM, Tomaney J, Pike A. Governing the Metropolis: An International Review of Metropolitanisation, Metropolitan Governance and the Relationship with Sustainable Land Management. Land 2022, 11(5), 761.
- Pike A. Coping with deindustrialization in the global North and South. International Journal of Urban Sciences 2022, 26(1), 1-22.
- Martin R, Gardiner B, Pike A, Sunley P, Tyler P. ‘Levelling Up’ the UK: Reinforcing the Policy Agenda. Regional Studies Regional Science 2022, 9(1), 794-817.
- Harris JL, Sunley P, Evenhuis E, Martin R, Pike A, Harris R. The Covid-19 crisis and manufacturing: How should national and local industrial strategies respond?. Local Economy 2020, 35(4), 403-415.
- Sunley P, Martin R, Gardiner B, Pike A. In search of the skilled city: Skills and the occupational evolution of British cities. Urban Studies 2020, 51(1), 109-133.
- Pike A, Coombes M, Kempton L, MacKinnon D, O'Brien P. Decentralising governance in England. Town & Country Planning 2020, 89(11), 409-416.
- Pike A, O'Brien P, Strickland T, Thrower G, Tomaney J. Book Symposium: Pike et al.'s Financialising City Statecraft and Infrastructure. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 2020, 52(4), 790-813.
- Pike A. The potential and perils of pluralism in culturally and politically inflected economic geography. Dialogues in Human Geography 2019, 9(1), 64-67.
- MacKinnon D, Dawley S, Pike A, Cumbers A. Rethinking Path Creation: A Geographical Political Economy Approach. Economic Geography 2019, 95(2), 113-135.
- O'Brien P, Pike A, Tomaney J. Governing the 'ungovernable'? Financialisation and the governance of transport infrastructure in the London 'global city-region'. Progress in Planning 2019, 132, 100422.
- O'Brien P, O'Neill P, Pike A. Funding, financing and governing urban infrastructure. Urban Studies 2019, 56(7), 1291-1303.
- Marshall N, Dawley S, Pike A, Pollard J, Coombes M. An Evolutionary Perspective on the British Banking Crisis. Journal of Economic Geography 2019, 19(5), 1143-1167.
- O'Brien P, Pike A. ‘Deal or no deal?’ Governing urban infrastructure funding and financing in the UK City Deals. Urban Studies 2019, 56(7), 1448-1476.
- Pike A, Coombes M, O'Brien P, Tomaney J. Austerity states, institutional dismantling and the governance of sub-national economic development: the demise of the Regional Development Agencies in England. Territory, Politics, Governance 2018, 6(1), 118-144.
- Pike A, Rodríguez-Pose A, Tomaney J. Shifting horizons in local and regional development. Regional Studies 2017, 51(1), 46-57.
- Marshall JN, Dawley S, Pike A, Pollard JS. Geographies of corporate philanthropy: The Northern Rock Foundation. Environment and Planning A 2017, 50(2), 266-287.
- Martin R, Pike A, Tyler P, Gardiner B. Spatially Rebalancing the UK Economy: Towards a New Policy Model?. Regional Studies 2016, 50(2), 342-357.
- Pike A, MacKinnon D, Cumbers A, Dawley S, McMaster R. Doing evolution in economic geography. Economic Geography 2016, 92(2), 123-144.
- O'Brien P, Pike A. 'The governance of local infrastructure funding and financing'. Infrastructure Complexity 2015, 2, 3.
- Dawley S, Mackinnon D, Cumbers A, Pike A. Policy activism and regional path creation: the promotion of offshore wind in North East England and Scotland. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 2015, 8(2), 257-272.
- Pike A, Marlow D, McCarthy A, O'Brien P, Tomaney J. Local institutions and local economic development: the Local Enterprise Partnerships in England, 2010-. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 2015, 8(2), 185-204.
- O'Brien P, Pike A. City Deals, Decentralisation and the Governance of Local Infrastructure Funding and Financing in the UK. National Institute Economic Review 2015, 233(1), R14-R26.
- Torrisi G, Pike A, Tomaney J, Tselios V. (Re-)exploring the link between decentralization and regional disparities in Italy. Regional Studies, Regional Science 2015, 2(1), 123-140.
- Pike A, Rodriguez-Pose A, Tomaney J. Local and regional development in the Global North and South. Progress in Development Studies 2014, 14(1), 21-30.
- Dawley S, Marshall JN, Pike A, Pollard J, Tomaney J. Continuity and Evolution in an Old Industrial Region: The Labour Market Dynamics of the Rise and Fall of Northern Rock. Regional Studies 2014, 48(1), 154-172.
- Tomaney J, Pike A, McCarthy M, O'Brien P. Regional governance and economic development in England. Administration 2013, 61(3), 13-30.
- Pike A. Economic Geographies of Brands and Branding. Economic Geography 2013, 89(4), 317-339.
- Marshall JN, Pike A, Pollard JS, Tomaney J, Dawley S, Gray J. Placing the run on Northern Rock. Journal of Economic Geography 2012, 12(1), 157-181.
- Tselios V, Rodriguez-Pose A, Pike A, Tomaney J, Torrisi G. Income inequality, decentralisation, and regional development in Western Europe. Environment and Planning A 2012, 44(6), 1278-1301.
- Tselios V, Rodriguez-Pose A, Pike A, Tomaney J, Torrisi G. Income inequality, decentralisation, and regional development in Western Europe. Environment and Planning A 2012, 44(6), 1278-1301.
- Pike A, Rodriguez-Pose A, Tomaney J, Torrisi G, Tselios V. In search of the ‘economic dividend’ of devolution: Spatial disparities, spatial economic policy and decentralisation in the UK. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 2012, 30(1), 10-28.
- Pike A. Placing brands and branding: a socio-spatial biography of Newcastle Brown Ale. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 2011, 36(2), 206-222.
- Dawley S, Pike A, Tomaney J. Towards the resilient region?. Local Economy 2010, 25(8), 650-667.
- Pike A, Dawley S, Tomaney J. Resilience, adaptation and adaptability. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 2010, 3(1), 59-70.
- Tomaney J, Pike A, Rodriguez-Pose A. Local and regional development in times of crisis: Neoliberalism and its legacies. Environment and Planning A 2010, 42(4), 771-779.
- Pike A, Pollard JS. Economic Geographies of Financialization. Economic Geography 2010, 86(1), 29-51.
- Pike A, Tomaney J. The state and uneven development: the governance of economic development in England in the post-devolution UK. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 2009, 2(1), 13-34.
- Pike AJ. Geographies of brands and branding. Progress in Human Geography 2009, 33(5), 619-645.
- MacKinnon D, Cumbers A, Pike A, Birch K, McMaster R. Evolution in Economic Geography: Institutions, Political Economy, and Adaptation. Economic Geography 2009, 85(2), 129-150.
- Pike AJ. Brand and branding geographies. Geography Compass 2009, 3(1), 190-213.
- Pike A, Birch K, Cumbers A, MacKinnon D, McMaster R. A Geographical Political Economy of Evolution in Economic Geography. Economic Geography 2009, 85(2), 175-182.
- Dawley S, Stenning AC, Pike AJ. Mapping Corporations, Connecting Communities: Remaking Steel Geographies in Northern England and Southern Poland. European Urban and Regional Studies 2008, 15(3), 265-287.
- Pike A, Rodríguez-Pose A, Tomaney J. What kind of local and regional development and for whom?. Regional Studies 2007, 41(9), 1253-1269.
- Pike AJ, Bristow G, Coombes MG, Fan C, Gillespie AE, Harris RID, Hull AD, Marshall N, Wren CM. Regional Studies: 40 years and more…. Regional Studies 2007, 41(Supplement), 1-8.
- Pike A. 'Shareholder value' versus the regions: The closure of the Vaux Brewery in Sunderland. Journal of Economic Geography 2006, 6(2), 201-222.
- Pike A, O'Brien P, Tomaney J. Devolution and the Trades Union Congress in North East England and Wales. Regional and Federal Studies 2006, 16(2), 157-177.
- Pike A, O'Brien P, Tomaney J. Devolution and the Trades Union Congress in North East England and Wales. Regional and Federal Studies 2006, 16(2), 157-178.
- Tomaney J, Pike A. Deepening Democracy and Engaging Civil Society? Economic and Social Partners and Devolved Governance in the UK. Regional and Federal Studies 2006, 16(2), 129-135.
- Tomaney J, Pike A. Deepening democracy and engaging civil society? 'Economic and social partners' and devolved governance in the UK. Regional and Federal Studies 2006, 16(2), 129-135.
- Pike A, Tomaney J. Sub-national governance and economic and social development. Environment and Planning A 2004, 36(12), 2091-2096.
- Pike A. Heterodoxy and the governance of economic development. Environment and Planning A 2004, 36(12), 2141-2161.
- O'Brien P, Pike A, Tomaney J. Devolution, the governance of regional development and the Trade Union Congress in the North East region of England. Geoforum 2004, 35(1), 59-68.
- Pike A. Task forces and the organisation of economic development: The case of the North East region of England. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 2002, 20(5), 717-739.
- Pike A. Post-devolution blues? Economic development in the Anglo-Scottish Borders. Regional Studies 2002, 36(9), 1067-1082.
- Pike A. Reflections on the task force model in economic development. Local Economy 2001, 16(2), 87-102.
- Pike A. Corporate Retreat and the Abandonment of Host Economies in the Era of the 'Globalisation' of Capital: The Case of Manufacturing Co. in the North East Region Of England. Capital and Class 2001, Summer(74), 31-59.
- Pike A. The politics of factory closures and task forces in the North East region of England. Regional Studies 1999, 33(6), 567-575.
- Pike A, Tomaney J. The limits to localization in declining industrial regions? Trans-national corporations and economic development is Sedgefield Borough. European Planning Studies 1999, 7(4), 407-428.
- Tomaney J, Pike A, Cornford J. Plant closure and the local economy: The case of Swan Hunter on Tyneside. Regional Studies 1999, 33(5), 401-411.
- Pike A. Making performance plants from branch plants? In situ restructuring in the automobile industry in the United Kingdom. Environment and Planning A 1998, 30(5), 881-900.
- Pike A. Greenfields, Brownfields and industrial policy for the automobile industry in the UK. Regional Studies 1996, 30(1), 69-77.
Authored Books
- Pike A. Financialization and Local Statecraft. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023.
- Martin R, Gardiner B, Pike A, Sunley P, Tyler P. Levelling Up Left Behind Places: The Scale and Nature of the Economic and Policy Challenge. Falmer, East Sussex: Regional Studies Association and Taylor and Francis, 2022.
- Pike A, O'Brien P, Strickland T, Thrower G, Tomaney J. Financialising City Statecraft and Infrastructure. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019.
- Pike A, Rodriguez-Pose A, Tomaney J. Local and Regional Development (2nd Edition). Routledge, 2017. In Preparation.
- Pike A. Origination: The Geographies of Brands and Branding. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015.
- Pike A, Rodriguez-Pose A, Tomaney J, Wang XF (trans.). Local and Regional Development (Chinese translation). Shanghai: Higher Education Press, 2011.
- Pike A, Rodriguez-Pose A, Tomaney J. Desarollo local y regional. Valencia: Publicaciones de la Universitat Valencia, 2011.
- Pike A, Rodríguez-Pose A, Tomaney J. Local and Regional Development. London: Routledge, 2006.
- Pike A, Giunta A, Lagendijk A. Restructuring Industries, Institutions and Territory: The Experience of Europe's Regions. London: The Stationery Office, 2000.
Book Chapters
- Castro JE. Functionalism. In: Kobayashi, A, ed. International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. London: Elsevier, 2020, pp.239-245.
- Davoudi S. City-Region. In: Kobayashi A, ed. International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Elsevier, 2020, pp.255-265.
- Tomaney J, O'Brien P, Pike A. Planning for Infrastructure. In: Ferm J; Tomaney J, ed. Planning Practice: Critical Perspectives from the UK. London: Routledge, 2018.
- O'Brien P, Pike A. Governing infrastructure funding and financing. In: Martin, R; Pollard, J, ed. Handbook of Geographies of Money and Finance. Cheltenham: Elgar, 2017, pp.223-252.
- O'Brien P, Pike A, Tomaney J. Beyond the northern pitchbook. In: Raco, M, ed. Britain for Sale? Perspectives on the costs and benefits of foreign ownership. London, UK: The Smith Institute, 2016.
- Pike A. Spatial disparities, rebalancing and territorial development policy. In: Wales TUC, ed. Debating Industrial Policy in Wales. Cardiff: Wales TUC, 2015, pp.16-18.
- Pike A, Tomaney J, Coombes M, McCarthy A. Governing uneven development: the politics of local and regional development in England. In: Bellini, N., Danson, M., Halkier, H, ed. Regional Development Agencies: The Next Generation? Networking, Knowledge and Regional Policies. London: Routledge, 2012, pp.102-121.
- Pike A, Tomaney J. State and economy: governing uneven development in the UK. In: Coe, N and Jones, A, ed. The Economic Geography of the UK. London: Sage, 2010, pp.91-109.
- Pike A. De-industrialisation. In: Kitchin R; Thrift N, ed. International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Oxford: Elsevier, 2009.
- Davoudi S. City-Region. In: R. Kitchin and N. Thrift, ed. International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography. Oxford, UK: Elsevier, 2009, pp.125-135.
- Pike A. Contesting closures: the limits and prospects of social agency. In: Cumbers A; Whittam G, ed. Reclaiming the Economy. Glasgow: Scottish Left Review, 2007, pp.64-78.
- Pike A, O'Brien P, Tomaney J. Coming in from the cold? Trade unions in local and regional development. In: Diamond J; Liddel J; Southern A; Townsend A, ed. Managing the City. London: Routledge, 2007.
- Pike A. Syndicats, Développement et Gouvernance Locale et Régionale. In: Fontan JM; Klein JL; Lévesque B, ed. Reconversion Economique et Développement Territorial. Montréal: Presses de L’Université du Québec, 2003, pp.277-296.
- Pike A, Tomaney J. The political economy of manufacturing change in the regions. In: Delbridge R; Lowe J, ed. Manufacturing in Transition. London: Routledge, 1998.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstract)
- Heidrich O, Thrower G, Pike A, Gibbon J. Infrastructure investments and multiple benefits to climate change efforts. In: Cities and Climate Conference 2017. 2017, Potsdam, Germany.
Edited Books
- Pike A, Rodríguez-Pose A, Tomaney J, ed. Local and Regional Development – A Reader. London: Routledge, 2015.
- Pike A, Rodriguez-Pose A, Tomaney J, ed. Handbook of Local and Regional Development. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2011.
- Pike A, ed. Whither Regional Studies?. London: Routledge, 2009.
- Marlow D, McCarthy A, O'Brien P, Pike A, Tomaney J. The State of the LEPs: A National Survey. Where Next for Local Enterprise Partnerships? 2013, 66-47.
- Pike A, Coombes M, Bristow G, Fan C, Gillespie A, Harris R, Hull A, Marshall N, Wren C. Final editorial for the Newcastle editorial team. Regional Studies 2008, 42(10), 1291-1294.
- Pike A. Editorial: Whither regional studies?. Regional Studies 2007, 41(9), 1143-1148.
- Pike AJ, Coombes MG, Gillespie AE, Harris RID, Hull AD, Kwan MP, Leichenko R, Marshall N, Wren CM, Roper S, Hassink R, Glasmeier A, Wray S. Editorial: On the move. Regional Studies 2006, 40(1), 1-2.
Online Publication
- Pike A, Kempton L, MacKinnon D, O'Brien P, Tomaney J. Submission to HCLG Select Committee Inquiry on Progress on Devolution in England. 2019. Available at:
- Pike A, Coombes M, Kempton L, Mackinnon D, O'Brien P. A response to the UK2070 Commission’s Second Report by the Centre for Urban and Regional Development (CURDS). UK2070 Commission, 2020. UK2070 Commission Think Pieces.
- O'Brien P, Kempton L, MacKinnon D, Pike A. Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee inquiry into 'Supporting Regional Investment and Growth': A submission by the Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies. 2019. In Preparation.
- O'Brien P, Coombes M, Dawley S, Evans L, Pike A. Towards a Regional Industrial Strategy for Tees Valley. 2017.
- Pike A, Lee N, MacKinnon D, Kempton L, Iddewala Y. Job Creation and Inclusive Growth in Cities. York, UK: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2017.
- O'Brien P, Coombes M, Dawley S, Evans L, Pike A. How to Create Great Jobs: Towards a Regional Industrial Strategy for Tees Valley: A Report for the TUC by the Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies, Newcastle University. Trades Union Congress, London: Newcastle University, 2017.
- Pike A, MacKinnon D, Coombes M, Champion T, Bradley D, Cumbers A, Robson L, Wymer C. Uneven growth: tackling city decline. York, UK, 2016. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Pike A, Mackinnon D, Coombes M, Champion T, Bradley D, Cumbers A, Robson L, Wymer C. Uneven growth: tackling city decline. York, UK: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2016.
- O'Brien P, Dawson R, Pike A, Tomaney J. National Infrastructure Commission call for evidence: ‘London’s transport infrastructure’, evidence submitted by the iBUILD Infrastructure Research Centre. 2016.
- O'Brien P, Dawson R, Pike P, Purnell P, Tomaney J. National Infrastructure Commission call for evidence: ‘Connecting northern cities’, evidence submitted by the iBUILD Infrastructure Research Centre. 2016.
- Pike A, Kempton L, Marlow D, O'Brien P, Tomaney J. Decentralisation: Issues, Principles and Practice. CURDS, Newcastle University, 2016.
- O'Brien P, Pike A, Kempton L, MacKinnon D, McCarthy A. CURDS evidence to the Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) Select Committee Inquiry into the Northern Powerhouse and Midlands Engine. 2016.
- Martin R, Pike A, Tyler P, Gardiner B. Spatially Rebalancing the UK Economy: The Need for a New Policy Model. Seaford: Regional Studies Association, 2015.
- O'Brien P, Pike A. Political and Constitutional Reform Select Committee Inquiry into ‘Devolution after the Referendum’, written evidence submitted by CURDS, Newcastle University. 2014.
- O'Brien P, Pike A, MacKinnon D, Marlow D, Robson L. CURDS submission to the Communities and Local Government Select Committee Inquiry into the 'Fiscal Devolution to Cities and City Regions'. Newcastle upon Tyne: Centre for Urban and Rural Development (CURDS), Newcastle University, 2014.
- Pike P, Marlow D, McCarthy A, O'Brien P, Tomaney J. Local Institutions and Local Economic Growth: The State of the Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) in England - A National Survey. London, UK: Spatial Economics Research Centre, 2013. 150.
- Dawley S, Marshall JN, Pike A, Pollard J, Tomaney J. The Labour Market Impact of the Run on Northern Rock: Continuity and Evolution in an old Industrial Region. Utrecht, Netherlands: Utrecht University, 2011. Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography.
- Dawley S, Pike A, Tomaney J. 'Towards the resilient region?: Policy activism and peripheral region development'. London: Spatial Economics Research Centre (SERC); London School of Economics, 2010. SERC Discussion Papers SERCDP0053.
- Pike A, Rodrìguez-Pose A, Tomaney J, Torrisi G, Tselios V. In search of the 'economic dividend' of devolution: spatial disparities, spatial economic policy and decentralisation in UK. London School of Economics, London, UK: Spatial Economics Research Centre (SERC), 2010. SERC Discussion Paper 62 62.
- Pike AJ, Tomaney J. The Government’s review of sub-national economic development and regeneration: key issues. London: Spatial Economics Research Centre (SERC), London School of Economics, 2008. Spatial Economics Research Centre Discussion Papers SERC Discussion Paper 8.
- Pike A. The Entrepreneurship Policy Delivery Framework in eastern Germany. Paris/Bonn: OECD/German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs, 2007. Strengthening Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in Eastern Germany: Lessons from Local Approaches.
- Henry N, Pike AJ, Tomaney J, O'Brien PE, Coombes MG, Conway C, Dawley SJ, Champion T. What works in regional economic development: learning from international best practice. Newcastle upon Tyne: One North East, 2006. Research and Evaluation Reports.
- Pike AJ, Champion AG, Coombes MG, Humphrey L, Tomaney J. The economic viability and self-containment of geographical economies: a framework for analysis. London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, 2006.
- Pike A. Entrepreneurship in the districts Mittweida in Saxony and Altenburger Land in Thuringia. Trento, Italy: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2006. OECD Local Entrepreneurship Reviews.
- Charles DR, Benneworth P, Bradley DP, Chatterton D, Coombes P, Cornford M, Gillespie J, Naylor A, Pike R, Tomaney J. The economic links between Leeds and the Yorkshire and the Humber region. Newcastle University, 1999. Final report to Leeds City Council.
- Pike A. Building a geographical political economy of closure: The case of R&DCo in North East England. Antipode 2005, 37(1), 93-115.
- Pike A, O'Brien P, Tomaney J. Trade unions in local and regional development and governance: The Northern Trades Union Congress in North East England. Local Economy 2004, 19(2), 102-116.
- Pike A, O'Brien P, Tomaney J. Regionalisation, devolution and the trade union movement. Antipode 2002, 34(5).
- Pike A. Divided Europe: society and territory. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 2002, 26(1), 191-193.
Working Papers
- O'Brien P, Pike A. The financialisation and governance of infrastructure, iBUILD Working Paper No. 8. 2015.
- O'Brien P, Pike A. The Governance of Infrastructure Funding and Financing: A Literature Review, iBUILD Working Paper 3, iBUILD, Newcastle University. iBUILD Working Paper 2014, 3.
- O'Brien P, Pike A. Deal or No Deal? UK City Deals as Infrastructure Funding and Financing Mechanisms. iBUILD Working Paper 2014, 13.
- Pike A, Coombes M, O'Brien P, Tomaney J. The case for the abolition of the RDAs in England: An Assessment. 2012.