Spanish and Latin American Studies
Study Spanish as part of your Combined Honours degree. Explore Latin American culture and a combination of practical language study and communication skills.
About the programme
UCAS Code: BA Combined Honours (Y001)
You'll learn Spanish to a high level of expertise to prepare you for your intercalating year abroad and for subsequent employment.
Language courses are taught in Spanish using a communicative approach, but you will also get a thorough, interactive grammar course in Stage 1 and 2, and learn liaison interpreting in your final year.
Combined Honours students are expected to spend one third of their time on Spanish language study.
As well as Spanish language modules, optional modules cover aspects of language, culture and society in modern and contemporary Spain and in Latin American countries.
You can also choose from a wide range of subjects including:
- film
- history
- society
- linguistics and language acquisition
- modern literature
- popular culture

All Combined Honours students studying a language, go abroad for an intercalating year between Stages 2 and 3. You'll be based in a Spanish-speaking country, to develop your language knowledge and expertise.
When you return in Stage 3 you continue to study Spanish and optional non-language modules taught in Spanish.
You can also choose to write a dissertation on an approved topic focusing on Spain or Latin America or the use of Spanish in the contemporary world.
This is offered by the School of Modern Languages
Stage 1
You will follow either Level A (if you are a beginner) or Level B (if you have an A Level in Spanish).
Students study either 40 or 60 credits from the list below in Stage 1.
Select the module code for specific module information including the module summary and aims, knowledge and skills you'll gain, and the module leader.
Level A
Compulsory modules
Module Code | Module Title | Credit Value | Semester |
SPA1065 | Level A (HE Entry Level) Spanish I | 20 | 1 |
SPA1066 | Level A (HE Entry Level) Spanish II (Pre-requisite SPA1065) | 20 | 2 |
Optional Modules
Module Code | Module Title | Credit Vaule | Semester |
SML1021 | Introduction to International Film | 20 | 1&2 |
SML1022 | Introduction to Cultural Studies | 20 | 1&2 |
Level B
Compulsory module
Module Code | Module Title | Credit Value | Semester |
SPA1071 | Level B (HE Intermediate) Spanish | 20 | 1&2 |
Optional modules
Module Code | Module Title | Credit Value | Semester |
LAS1010 | Introducción a América Latina | 20 | 1&2 |
SML1018 | Introduction to Literature | 20 | 1&2 |
SML1019 | Introduction to Linguistics | 20 | 1&2 |
SML1021 | Introduction to International Film | 20 | 1&2 |
SML1022 | Introduction to Cultural Studies | 20 | 1&2 |
SPA1019 | Introduction to History, Culture and Society of the Iberian Peninsula | 20 | 1&2 |
Stage 2
Students study 40, 60 or 80 credits from the lists below at Stage 2.
You follow either Level B or Level C, depending on what Level you studied at Stage 1.
Select the module code for specific module information including the module summary and aims, knowledge and skills you'll gain, and the module leader.
Level B
Compulsory module
Module Code | Module Title | Credit Value | Semester |
SPA1070 | Level B (HE Intermediate) Spanish (Ex-Level A) (Pre-requisite SPA1065 and SPA1066) | 20 | 1&2 |
Optional modules
Module Code | Module Title | Credit Value | Semester |
LAS1010 | Introducción a América Latina | 20 | 1&2 |
SML1018 | Introduction to Literature | 20 | 1&2 |
SML1019 | Introduction to Linguistics | 20 | 1&2 |
SML1021 | Introduction to International Film | 20 | 1&2 |
SML1022 | Introduction to Cultural Studies | 20 | 1&2 |
SPA1019 | Introduction to History, Culture and Society of the Iberian Peninsula | 20 | 1&2 |
Level C
Compulsory module
Module Code | Module Title | Credit Value | Semester |
SPA2061 | Level C (HE Advanced) Spanish (Pre-requisite SPA1071) | 20 | 1&2 |
Optional modules
Module Code | Module Title | Credit Value | Semester |
SPA2019 | World Spanish (pre-requisit SML1019) | 20 | 1 |
SPA2021 | Catalan I | 20 | 1&2 |
SPA2025 | Representaciones de Revolución, Dictadura y Democracia en España y América Latina | 20 | 1&2 |
SPA2027 | Food, Football and Fiction: Constructing Catalan Cultural Identity | 20 | 1&2 |
LAS2030 | Comparative History of Hispano-America and Brazil: from Independence to the Mexican Revolution (1789/1810-1917) | 20 | 1 |
SML2014 | Italian language and Culture I (Capped at 60) | 20 | 1&2 |
SML2016 | Reading in Translation | 20 | 2 |
Intercalating Year
Students taking a language as a subject must spend an entire academic year abroad, between Stages 2 and 3, in a country where their chosen language is spoken. This will be your Intercalating Stage.
While abroad they shall take the following modules: SML3004 Year Abroad Tutor Posts (100 credits) and SML3006 Study Abroad (20 credits) or SML3007/ SML3008 Year Abroad Placement (20 credits).
Find further information about your Intercalating Year Abroad.
Stage 3
You follow either Level C or Level D.
Select the module code for specific module information including the module summary and aims, knowledge and skills you'll gain, and the module leader.
Level C
Compulsory module
Module Code | Module Title | Credit Vaule | Semester |
SPA2061 | Level C (HE Advanced) Spanish (Pre-requisite SPA1071) | 20 | 1&2 |
Optional modules
Module Code | Module Title | Credit Value | Semester |
SPA2019 | World Spanish (pre-requisite SML2019) | 20 | 1 |
SPA2025 | Representaciones de Revolución, Dictadura y Democracia en España y América Latina | 20 | 1&2 |
SPA2027 | Food, Football and Fiction: Constructing Catalan Cultural Identity | 20 | 1&2 |
SML2016 | Reading in Translation | 20 | 2 |
LAS2030 | Comparative History of Hispano-America and Brazil: from Independence to the Mexican Revolution (1789/1810-1917) | 20 | 1 |
Additional Optional Modules:
Students studying Level C Spanish are allowed, with DPD permission, to study one of the following Level D optional modules listed below on the condition that they achieved a Stage 2 average of 60 and a mark of 60 or above in SPA1071:
Module Code | Module Title | Credit Value | Semester |
LAS4005 | Language Endangerment and Revitalisation | 20 | 2 |
LAS4007 | Latin American Art: Indigenous Contemporary Art and Activism | 20 | 2 |
Level D
Compulsory module
All other students must choose either SPA4086 Language for Professional & Academic Purposes or SPA4087 Translation & Interpreting. Students must not select more than 20 credits for a single language (Pre-requisite SPA2061).
Module Code | Module Title | Credit Value | Semester |
SPA4086 |
Level D (HE Further Advanced): Spanish for Professional and Academic Purposes (FHEQ Level 6) |
20 | 1&2 |
SPA4087 |
Level D (HE Further Advanced): Spanish Translation & Interpreting (FHEQ Level 6) |
20 | 1&2 |
Optional modules
Module Code | Module Title | Credit Value | Semester |
LAS4005 | Language Endangerment and Revitalisation in Latin America | 20 | 2 |
LAS4007 | Latin American Art: Indigenous Contemporary Art and Activism | 20 | 2 |
LAS4010 | Cultura y Política en Colombia | 20 | 2 |
SPA4002 | Catalan II (Pre-requisite SPA2021) | 20 | 1&2 |
SPA4005 | Cultura Popular en España y Cuba | 20 | 1 |
SPA4007 | Spanish and Romance word analysis (Pre-requisite SML1019) | 20 | 2 |
SPA4008 | Youth Cultures in Spain, Portugal and Latin America | 20 | 1 |
SML4003 | Advocaating and Teaching Languages in Schools (Capped at 15) (Pre-requisite: Students must have achieved a minimum of 60% in the language in Level C at Stage 2) | 20 | 1&2 |
SML4004 | Italian Language and Culture II (Pre-requisite SML2014) (Capped at 40) | 20 | 1&2 |
SML4099 | Dissertation | 20 | 1&2 |
Get in touch
If you have any questions about choosing this subject as part of your Combined Honours degree, contact us and we'll be more than happy to help.
Subject adviser
Dr Patricia Oliart - School of Modern Languages
Professor Guy Austin - School of Modern Languages