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Course Structure

BA in Combined Honours allows you to take two or three subjects.

Your academic year 

Each academic year (Stage) is divided into two semesters. You'll study a total of 120 credits over a Stage, taking no more than 70 credits in any one semester.

Most of the modules on Combined Honours are 10 or 20 credits each, and dissertation modules are 40 credits.

This is so you can easily divide your credits across your chosen subjects.

The modules you take may be assessed either throughout the year, at the end of the semester in which they are taken, or at the end of the Stage.

Subject choices 

You can choose two or three subjects to study in Stage 1. You must continue with at least two throughout the remainder of your degree.

In Stage 1, you divide your time equally between the two or three subjects you have chosen. From Stage 2 onwards, you can choose the balance of study between your subjects.

Your degree certificate will reference the subjects you studied in Stages 2 and 3. This allows employers to identify your areas of expertise, for example, BA Combined Honours in English Literature and French.