Staff Profile
Professor Hartmut Behr
Professor of International Politics
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 5705
- Personal Website:
- Address: Newcastle University
International Politics, School of Geography, Politics, Sociology
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU
Henry Daysh Building (formerly Claremont Bridge), R 4.24
- Habilitation and ,venia legendi’ in Political Science, University
of Jena, Spring 2003
- PhD (Political Science; minor subjects: North American History and
Philosophy), University of Cologne, Fall 1996
- M.A. in Political Science; and History; and Sociology, University
of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Spring 1992
- BA in Political Science, History and Sociology, University of
Erlangen-Nuremberg, Spring 1988, and Free University of Berlin,
Spring 1988
Previous Positions
Visiting Scholar, University of Ottawa; Visiting Scholar, Department of Political Science, Virginia Tech; University of Erlangen-Nuremberg/Germany, Department of Political Science; University of Jena/Germany, Department of Political Science; University of Cologne/Germany, Department of Political Science and European Questions; Washington DC/USA, Library of Congress; University of Pittsburgh/USA, Department of Political Science and University Center for International Studies UCIS; University of Tsukuba/Japan, Graduate School for Humanities and Social Sciences, International Relations; International Christian University ICU, Tokyo, Rotary Peace Center and Department of Politics; Science
The Discipline of International Relations (IR):
- Theories of IR & International Political Theory
- Sociology of Knowledge of IR
Politics of Difference and Identity Formation
Political Violence and Peace Studies
Political Reversibility
Reversibility – Politics under Conditions of Uncertainty, forthcoming with McGill-Queens University Press, 2024
From the catalogue:
Western modernity is characterized by instrumental relations between humans and nature, as well as between humans themselves, that have caused irreversible environmental and social exploitation and degradation. Many policy documents, such as those by the United Nations Environment Programme, warn of the uncertainty and unpredictability of our precarious conditions due to our social and ecological interrelations and interdependencies.
Accepting that our position in the world does not allow us secure knowledge of the consequences of politics, Reversibility - Politics under Conditions of Uncertainty asks how we can act politically in a responsible way when we cannot predict the outcomes of our decisions. Hartmut Behr diagnoses Western modernity and its manifold crises as dominated by the view that fellow humans and natural environments are merely means to our individual ends. Behr introduces a novel ethics of self-restraint and the principle of reversibility - a commitment to political actions whose effects shall not be indefinite or immutable - to build a policy framework that demands both ethical and practical reflection on the conditions of action and that accounts for the limitations under which we act and live.
Identifying an urgent need for re-thinking political progress and for policy reform, Reversibility - Politics under Conditions of Uncertainty presents a new understanding of the self and of political responsibility centred in a genuine acknowledgment of the human condition
"As we live in a world of increasing precariousness a study on the kind of politics to respond to it certainly is called for. In fact, it is simply necessary, if we, humans of the Anthropocene, have any intention to survive. In view of Hartmut Behr`s book we are not disappointed. We receive guidance, through a masterpiece of practical wisdom. This book is a wise one in profoundly addressing and dealing with the fundamental experience everyone in this world has: It is a world of uncertainties. And it is a book for political practice, in developing, in a most sophisticated way, the concept of “reversibility” – responsible political actions should be taken in such a way that its consequences are reversible. This is a great principle. Behr is well aware of it and this is why he has nourished his study with an impressive amount of theoretical reflections for which he has drawn on a wide array of literature and, in particular, a well-chosen set of philosophical and literary authorities. It is in our common interest that this book should receive a far-reaching attention."
Tilo Schabert, Prof emeritus University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
"Policymakers and scholars alike are having to come to grips with the condition of uncertainty and unpredictability. When climate change and other complex challenges render the world around us seemingly uncontrollable, how should we respond politically and ethically? Professor Behr’s timely intervention tackles this question head-on suggesting a new set of ethical principles around ‘reversibility’ for policy and political action. This book is essential reading for all seeking to develop policy and politics in an uncertain world."
Milja Kurki, EH Carr Chair, Aberystwyth University
"Behr tackles a fundamental dilemma of human existence. We must act but we cannot know the future and therefore the consequences of our actions. How ought we respond to this troubling uncertainty in an ethical and politically efficacious way? We must do our best to avoid actions whose consequences are likely to be irreversible. This ethical commitment is defended in a convincing manner and its implications for policy explored in a sophisticated and imaginative way."
Ned Lebow, Prof emeritus Dartmouth College (USA) and King’s College, London
"Against the deterministic assumptions of rationalism, Reversibility presents a groundbreaking argument that takes us from the characteristics of the human condition, through to their implications for thinking and acting in a non-linear, contingent world. The book is a tour de force of passionate philosophical thinking, but more importantly a deeply persuasive account of how we need to think, judge and act beyond and through the human in the Anthropocene."
Kimberly Hutchings, Professor of Politics and IR, Queen Mary University of London
“This book is an impressive achievement. It guides the reader with clarity and confidence in outlining a concept of reversibility that skilfully combines theoretical nuance with policy relevance.”
Magdalena Zolkos, Professor at the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Jyväskylä
Past Research awards
International Research Network “Classical Realism Meets Critical Theory: Crises, Modernity, and the Return of Humanity”; Principal Investigator, funded by The Leverhulme Trust (IN-2012-122), 2013-2015
Research and Workshop Grant, “Reorienting Realism”, funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Principal Investigator together with Sean Molloy, 2012/2013
US-UK Fulbright Commission, Scholar in Residence Award, Spring 2009 (withdrawn by nominee)
Teaching Fellowship, funded by German Academic Exchange Service DAAD (2008), for a two week course on “The EU as Global Actor” at the University of Kiev/Mohyla Academy
Research Fellowship, “Arabic and EU discourses on the root causes of terrorism violence”, funded by the British Academy, Co-Investigator, 2006
Research Fellowship, ““Global Cities” and the transnational accumulation of political power: Tokyo, Berlin, Washington (DC)”, funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science JSPS, 2004/2005 (host university: University of Tsukuba)
Research Grant, “Entterritoriale Politik – Von den Internationalen Beziehungen zur Netzwerkanalyse”, funded by the German Research Council, Principal Investigator, 2001-2003
Feodor Lynen Research Fellow, “Entterritoriale Politik”, funded by the Alexander of Humboldt – Foundation, Principal Investigator, 2000/2001 (host university: University of Pittsburgh)
Research Grant, “Immigration in the Nation State: US, France, Germany”, funded by the German Marshall Fund, Principal Investigator, 1994
Research Grant for PhD thesis, “Immigration in the Nation State: US, France, Germany”, Principal Investigator, funded by the Friedrich Ebert – Foundation (1992)
Book Awards of the Geschwister Böhringer Foundation for Liberal Arts and Humanities, Ingelheim/Rhein (Germany) for
- Zuwanderungspolitik im Nationalstaat (PhD thesis/monograph)
- Entterritoriale Politik (post-doc „Habilitation“ thesis/monograph)
- Säkularisierung und Resakralisierung in westlichen Gesellschaften (edited volume)
Several smaller conference, workshop, and travel grants
Feedback and Consultation Hours, 2nd semester 2024/25
Wednesday 10-12 pm (HDB 4.24)
Friday 10-11am (HDB 4.24)
Undergraduate Teaching
POL 3081 International Political Thought (1. Semester)
POL 2082 Political Violence and the Modern State (2. Semester)
Postgraduate Teaching
POL8069 Studying International Relations: Key Challenges
I am interested in the supervision of PhD and MA theses in the context of IR theories, political theory, peace studies, and intellectual history
- Behr H, Rösch F. Introduction: Narratives of Belonging – The Interrelation between Ontological-Epistemological Observations and Narrative Methodology. Telos 2023, (202), 3-19.
- Behr H, Rösch F. Identity Discourses in Western Late Modernity and the Notion of “Liminal Space”. Telos 2023, (202), 103-121.
- Behr H, Shani G. Rethinking Critical IR: Towards a Plurilogue of Cosmologies. E-International Relations 2022.
- Behr H, Steffek J, Mueller M. Terminological Entrepreneurs and Discursive Shifts in International Relations: How a Discipline Invented the “International Regime”. International Studies Review 2021, 23(1), 30-58.
- Behr H, Shani G. Rethinking Emancipation in a Critical IR: Normativity, Cosmology, and Pluriversal Dialogue. Millennium: Journal of International Studies 2021, 49(2), 368-391.
- Behr H. Towards a political concept of reversibility in international relations: Bridging political philosophy and policy studies. European Journal of International Relations 2019, 25(4), 1212-1235.
- Beardsworth R, Behr H, Luke T. The nuclear condition in the twenty-first century: Techno-political aspects in historical and contemporary perspectives. Journal of International Political Theory 2019, 15(3), 270-278.
- Behr H. Peace-in-Difference: A phenomenological approach to peace through difference. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding 2018, 12(3), 335-351.
- Behr EH, Megoran NWS, Carnaffan J. Peace education, militarism and neo-liberalism: conceptual reflections with empirical findings from the UK. Journal of Peace Education 2018, 15(1), 76-96.
- Behr H. The populist obstruction of reality: Analysis and response. Global Affairs 2017, 3(1), 73-80.
- Behr H, Williams MC. Interlocuting Classical Realism and Critical Theory: Negotiating 'Divides' in International Relations Theory. Journal of International Political Theory 2017, 13(1), 3-17.
- Behr H. Conditions of critique and the non-irreversibility of politics. Journal of International Political Theory 2017, 13(1), 122-140.
- Behr H. Scientific Man vs Power Politics: A Pamphlet and its Author between two academic cultures. Ethics and International Affairs 2016, 30(1), 33-38.
- Papagiannidis S, Stamati T, Behr H. Online engagement and impact: The case of Greek politicians during the financial crisis. International Journal of E-Business Research 2013, 9(4), 47-66.
- Behr H. 'Common Sense', Thomas Reid, and Realist Epistemology in Hans J. Morgenthau. International Politics 2013, 50, 753-767.
- Behr H. EUrope - History, Violence, and "Peripheries". Review of European Studies (Special Issue edited by Hartmut Behr and Yannis Stivachtis) 2012, 4(3), 7-17.
- Behr H, Berger L. The Challenge of Talking about Terrorism: The EU and the Arab Debate on the Causes of Islamist Terrorism. Terrorism and Political Violence 2009, 21(4), 539-557.
- Behr EH, Heath MA. Misreading in IR Theory and ideology critique: Morgenthau, Waltz and neo-realism. Review of International Studies 2009, 35(2), 327-349.
- Behr H. Territorialitaet von Staatlichkeit und Krieg - und die Folgen ihrer Entterritorialisierung. Ethics and Social Science/Erwaegen, Wissen, Ethik 2008, (4), 51-53.
- Behr H. Deterritorialisation and the transformation of statehood: The paradox of globalisation. Geopolitics 2008, 13(2), 359-382.
- Behr EH. The European Union in the legacies of imperial rule? EU accession politics viewed from a historical comparative perspective. European Journal of International Relations 2007, 13(2), 239-262.
- Behr EH. The myth of the nation and legacies of nationalism. Immigration politics in the European Union. Political Economy 2005, 2, 1-18.
- Behr EH. Misreadings in International Relations Theory : Ideologiekritische Anmerkungen zum Realismus und Neo-Realismus. Zeitschrift fur Politikwissenschaft 2005, 15(1), 61-90.
- Behr EH. Vereinte Nationen und Terrorismus. UN Basis Informationen: Deutsche Gesellschaft der Vereinten Nationen/German Association of the United Nation 2004, 1.
- Behr EH. Terrorismusbekämpfung vor dem Hintergrund transnationaler Herausforderungen : Zur Anti-Terrorismuspolitik der Vereinten Nationen seit der Sicherheitsrats-Resolution 1373. Zeitschrift fur Internationale Beziehungen 2004, 11(1), 27-59.
- Behr EH. Politics beyond international order? The de-territorialisation of transnational politics from a security policy perspective. Humboldt Kosmos 2004, July 2004, 14-15.
- Behr EH. Islamischer Terrorismus: Gruppen und ihre regionale und globale Vernetzung. Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik. Sozialwissenschaften fuer die Politische Bildung 2004, 2, 213-224.
- Behr EH. Globalisierung als Motor der Europaeischen Integration? Untersuchungen zum Selbstverstaendnis des Akteurs EU. Zeitschrift fuer Politik 2004, 4, 135-153.
- Behr EH. The conjunction between International Relations Theory and Political Philosophy - A review of Alan Gilbert's "Must Global Politics Constrain Democracy". Constellations - An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory 2002, 9(3), 450-452.
- Behr EH. Migration, Nation und transnationale Gesellschaft. Erfordernisse fuer neue zuwanderungspolitische Leitlinien. Forschungsjournal neue soziale Bewegungen NSB 2001, 1, 99-109.
Authored Books
- Behr H. Reversibility - Politics Under Conditions of Uncertainty. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2024.
- Behr EH. Politics of Difference: Epistemologies of Peace. London: Routledge, 2014.
- Behr EH. A History of International Political Theory: Ontologies of the International. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
- Behr EH. Entterritoriale Politik : Von den Internationalen Beziehungen zur Netzwerkanalyse. Mit einer Fallstudie zum globalen Terrorismus. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 2004.
- Behr EH. Zuwanderungspolitik im Nationalstaat: Formen der Eigen- und Fremdbestimmung in den USA, der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Frankreich. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 1998.
Book Chapters
- Behr H, Devereux L. Phenomenological Peace. In: Richmond, O; Visoka, G, ed. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace and Conflict Studies. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
- Behr H. Peace-in-Difference: Peace through Dialogue about and across Difference(s) - A Phenomenological Approach to Rethinking Peace. In: Hinton AL; Shani G; Alberg J, ed. Rethinking Peace. Discourse, Memory, Translation, and Dialogue. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2019, pp.174-190.
- Behr H, Sigwart HJ. Scientific Man and the New Science of Politics. In: Navari, Cornelia, ed. Hans Morgenthau and the American Experience. Palgrave, 2018, pp.27-54.
- Behr H, Devereux L. The Melodrama of Modernity in Karl Mannheim’s Political Theory. In: Kettler D; Meja V, ed. The Anthem Companion to Karl Mannheim. London: Anthem Press, London, 2017, pp.117-135.
- Behr H. Toleranz, Tolerierung und Differenz. In: Sedmak, Clemens, ed. Toleranz. Vom Wert der Vielfalt. Wissenschaftlicge Buchgesellschaft, 2015, pp.45-62.
- Behr Hartmut. Morgenthau als Kritiker des Nationalstaates. In: Rohde, Christopher; Troy, Jodok, ed. Macht, Recht, Demokratie. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2015, pp.163-174.
- Behr H. Empire, 'governing from the distance' and the mitigation of violence: towards a novel policy framework for EU politics. In: Stivachtis,YA; Behr,H, ed. Revisiting the European Union as Empire. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2015, pp.32-44.
- Behr H, Kirke X. People on the Move – Ideas on the Move: The Question of Translatability in the Humanities and Social Sciences. In: Felix Roesch, ed. Émigré Scholars and the Genesis of American International Relations. A European Discipline in America?. Palgrave MacMillan, 2014.
- Papagiannidis S, Stamati T, Behr H. Online engagement and impact: The case of Greek politicians during the financial crisis. In: Digital Arts and Entertainment: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. IGI Global, 2014, pp.1217-1237.
- Papagiannidis S, Stamati T, Behr H. Greek politicians and the use of online technologies for citizen engagement. In: Integrating Social Media into Business Practice, Applications, Management, and Models. IGI Global, 2014, pp.127-145.
- Behr H. Security Politics and Public Discourse: A Morgenthauian Approach. In: Mark Bevir, Oliver Daddow, Ian Hall, ed. Interpreting Global Security. London, UK: Routledge, 2013, pp.160-176.
- Behr H, Roesch F. Ethics of Anti-Hubris in Morgenthau. In: Jodok Troy, ed. Religion and the Realist Tradition: From Political Theology to International Relations Theory and Back. London, UK: Routledge, 2013, pp.111-128.
- Behr H, Roesch F. Introduction. In: Hans J. Morgenthau, and edited by Behr, H., Roesch, F, ed. The Concept of the Political. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
- Behr EH. The role of religion in the construction of the modern state. In: Tunisian Association of Constitutional Law, ed. Proceedings of an International Symposium March 2009. Tunis, 2010, pp.19-33.
- Behr EH. Globalization. In: Wharf, B, ed. Encyclopaedia of Geography. London, UK: Sage Publications, 2010.
- Behr EH. Comparing ‘Systems’ and ‘Cultures’: Between Universalities, Imperialism, Indigenousity. In: Lauth, H-J, ed. Comparative Politics: An Introduction. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 2010, pp.73-91.
- Behr EH. Vergleichende Regierungslehre im Spannungsfeld kultureller Differenzen. In: Lauth HJ, ed. Vergleichende Regierungslehre - Eine Einfuehrung. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 2006, pp.70-90.
- Behr EH. Transnational Terrorism and Western Responses: US and EU Policies since 9/11. In: Hubel, H., Kaim, M, ed. Conflicts in the Greater Middle East: US and German Perspectives. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 2004, pp.137-158.
- Behr EH. Multikulturalismusdebatten in den USA und die Frage der Gerechtigkeit in einer Gesellschaft der Differenz. In: Willems U, ed. Interesse und Moral als Orientierungen politischen Handelns. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 2003, pp.315-332.
- Behr EH. Der globale Terrorismus und die Irak-Krise. In: Behr EH; Kaim M, ed. Der Irak-Konflikt. Jena: Forum Politicum Jenense, 2003, pp.41-46.
- Behr EH. Transnationale Politik und die Frage der Territorialitaet. In: Schmitt K, ed. Politik und Raum. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 2002, pp.59-78.
- Behr EH. Neue Organisationsformen des Terrorismus und Ordnungstypologien transnationaler Politik. In: Hildebrandt M; Bendel P, ed. Im Schatten des Terrorismus. Hintergruende, Strukturen und Konsequenzen des 11. September 2001. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 2002, pp.109-130.
- Behr EH. Religioese Symbolik in der US amerikanischen Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik. In: Kemp, W., Mayer, B, ed. Religion und Zivilreligion im atlantischen Buendnis. Trier: Atlantische Akademie Rheinland Pfalz, 2001, pp.129-141.
- Behr EH. Multikulturelle Demokratien: Institutionen als Regulativ kultureller Vielfalt. In: Behr, E.H., Schmidt, S, ed. Multikulturelle Demokratien. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 2001, pp.1-23.
- Behr EH. Die politische Theorie des Relationismus: Pierre Bourdieu. In: Brodocz, A., Schal, G, ed. Politische Theorien der Gegenwart II. Opladen: UTB, Leske + Budrich, 2001, pp.379-404.
Edited Books
- Stivachtis Yannis, Behr Hartmut, ed. Revisiting the European Union as Empire. Routledge, 2016. In Preparation.
- Morgenthau HJ, Behr EH, Rösch F, ed. The Concept of the Political. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
- Behr EH, Stivachtis I, ed. Europe and the World: The EU in World Affairs [Special Issue of Review of European Studies]. Toronto, Canada: Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2012.
- Behr EH, Mathias H, ed. Politik und Religion in der EU: Zwischen nationalen Traditionen und Europaeisierung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 2006.
- Behr EH, ed. Religion - Staat - Politik. Zur Rolle der Religion in der nationalen und internationalen Politik. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 2003.
- Behr EH. Political territoriality and de-territorialization. Area 2007, 39(1), 112-115.