Staff Profile
Sarah Farmer
Training Fellow
Academic Clinical Fellow in General Practice
General Dental Practitioner in Primary Care
Academic Clinical Fellow - general practice. Intimate Partner Violence and Visiting the Dentist - why aren't we doing better?
Intimate partner violence and Abuse (IPVA is defined as psychological harm with physical or sexual violence including controlling behaviour, acts of aggression, sexual coercion and psychological abuse (WHO, 2013). It is estimated that 30% of women in the UK will experience IPV at some point in their lives, and is cited as a significant cause of murder of women globally (WHO, 2021). The Crime Survey for England and Wales reported a 7% increase in domestic abuse related crimes between March 2019 and March 2020, affecting 1.6 million women and 757,000 men (Havard, 2021; HomeOffice, 2021).
Current research project is focusing on how confident and competent dentists and dental students feel about communicating with and helping patients who they suspect are experiencing IPVA, with views to identifying the best form and place of educational intervention to rectify this and overcome any significant barriers.