Press Office


Body donation for Medical Science

The journey in life and beyond death of two people who have generously decided to donate their body to medical science has been highlighted in a new television series.

Featuring the work of surgeons and technicians at the Newcastle Surgical Training Centre, 'Body Donors' was shown on Channel 5. The series followed Diana and Mike in their last months of life and as they decided to donate their bodies to medical science.

Dr Debra Patten at Newcastle University who looks after the bequeathal process for the region said: "Body donation is essential for training our doctors, dentists and healthcare professionals.  We are indebted to those who have donated their bodies and who have contributed, even after their death, to the benefit and wellbeing of future generations."

Newcastle University operates the Bequeathal Program for those in the North East wishing to donate their bodies to medical science after their death. Based on the donor’s medical history, a decision is made on whether the donor’s body should be used to teach anatomy to medical and dental students at Newcastle University, or for surgical training, education or research at Newcastle Surgical Training Centre at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle.
Body donation at Newcastle University is licenced and regulated by the Human Tissue Authority and you can find out more about donating a body.

Diana and Mike’s story can be watched on Demand 5

published on: 8 October 2015