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Selecting Your Modules

Find out information about the Combined Honours modules available to you and how to select them.

Combined Honours Centre

The Combined Honours Centre provides information sessions about module choice procedures.

New students have induction sessions and existing students have pre-registration briefing sessions.

Stage 1, 2 and intercalating students will need to pre-register for modules for the next academic year in April every year. You'll need to attend a briefing about how to pre-register for your modules using the Student portal.

Check the course structure page when selecting your modules.

Bespoke modules

The Combined Honours Centre has developed many bespoke Combined Honours modules. These include modules for students taking on roles within the Centre, including:

  • a peer mentor or a PASS advisor
  • study abroad and work placement modules
  • independent study modules

Career development modules

The University’s Careers Service offers a suite of career development modules. They enable students to use their work or volunteering experience to gain academic credit in their degree programme.

Career development modules can't be taken at the same time as a Combined Honours graduate development module.

Changing your modules

At the start of each semester you'll have two weeks to change your module selections.

To change your modules you'll need to complete a Module Outline Form (PDF: 126KB) and send to the Combined Honours Centre as soon as possible for processing. You can also pick up a paper version of the form from the Combined Honours Centre.

It's your responsibility to ensure your chosen modules don't result in a timetable clash. Check the module timetable carefully when selecting your modules.

Some subject areas have number caps (e.g. English and History modules). If you want to change a module that has a number cap you'll need to visit the relevant School offices to gain permission to change.