Supergen Energy Networks Hub

Staff Profile

Dr David Greenwood

NU Academic Track Fellow (NUAcT)


I am a member of the Electrical Power Research Group and the Power Systems subgroup. My Google Scholar profile can be found here.

I am an engineering researcher with a particular interest in power networks, smart grids, energy storage, probabilistic methods and the effect of weather on electrical systems. My PhD, completed in July 2014, focused on the Real-Time Thermal Rating of overhead lines in electrical networks. My PhD was industrially funded, which meant that in addition to my PhD research I had to organise meetings, write reports and give frequent presentations to industrial partners. I had to work with my sponsors to ensure that I was delivering research that was useful to them, as well as original research required for a PhD. I have been fortunate enough to present my work in France, Denmark, Zambia, Sweden and the USA.


As a NUAcT Fellow I am pursuing a specific research agenda.

I have also been the Newcastle PI for the following projects:

  • MERLON (EU H2020)
  • Pragmatic Security Assessment (Northern Powergrid NIA)
  • CLEARHEADS (Supergen Energy Networks Hub Flex Fund)


Modules Taught 2022/23

SPG8024 - Quantifying Energy Decision Making (Module Leader)

EEE3021 - Renewable Energy Systems and Smart Grids) (50%)
