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Postgraduate study in Media, Culture, Heritage

Full and part-time postgraduate degrees in the fields of media, culture and heritage.

Develop your skills

Undertaking a master's degree is a fantastic opportunity for you to learn more about yourself and the world. You can pursue the changes you feel need to happen.

Having a master's degree will develop your vocational and professional skills. Our alumni are successful in gaining work in their chosen fields. They form a growing global network of public and private sector professionals.

We have an experienced team of researchers and practitioners. They will mentor you to a deeper understanding of the world and your chosen profession. They will also guide you through multi-media practice-based experience.

You'll explore how organisations work, how the sector works, and with day-to-day working practices. Our programmes give you a broad understanding and experience of your chosen sector. We don't sacrifice depth of understanding or academic rigour.

Postgraduate taught

We have a range of postgraduate taught degrees across Media, Journalism and PR and Museum, Gallery and Heritage Studies. We provide our postgraduate students a rich and vibrant environment to pursue their studies.

Our postgraduate taught degrees lead to Master's certification. Some have the option for postgraduate diploma, and Museum, Gallery and Heritage Studies have a MPrac option.

Media, Journalism and Public Relations

Media and Journalism MA

Our Media and Journalism MA is designed for new graduates as well as experienced journalists. It will help you further your career in journalism or progress to a PhD. 

The MA provides international context for students so it's suitable for a global audience

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Media and Public Relations MA

Our Media and Public Relations MA combines a theoretical analysis of media with public relations practice.

You'll gain an understanding of media, culture and society as well as a knowledge of how to analyse and theorise media and public relations.

The course includes compulsory and optional modules, with a dissertation. This enables you to undertake your own research into a theme relating to public relations.

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International Multimedia Journalism

Our International Multimedia Journalism programme is suitable for both new graduates and experienced journalists. A media background isn't required to take this course. You'll have the opportunity to work with senior broadcasters from prestigious titles such as:

  • The BBC
  • The Guardian
  • The Economist
  • The Times

You will cover broadcast and video journalism, online journalism and a real-world project in digital journalism

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Museums, Galleries and Heritage

Curating Art MA, PGDip

Our Curating Art MA, PGDip will provide you with an opportunity to develop your skills as a curator or gallery educator.
We work in collaboration with our key partners the Hatton Gallery and the Laing Art Gallery. This allows you the opportunity to curate an exhibition and coordinate a programme of public activities. 

We encourage a hands-on approach from students, and involved input from art museum and gallery professionals.

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Global Heritage Management MA, PGDip

Our postgraduate Global Heritage Management programme will allow you to hone your knowledge and skills in:

  • heritage management
  • education
  • interpretation

This course will prepare you for, or progress you towards, a successful career in the field of heritage.

It involves the input of heritage professionals from the region and further afield. Upon graduating you'll be ready to either:

  • pursue a career in heritage
  • take on further research

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Museum Studies MA, PGDip

Our Museum Studies MA, PGDip programme will equip your with the necessary skills to operate a museum. You'll also explore theories behind the societal role of museums. You'll curate group exhibitions or organise and deliver complete education and learning events.

This programme covers a range of issues associated with museum work. It will provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to move into, or enhance your career in the museum sector.

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Media, Society and Cultural Studies (Research) MA

Our Media, Society and Cultural Studies (Research) MA is ideal preparation for a PhD. This programme will provide you with an understanding of media and society research.

It will focus on developing your skills in critical and independent thinking.

The course covers skills of media analysis and explores theoretical approaches relevant to:

  • media
  • communication
  • cultural and social studies

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Postgraduate research

You'll become part of our lively, interdisciplinary community of researchers. Our emphasis is on empowering you to be original, reflective, creative, and passionate.

We provide a wealth of facilities, staff experience, and a research-immersive culture for you to:

  • deepen understanding of your interests
  • find solutions to pressing social and cultural issues
  • make a difference

We’re particularly proud of the postgraduate research culture in the department. It provides a respectful and supportive environment to ensure you get the most out of your experience.

Our unit has extensive connections with the media, culture, heritage sectors. We can offer work placements to help you to gain experience, practice the skills you’ve gained, and increase your employability.

Media, Journalism and Public Relations

Digital Media PhD

Our Digital Media PhD covers two main areas of digital media. One focuses on digital arts practice, while the other looks at the use of digital media in museum, gallery and heritage settings.

As a research student you'll receive support on an academic and administrative level tailored to your needs. This will maximise your research and future career possibilities.

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Journalism and Public Relations PhD

Our Journalism and Public Relations PhD offers many academic and professional opportunities.

Alongside your supervision, you'll produce articles for various media and be able to deliver lectures. You will also form part of the wider Media and Cultural Studies team, which contributes to our vibrant learning community.

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Media and Cultural Studies PhD

Studying on our Media and Cultural Studies PhD course will open you to our global links with creative and cultural industries.

You'll get the opportunity to present papers at conferences. You could also have your articles published in academic journals.

Newcastle University fosters a strong PhD culture, and the environment we work in supports our world-leading work.

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Museums, Galleries and Heritage

Museum, Gallery and Heritage Studies MPhil, PhD

Undertaking our Museum, Gallery and Heritage Studies MPhil, PhD allows you to carry out an original piece of research. You'll join an interdisciplinary group of research and academics and be support by expert supervisors.

We teach this programme in the International Centre for Cultural and Heritage Studies at Newcastle. It is internationally renowned for its research. We have a thriving research community of postgraduate research students and academic researchers.

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Film Practice MPhil, PhD

Choosing to study a postgraduate research degree in film allows you to specialise in Film Practice. Our Film Practice PhD gives you a unique opportunity to develop your own film as a practice-led project. It is also led by award-winning film-maker Dr Ian MacDonald.

Our Film Studies MPhil or PhD looks into British, Algerian, Chinese, French or Latin American cinema.

As a Film Studies student you'll form an integral part of Newcastle University's research culture.

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Museum, Gallery and Heritage Studies, MLitt

This programme is ideal for professionals interested in enhancing their career through research. It focuses on three key research themes:

  • cultural politics and policy
  • identity, community and place
  • representation and media

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I like the mixture of theory and practical and the broad range of topics that we study.

Ruth - Museum Studies MA, PGDip student