Staff Profile
Dr Gabriel Martinez Vera
Lecturer in Pragmatics
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I am a Lecturer in Pragmatics. I got my Ph.D. in Linguistics at the University of Connecticut in 2020. Before joining the academic staff at Newcastle University, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt. I am the associate director of the Bilingualism and Language Contact Lab at the University of Illinois at Chicago. I am also an associate editor of Glossa: a journal of general Linguistics and Borealis - An International Journal of Hispanic Linguistics.
I am currently the Combined Honours Liaison for English Linguistic Studies in the School of English Literature, Language and Linguistics.
My research interests lie in semantics, pragmatics and morphosyntax, as well as their interfaces and bilingualism. My research has focused on Romance languages (Latin American and European Spanish, Brazilian and European Portuguese, and heritage and L2 Spanish) and Andean languages (Quechua, Aymara), as well as American Sign Language, within a cross-linguistic perspective. Some of the topics I work on are evidentiality, aspect, verbs of change of state and location, degree constructions, quantification, topicalization, focus association, and locality of movement. I am currently participating in a project that promotes the documentation and revitalisation of Saraguro Kichwa, which is spoken in Ecuador.
SEL1028 Introduction to the Structure of Language 2: Morphology and Meaning
SEL2234 Pragmatics
- López Otero JC, Jimenez A, Martínez Vera G. Inflected infinitives in SLA: A study of L1-Brazilian Portuguese–L2-Spanish speakers. Second Language Research 2024, epub ahead of print.
- Martínez Vera G. Evidencialidad en aimara sureño: documentación y lineamientos de investigación. Living Languages 2024, 3(2), 53-107.
- Martínez Vera G. Direct evidentiality and discourse in Southern Aymara. Natural Language Semantics 2024, 32, 1-34.
- Koulidobrova, E, Martínez Vera, G, Kurz, K, Kurz, C. Revisiting gradability in American Sign Language (ASL). Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 2023, 8(1), 1-44.
- Martínez Vera G. On evidentiality in American Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese. Borealis – An International Journal of Hispanic Linguistics 2023, 12(1), 37-73.
- Martínez Vera G, Lopez Otero JC, Sokolova M, Cleveland A, Marshall MT, Sánchez L. Aspectual se and Telicity in Heritage Spanish Bilinguals: The Effects of Lexical Access, Dominance, Age of Acquisition, and Patterns of Language Use. Languages 2023, 8(3), 201.
- Martínez Vera G. Revisiting aspectual se in Spanish: telicity, statives and maximization. The Linguistic Review 2022, 39(1), 159-202.
- Martínez Vera G. On Derived Change of State Verbs in Southern Aymara. Languages 2021, 6(1), 28.
- Martínez Vera G. Degree achievements and maximalization: a cross-linguistic perspective. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 2021, 6(1), 94.
- Martínez Vera G. Degree achievements and degree morphemes in competition in Southern Aymara. Linguistics and Philosophy 2021, 44, 695-735.
- Martínez Vera G. On Phase-over-Phase Configurations and Phase Collapsing: wh-extraction in V + de + CP clauses in Spanish. The Linguistic Review 2020, 37(3), 393-431.
- Martínez Vera G. Phases, labeling, antilocality and intonational phrases: recomplementation in Spanish. Probus: International Journal of Romance Linguistics 2019, 31(1), 187-231.
- Martínez Vera G. Syntactic structure of Spanish parasynthesis: towards a split little-v via affectedness. Isogloss: Open Journal of Romance Linguistics 2016, 2(2), 63-94.
Authored Book
- Martinez Vera G. On the Semantics of Evidentials in Southern Aymara [PhD Dissertation]. Storrs, CT: University of Connecticut, 2020.
Edited Book
- Martinez Vera G, Rinke E, ed. Language contact and Multilingualism. Basel: MDPI, 2022.