Centre for Knowledge, Innovation, Technology and Enterprise

Project Items

Repeat Prescribing Project (Designating a Computerised Decision Support System for Management for Repeat Prescribing)

Members of SBI were involved in the NHS Research & Development programme funded Repeat Prescribing project which ran from 1999-2001. The purpose of the study was to develop and evaluate an intervention to improve the quality of repeat prescribing. It is envisaged that the intervention will require the integration of decision-support and administrative components, and of computerised and manual process elements. The project had two phases the first phase examined repeat prescribing processes from the perspective of key stakeholders: general practitioners and other practice staff, patients and carers, pharmacists. The second developed a prototype intervention to improve the quality of repeat prescribing. 

Project team: The work was conducted by a team based at Sowerby Centre for Health Informatics (SCHIN)