University response Middle East Israel Gaza
University response to events in the Middle East
Published on: 9 October 2023
This page provides information about the University’s response to recent events in Israel and Gaza as well as signposting to advice and support for students and staff.
It has been horrifying to see the conflict in the Middle East. Our thoughts are with all those who are impacted by the events taking place.
There are students, colleagues and alumni in our community with links to the region and support is available for those who may need it.
As is our normal procedure, our Student Health and Wellbeing team and line managers are contacting colleagues and students with family or close links to the region. If you are student or staff member and have not been contacted directly but need support or advice, then please do not hesitate to contact the relevant teams listed on our intranet page. This page also provides information and the contacts of sources of further support available from our Employee Assistance Programme, our Chaplaincy, and our Welfare team.
More information about the support available for students can be found on our Wellbeing pages.
We will continue to do everything we can to support members of the University community who are affected.
Read the UUK statements and resources related to conflict in the Middle East.