Digital Design



News items can be created in T4. They can be output onto your website as lists, grids and tickers. This removes the need for additional software to manage dynamic content.

News lists and grids

News can be displayed on your website as a list or grid. These will be set up for you by the web team.

News grids require you to have a high quality image for every news item. We recommend that you use the list to begin with. This gives you some time to build up a collection of suitable images. 

News items

You can create a news item using the Page Types content type '01. News'.

Titles of your news items should be short and descriptive. Keep them under 50 characters. This ensures your titles will display well no matter what format they appear in on your website.

Every news item requires a description that will be displayed in lists and grids. This acts as a summary of the story. Keep your descriptions under 150 characters.

You will also need to add an image if your news displays in a grid anywhere on your site. The required image size is 818x428.

There are options to add a pull quote and full width video too.

For more details of what to include see our template news item.

Example news

Our best practice examples for news take content from the Postgraduate website: