Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies



Many esteemed academics have praised the value of and work done by the Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies at Newcastle University.

Professor Andres Rodriguez-Pose - Economic Geography, London School of Economics

Professor Susan Christopherson - Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University

Dr Jose Enrique Garcilazo - Head of Unit for Regional Growth and Policies, Regional Development Policy Division, OECD

Professor Philip McCann - University of Groningen and Specialist Adviser to European Commissioner for Regional Policy

Professor Mario Vale - Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Territorio, University of Lisbon

Professor Ron Boschma - Director of Urban and Regional Research Centre Utrecht (UCU), University of Utrecht

Professor Markku Sotarauta - Dean of School of Management and Director of Sente, University of Tampere, Finland

Professor Robert Hassink - Economic Geography, University of Kiel, Germany

Professor Ivan Turok - Deputy Executive Director, Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa