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Postgraduate Philosophy

Find out about the postgraduate philosophy courses at Newcastle University.

Our degree programmes

We have teaching staff with strong research profiles in modern European philosophy. Many of our postgraduate research students have interdisciplinary interests. These can be explored on our flexible MLitt programme, or through PhD studentships with Northern Bridge which work across disciplinary lines between institutions.

At postgraduate level, we offer two philosophy research degrees:

We also offer a Research Training PGCert.

We welcome enquiries from postgraduate students who wish to pursue a research degree in any of our areas of research expertise. We are often able to offer tutorial work for postgraduate students.

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Staff research

Our staff offer expertise in most of the major areas of philosophy. These include:

  • continental philosophy (German idealism, existentialism, phenomenology, Frankfurt School, poststructuralism)
  • social and political philosophy
  • philosophy of science
  • epistemology
  • metaphysics
  • aesthetics (in particular the philosophy of literature and the philosophy of music)
  • ethics

Find out more specific information about the research interests of our staff by checking individual staff profiles.

Meet our staff


A postgraduate qualification is desirable to a range of employers. It adds a competitive edge to any applicant.

Postgraduate research develops key transferable skills. The MPhil in Philosophy encourages the learner to apply abstract theoretical thought to empirical reality.

Find out more about the careers our graduates can develop