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Accessing your Assignment Feedback via Canvas

Find out how to access feedback on your assignments.

This guide details how students should access feedback on assignments submitted through Canvas.  

Step 1 - Access your assignment

To get your assignment feedback in your Canvas course, click the ‘Assignments’ option from the navigation menu. Click the assignment title that you wish to view feedback for.


Newcastle University uses two main assignment mechanisms:

Option A: Canvas Assignment

Option B: Turnitin Assignment

Step 2 - Identify your assignment type

Open the two drop down areas below to identify your assignment type - this is determined by the screen you are presented with. Do not attempt to access feedback from the to-do list in Canvas.

Canvas Assignment

  1. To access your feedback, click on the ‘submission details’ option. On larger screens this is often present at the right-hand side of the screen (like in the example screenshot) but may also be displayed below the assignment details.
  2. You will be able to view overall comments on the right hand side of the screen. To view annotations, click ‘view feedback’.
  3. From this screen you can view annotations and also download the feedback by clicking the download icon. This is located in the left hand top corner.
  4. If a rubric has been used as part of the marking, a ‘show rubric’ option will be visible at the top right-hand side of the screen beneath the overall grade. Click on ‘show rubric’ to view this feedback.
Turnitin Assignment

  1. To access your feedback, click on your numeric grade. You will then be able to access your full feedback including comments and annotations.
  2. This feedback can be downloaded by clicking the ‘download feedback’ option.
  3. If a rubric has been used as part of the marking, a blue ‘view rubric’ option will display for you to access.

Step 3 - Using your feedback

Once you have found your feedback, head on over to the ‘Understanding and Interpreting your Feedback’ page.

Accessing feedback via the Canvas app?

If you are accessing your assignment feedback via the Canvas app, the screens you are presented with may look slightly different, but please be assured that the process of accessing feedback is similar.