Estates and Facilities

Scope of the Strategic Framework for the Estate


The Strategic Framework for the Estate is designed to guide proposals and practices through principles and process for Newcastle University’s UK based locations, and will help support decisions at our International Campuses.
It  seeks to inform Newcastle University’s physical footprint between 2023 and 2030 by creating a Campus for the  Future that responds and embodies the vision, values, guiding principles, and strategies of Newcastle University across its Estate and Facilities.
This Strategic Framework for the Estate was written by members of the Estates Portfolio Board in consultation with the Faculties, Schools, Institutes, Professional Services, and Students so that key stakeholders have been part of its creation. Fundamentally, the Strategic Framework is a people centred document acknowledging that Newcastle University principally operates as an in-person on-campus environment.
For reasons of sustainability and flexibility there are clear links with the Technology Portfolio Board. The Technology Portfolio Board (TPB) operates to a similar Strategic Framework that seeks to ensure that investment in technology best supports the university’s strategic objectives.
Examples of cross cutting work programs include facilitating hybrid and online environments on campus. While the Portfolio Boards evaluate and manage the project portfolio they operate within strategic direction and priorities set by the Infrastructure Strategy Group (ISG) and University Executive Board.

Ideas, proposals, designs, and suggestions for how we develop a Campus for the Future will be supported by this framework. It does not lay the blueprint for all activity until 2030, rather it works as a scaffold to support the proactive and responsive physical infrastructure activity which comes from those that know it best… its colleagues and students.