Staff Profile
Dr Simon Stone
Senior Clinical Lecturer/Honorary Consultant Endodontics
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Specialist Endodontist
Qualifications (in reverse chronological order):
- Fellow of the Royal Surgeons of Edinburgh. FDS RCSEd
- Fellow of the Faculty of Dental Trainers, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. FDTFEd
- Membership in Endodontics, Faculty of Dental Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. MEndo RCSEd
- Fellow, Higher Education Academy. FHEA
- Doctor of Philosophy, Newcastle University. PhD
- Postgraduate Cert. Academic Practice, Newcastle University
- Membership of Faculty of Dental Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. MFDS RCSEd
- Bachelor of Dental Surgery, Newcastle University. BDS
- British Dental Association
- British Endodontic Society
- British Society for the Study of Prosthetic Dentistry
- British Society of Restorative Dentistry
- Restorative Dentistry (UK)
Roles and Responsibilities
- Director of Clinical Studies, School of Dental Sciences
- Academic Lead in Restorative Dentistry
Google scholar:
Current roles in learning and teaching
- Director of Clinical Studies for the BDS and ODHS undergraduate programmes
- Academic Lead in Restorative Dentistry
Current higher degree supervision
- Bailey OS (PhD) What are the long term costs and benefits of placing an amalgam restoration versus a composite restoration in posterior permanent teeth?
Completed higher degree supervision
- Currie CC (PhD) Investigating problem orientated patient pathways, toothache to treatment: IMPACT study. (NIHR Doctoral Research Fellow)
- AlKahtani R (PhD) The impact of tooth whitening on dentine and enamel bonding
- Lilo A (PhD) Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) diet and nutrition a mixed methods exploration.
- Mustafa Al-Musawi (PhD) The effect of topical neuromodulatory medications on orofacial tissues
- Premkumar S (MClin Dent) Laboratory investigation into the deflection of dental injection needles
- BaHammam F (MClin Dent) Development and evaluation of an oral hygiene screening tool for use in critically ill patients
- Qureshi MR (MClin Dent) Evaluation of an NHS endodontic referral service
- Sayeed Z (MClin Dent) Effect of topical local anaesthetics on orofacial tissues
Textbook contributions
- Bailey O, Stone SJ. Chapter 3 Conservative Dentistry in Master Dentistry, 4th Edition Volume 2: Restorative Dentistry, Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics. Edited by McCracken GI. Elsevier 2021 pp.86-114
- Stone SJ, Thomson P. Chapter 2 Endodontics in Master Dentistry, 4th Edition Volume 2: Restorative Dentistry, Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics. Edited by McCracken GI. Elsevier 2021 pp. 48-85 Extracoronal restorations In: Wassell, RW; Nohl, FSA; Steele, JG; Walls, AWG, ed. Extra Coronal Restorations. Springer. (2018)
- Paediatric Dentistry Edited by Welbury R, Duggal MS and Hosey TH. Oxford University Press (2017)
- Harty’s Endodontics in Clinical Practice, 7th Edition. Edited by Chong BS. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier (2016)
- Master Dentistry, 3rd Edition Volume 2: Restorative Dentistry, Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics. Edited by Heasman, P.A. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier (2013)
- Edwards D, Rasaiah S, Kirkevang L, Vaeth M, Stone S, Durham J, Whitworth J. The use of medicaments in the management of symptomatic irreversible pulpitis: a community-based cohort study. International Endodontic Journal 2024, 57(4), 416-430.
- Edwards D, Rasaiah S, Ahmed S, Breckons M, Stone SJ, Currie CC, Durham J, Whitworth J. The financial and quality of life impact of urgent dental presentations: A cross-sectional study. International Endodontic Journal 2023, 56(6), 697-709.
- Currie CC, Stone SJ, Brocklehurst P, Thompson W, Durham J, Pearce M. Dental Antibiotics and Referrals in General Medical Practice: Wales 1974-2017. Journal of Dentistry 2023, 130, 104446.
- Bailey O, Stone S, Ternent L, Vernazza CR. Public valuation of direct restorations: a discrete choice experiment. Journal of Dental Research 2022, 101(13), 1572-1579.
- Bailey O, Vernazza C, Stone S, Ternent L, Roche A-G, Lynch C. Amalgam Phase-Down Part 2: UK-Based Knowledge, Opinions, and Confidence in the Alternatives. JDR Clinical & Translational Research 2022, 7(1), 50-60.
- Bailey O, Vernazza CR, Stone S, Ternent L, Roche A-G, Lynch C. Amalgam Phase-Down Part 1: UK-Based Posterior Restorative Material and Technique Use. JDR Clinical & Translational Research 2022, 7(1), 41-49.
- Edwards D, Stone S, Bailey O, Duncan H. The management of deep caries in UK primary care: a nationwide questionnaire-based study. International Endodontic Journal 2021, 54(10), 1804-1818.
- Allison JR, Edwards DC, Bowes C, Pickering K, Dowson C, Stone SJ, Lumb J, Durham J, Jakubovics N, Holliday R. The effect of high-speed dental handpiece coolant delivery and design on aerosol and droplet production. Journal of Dentistry 2021, 112, 103746.
- Edwards D, Stone S, Bailey O, Tomson P. Preserving pulp vitality: part two - vital pulp therapies. British Dental Journal 2021, 230(3), 148-155.
- Edwards D, Stone S, Bailey O, Tomson P. Preserving pulp vitality: part one - strategies for managing deep caries in permanent teeth. British Dental Journal 2021, 230(2), 77-82.
- Edwards D, Bailey O, Stone S, Duncan H. How is carious pulp exposure and symptomatic irreversible pulpitis managed in UK primary dental care?. International Endodontic Journal 2021, 54(12), 2256-2275.
- Allison JR, Stone SJ, Pigg M. The painful tooth – mechanisms, presentation and differential diagnosis of odontogenic pain. Oral Surgery 2020, 13(4), 309-320.
- Gemmell A, Stone S, Edwards D. Investigating acute management of irreversible pulpitis: a survey of general dental practitioners in North East England. British Dental Journal 2020, 228(7), 521-526.
- Field JC, Zhang E, Milke V, McCance S, Worts C, Stone SJ, Edwards DC. Patterns of verbal interaction and student satisfaction within a clinical setting: A video‐enhanced observational study. European Joural of Dental Education 2019, 23(1), e45-e52.
- S Stone, P Kumar, S Offenbacher, P Heasman, G McCracken. Exploring a temporal relationship between biofilm microbiota and inflammatory mediators during resolution of naturally occurring gingivitis. Journal of Periodontology 2019, 90(6), 627-636.
- Durham J, Stone SJ, Robinson LJ, Ohrbach R, Nixdorf DR. Development and preliminary evaluation of a new screening instrument for atypical odontalgia and persistent dentoalveolar pain disorder. International Endodontic Journal 2019, 52(3), 279-287.
- Field J, Stone S, Orsini C, Hussain A, Vital S, Crothers A, Walmsley D. Curriculum content and assessment of pre‐clinical dental skills: A survey of undergraduate dental education in Europe. European Journal of Dental Education 2018, 22(2), 122-127.
- Al-Musawi M, Durham J, Whitworth JM, Stone SJ, Nixdorf DR, Valentine RA. Effect of topical neuromodulatory medications on oral and skin keratinocytes. Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine 2017, 46(2), 134-141.
- Currie CC, Stone SJ, Connolly J, Durham J. Dental Pain in the Medical Emergency Department: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2017, 44(2), 105-111.
- Stone SJ, Heasman PA, Staines KS, McCracken GI. The impact of structured plaque control for patients with gingival manifestations of oral lichen planus: a randomized controlled study. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2015, 42(4), 356-362.
- Currie CC, Stone SJ, Durham J. Pain and problems: a prospective cross-sectional study of the impact of dental emergencies. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2015, 42(12), 883-889.
- Stone SJ. It's complicated. Riskmatters 2015, (30), 10-12.
- Stone SJ, Holmes RD, Heasman PA, McCracken GI. Continuing professional development and application of knowledge from research findings: a qualitative study of general dental practitioners. British Dental Journal 2014, 216(11), E23.
- Stone SJ, McCracken GI, Heasman PA, Staines KS, Pennington M. Cost-effectiveness of personalized plaque control for managing the gingival manifestations of oral lichen planus: a randomized controlled study. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2013, 40(9), 859-867.
- Stone SJ, Paleri V, Staines KS. Internal carotid artery aneurysm presenting as dental and orofacial pain. Journal of Laryngology and Otology 2012, 126(8), 851-853.
Book Chapters
- Stone SJ, Thomson P. Endodontics. In: McCracken GI, ed. Master Dentistry. Elsevier, 2021, pp.48-85.
- Bailey O, Stone S. Conservative Dentistry. In: McCracken G, ed. Master Dentistry : Restorative Dentistry, Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2021, pp.86-114.
- Stone SJ, Whitworth JM, Wassell RW. Viability of Posts and Cores. In: Wassell, RW; Nohl, FSA; Steele, JG; Walls, AWG, ed. Extra Coronal Restorations. Springer, 2018, pp.115-133.
- Welbury R, Whitworth JM, Stone SJ, Dugal MS. Traumatic Dental Injuries. In: Welbury, R; Dugal, MS; Hosey, MT, ed. Paediatric Dentistry. Oxford University Press, 2018, pp.227-256.
- Stone SJ, Whitworth JM, Wassell RW. Preserving Pulp Vitality. In: Wassell, RW; Nohl, FSA; Steele, JG; Walls, AWG, ed. Extra Coronal Restorations. Springer, 2018, pp.93-98.
- Stone SJ, Steele JG, Wassell RW. Immunological reactions to materials. In: Wassell,RW;Nohl,FSA;Steele,JG;Walls,AWG, ed. Extra Coronal Restorations. Springer, 2018, pp.75-81.
- Stone S, Whitworth JM, Wassell RW. Endodontic considerations. In: Wassell, RW; Nohl, FSA; Steele, JG; Walls, AWG, ed. Extra-Coronal Restorations. Cham: Springer, 2018, pp.59-65.
- Field CA, Stone SJ, Whitworth JM, Wassell RW. Core Build-Ups and Post Placement. In: Wassell, RW; Nohl, FSA; Steele, JG; Walls, AWG, ed. Extra-Coronal Restorations. Cham: Springer, 2018, pp.295-327.
- Stone SJ, Whitworth JM. Instrumentation in Endodontics. In: Chong, BS, ed. Harty's Endodontics in Clinical Practice. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 2016, pp.87-112.
- Barclay SC, Stone SJ. Conservative Dentistry. In: Heasman,PA, ed. Master Dentistry: Volume 2: Restorative Dentistry, Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics. Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier, 2013, pp.97-126.
Conference Proceedings (inc. Abstracts)
- Alkahtani R, Waterhouse P, German M, Stone S. The impact of pH of hydrogen peroxide on enamel surface properties. In: 2019 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session. 2019, Vacouver BC Canada: Sage Publications.
- Lilo A, Moynihan P, Durham J, Stone S, Green R. Temporomandibular Disorders, Diet And Nutrition: A Mixed-Methods Exploration. In: 2018 IADR/PER General Session. 2018, London: IADR.
- Al-Musawi M, Sayeed Z, Colley H, Murdoch C, Whitworth J, Stone S, Nixdorf D, Durham J, Valentine R. In Vitro Effects of Topical Neuromodulatory Medication on Orofacial Tissue. In: IADR/PER General Session. 2018, London, England: IADR.
- Bahammam F, Stone SJ, McCracken G. Evaluation of an Oral Hygiene Screening Tool. In: IADR/AADR/CADR General Session. 2017, San Francisco, CA, USA.
- Nixdorf DR, Stone SJ, Robinson L, Durham J. Initial assessment of the persistent dentoalveolar pain disorder screening instrument. In: IADR/APR 94th General Session & Exhibition 2016. 2016, Seoul, South Korea.
- Al-Musawi MJ, Durham J, Whitworth JM, Stone SJ, Valentine RA. In Vitro Effects of Topical Neuromodulatory Medication on Orofacial Tissue. In: IADR/AADR/CADR 93rd General Session and Exhibition 2015. 2015, Boston, MA, USA.
- Stone SJ, McCracken GI, Staines KS, Heasman P. Evaluating plaque control interventions on gingival lichen planus. In: IADR 92nd General Session. 2014, Cape Town, South Africa: International Association for Dental Research.
- Stone SJ, McCracken GI, Kumar P, Offenbacher S, Aspiras M, Delauranti M, Heasman PA. Characterising gingivitis with inflammatory mediators and microbial species. In: IADR/AADR/CADR General Session and Exhibition 2013. 2013, Seattle, Washington: J Dent Res 90 (Spec Iss A).
- Alkahtani R, Stone S, German M, Waterhouse P. A Review on Dental Whitening. Journal of Dentistry 2020, 100, 103423.