Staff Profile
Dr Philippa Marsden
Deputy Director of Medical Studies (Curriculum)
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 4550
- Fax: +44 (0) 191 208 6521
- Address: School of Medical Education
Cookson Building
Newcastle University
Medical School
Framlington Place
Newcastle upon Tyne
I am a Consultant Obstetrician and Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer at the RVI, Newcastle. I graduated from Newcastle in 1985 and was appointed as a Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at UHND in 1999. I moved to the RVI in January 2012 to develop my interest in maternal medicine (obstetric haematology and neurology) and medical education, taking on the roles of Course Director for Women’s Health for the MBBS programme and Undergraduate Lead for Tyne for Women’s Health.
I was appointed to the position of Deputy Director of Medical Studies (Quality and Curriculum) in December 2015.
1985 - MBBS Newcastle University Medical School
1990 - MRCOG 1990
1999 - MD (Insulin action and ovarian function) - University of Newcastle upon Tyne
2009 - FRCOG
2011 - Certificate in Clinical Education (Merit) - University of Newcastle
MD thesis: Insulin action and Ovarian function - December 1999
Supervisors: Professor Alison Murdoch and Professor Roy Taylor
Laboratory based research for 3 years investigating insulin sensitivity in adipocytes in normal ovaries, polycystic ovary syndrome and hypothalmic hypogonadism. Publications:
- Marsden P.J., Murdoch A and Taylor R. (1992) Post-Receptor Abnormality of Insulin Metabolism in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Journal of Endocrinology 135, Supplement - O40
- Marsden P.J., Murdoch A and Taylor R. (1994) Severe Impairment of Insulin Action in Adipocytes in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Metabolism 43, 1536-1542
- Marsden P.J., Murdoch A and Taylor R. (1996) Adipocyte insulin action during the normal menstrual cycle. Human Reproduction 11, 968-974
- Marsden P.J., Murdoch A and Taylor R. (1999) Adipocyte insulin action in PCOS following ovulation. Human Reproduction 14 (9); 2216-2222.
- Marsden P.J., Murdoch A and Taylor R. (2000) Adipocyte insulin action in hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism. Human Reproduction 15(8); 1672-1678.
- Taylor R and Marsden PJ. (2000) Insulin sensitivity and fertility – Human Fertility 3(1); 65-69.
- Marsden PJ., Murdoch A and Taylor R. (2001) Tissue insulin sensitivity and body weight in polycystic ovary syndrome – Clinical Endocrinology 55(2); 191-199
NIHR Studies:
- PI for EMPIRE (2012 - 2015) – NIHR study exploring the value of anti-epileptic drug level testing in pregnancy. I recruited women with epilepsy from the Obstetric neurology antenatal clinic and provide leadership, support and guidance to the research midwives and as a team we were the 4th highest recruiter to this national study.
- PI for NAME (2014 to date) – NIHR study exploring neuro-developmental outcomes in women on antiepileptic medication.
Undergraduate Roles:
- Deputy Director of Medical Studies - Feb 2016 to date
- Course Director for Women’s Health - Jan 2012 to April 2016
- Undergraduate Lead for Tyne - Jan 2012 to April 2016
- CSIM Supertutor – 2014 to date
- SSC Supervisor – I have been a supervisor of SSC students since 2001, firstly at UHND and now here at the RVI.
- Examiner for Stage 4 MBBS Student Selected Component oral and poster presentations 2005 – 2015
- Examiner for Finals MBBS OSCE & MOSLER - 2012 to date
- Examiner for Stage 3 MBBS OSCE - 2012 to date
- Standard setting for Stage 3 and Stage 5 questions (EMQ and SBA) - 2012 to date
- Tier 3 Educator in Postgraduate O&G Medical Education and Training – Faculty of RCOG Medical Educators - March 2015
- RCOG MRCOG examiner – June 2011 to date.
- RCOG College Tutor from 2005 – 2011 at UHND
- Faculty Member of RCOG Basic practical Skills - 2010 to date
- Chair of the Northern Deanery O&G College Tutors' Forum (01/2010)
- Selector and ARCP panel member for Northern Deanery School of Obstetrics/Gynaecology 2009 to date
- Darke J, Glinianaia SV, Marsden P, Bell R. Pregestational diabetes is associated with adverse outcomes in twin pregnancies: a regional register-based study. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scaninavica 2016, 95(3), 339-346.
- Webster S, Glinianaia S, Ward-Platt M, Marsden P. Caesarean section for the second twin. In: British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society (BMFMS) 17th Annual Conference. 2015, London, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Ali S, Jones GL, Culligan DJ, Marsden PJ, Russell N, Embleton ND, Craddock C, British Comm Standards Haematology. Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of acute myeloid leukaemia in pregnancy. BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY 2015, 170(4), 487-495.
- Elliott M, Davies R, Parnell L, Marsden P. A review of the issue of sexual violence in pregnancy: are we neglecting patients through a lack of awareness and training in managing the problem?. In: RCOG National Trainees Conference. 2014, Manchester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.