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Research Environment

Our oral health research environment is built on innovation and excellence in research over many years.

Hive of research activity

We are a hive of research activity with input from:

  • undergraduates
  • PhD candidates
  • dental professionals
  • professional support staff
  • academics

Collaborating both locally and far and wide

From our base in the North East of the UK, we:

  • collaborate with and contribute to the needs of our local community
  • are far reaching in our research collaborations across the world

Nurturing researchers and clinicians

We nurture our early career researchers. We support them to continue to improve oral health care and dental education.

Research within our dental school feeds back into the education of our students. That's Newcastle's research-led teaching.

We use our expertise to generate high quality, impactful research but we cannot do this alone.

We work across:

  • discovery science
  • clinical research
  • commercial innovation
  • policy impact

Our research groups


Our groups work in a range of facilities. They are well equipped and managed by a dedicated team of technical staff.

Dental Clinical Research Facility

The facility is a focal point for patient-orientated clinical studies and industry-sponsored trials.

We have four state of the art dental surgeries dedicated to dental research, run by a team of dedicated and experienced research dental hygienists and dental nurses.

It's part of the National Institute for Health Research Newcastle Clinical Research Facility. It's run by a team of dedicated hygienist-therapists and nurses.

Its location allows access to the Cell and Molecular Biosciences Lab. This provides supporting laboratory analysis and sample storage facilities.

For further enquiries please contact Dr Chris Vernazza

Cell and Molecular Biosciences Lab

The Lab is the focus for experimental research in .

We have unique facilities for microbial biofilm (dental plaque) growth and analysis. These support our research in .

The Cell Culture Suite supports research in model cell systems.

Electrophysiology Lab

The Lab has facilities for the exploration of the function of live cells. It can help us understand the contribution to orofacial pain.

Biomaterials Lab

Our Lab is well equipped to develop better materials for use in the oral and cranio-facial region.

It hosts the Faculty of Medical Sciences atomic force microscope.

This facilitates comprehensive analysis of the properties of dental and biological materials.

Support for our research

Our work would not be possible without the funding we receive from: 

  • National Institute for Health Research
  • Department of Health (UK)
  • Innovate UK
  • NIHR Biomedical Research Centre of Newcastle University
  • Dunhill Medical Trust
  • Royal College of Surgeons of England
  • Wellcome Trust

We have collaborative projects and funding from:

  • SMEs
  • multi-national oral health care companies