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Research Impact

Our research has a major impact on oral health care education, policy and clinical practice. We deliver outcomes that matter to patients, students and clinicians.

Informing dental treatment and education

Our research findings flow into high quality research-led and research-informed education. They inform engagement with:

  • the wider dental community
  • patients
  • the public
  • industry
  • other stakeholders
  • policy-makers

Research that delivers clinical outcomes

We have a strong track record of seeing through many stages of research. We ensure the eventual output matters rather than being of academic interest.

One of our major research impacts informed global sugar consumption guidelines.

Training oral health researchers

As well as research impacts, we have a track record in successfully training PhD students. This includes many international students from around the world.

Impact across our research groups

Translational Oral Bioscience Impact

We have developed novel enzymes and agents for biofilm control. They are progressing through the translational pipeline.

Our biomarker research has identified novel biomarker signatures. These associate with periodontitis and the development of oral cancer. They are the subject of patent applications.

Our research on dental aerosols has influenced national guidelines on infection control in dentistry and helped keep dental clinics operating safely through the pandemic. 

Applied Oral Health Research Impact

We're conducting studies involving:

These studies have received support from commissioning, policy and professional organisations. They include NHS England, Public Health England and the British Dental Association.

They are changing policy and clinical practice across the world.

Dental Education Research Impact

The key outcome for our research is better education of dental healthcare professionals. It feeds back into teaching and curriculum development at Newcastle and beyond.

Our members led a workshop at an international dental education conference. This leads to a toolkit, hosted by ADEE, intended for early career researchers.

We hosted a UK symposium on Dental Education Research. This led to formation of the British Alliance for Researchers in Dental Education and Scholarship (BARDES). It has grown in membership and now holds an annual conference.