Estates and Facilities

Qualitative and Quantitative Measurements

Measurements used to guide decision making on Proposals

The following qualitative and quantitative measurements guide those involved in proposing, supporting, and ultimately approving, deferring, or rejecting a project regarding the estate. They are balanced in both qualitative and quantitative measures, and they are directly drawn from the narrative threads found in the University’s four core strategies, the strategic enablers for the estate, and the DISCovery themes for The Campus for the Future. Think of the measurements as desirable destination points in a tapestry that weaves together the strategy, organisation, activity, and guidance from the above sources.

In cases where the outcome of a project (such as AM1, AM2, or FM6) would only be known after the event then this measurement will be considered based upon similar evidence-based interventions known across the sector or on campus rather than subjective estimates of likely future values. EPB will score a project based upon 0 for no support, 1 for low support, 2 for medium support, 3 for high support, and 5 for priority support; there is no ‘4’ to create a clear numerical difference between high and priority support.

It is not expected that any project proposal would have to speak to all measurements for a project to gain approval. Rather evidence should be provided in the proposal for how the project can be measured by outcomes that begin with the most impactful, move into outcomes that may have secondary benefit, and respond to outcomes that have been considered or could be developed. Finally, it is worth emphasising that the measurements do not operate in isolation, and it could be expected that a project, for example, would cut across Education for Life and Research for Discovery and Impact strategies, be proactive, have a cultural implications, be inclusive in its design.


Click to access the University's Environmental Sustainability Policy 

A‌M: Academic Measurement; FM: Financial Management; EM: Environmental Management