Estates and Facilities

Performance of the Current Estate

Performance of the Current Estate: HESA driven data

The majority of the current estate has a building condition that is within the Russell group upper quartile (see page 30 in appendix) and has a functional suitability that is also within the Russell group upper quartile (see page 31 in appendix).
However, as can be see from the graphs below, our Net Internal Area (NIA) for non-residential space is above the Russell Group median which means that we need to use our estate more effectively and become more cost efficient (graph on left) and our income per m2 is significantly below the Russell Group lower quartile which means our Estate is not bringing in sufficient monies to support itself (graph on right).

Put simply, our estate is within the Russell Group upper quartile regarding condition and suitability but it is not being used efficiently nor cost effectively.

Russell Group Data visual

All measurements are made and recognized from our HESA return. ‌