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Combined Honours Centre staff can provide advice, information and guidance about your programme.

Combined Honours Centre contacts

The Combined Honours Centre should be your first point of contact for queries about:

  • registration
  • module selection
  • any difficulties you may be experiencing

Our reception is open between the hours of 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday. During these hours, you can speak a member of staff by visiting our reception in person, or by telephoning or emailing us.

Room 9.04 (Level 9)
Henry Daysh Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne

Tel: +44 (0)191 208 7479

Degree Programme Director (DPD)

The DPD has overall responsibility for the structure, content and standards of the degree programmes within the Centre.

Franck Michel as our Acting Director of our Combined Honours Centre.

For each individual Stage, a member of staff has been allocated a Stage Degree Programme Director. For the academic year 2021-22, this follows as:

Your personal tutor

All students are allocated a , a member of staff either from one of your subjects or the Combined Honours Centre.

They provide help and guidance about problems that you may have and can refer you on to further .

Student mentor

All first year students are allocated a student mentor.

The mentor is a Combined Honours student in a later stage of the programme who will have studied one of your subjects before. Each mentor has a group of students that they advise on the basis of a shared subject.

Subject adviser

Your programme is co-ordinated through the Combined Honours team. Academic Schools are responsible for the modules you take and manage the teaching and assessment of your work.

Each subject area has an allocated academic member of staff who acts as a point of contact for Combined Honours students.

Subject Advisers bridge the gap between Combined Honours and the Academic School you're part of

Subject Advisers offer academic support, including advice on:

  • the content of modules
  • module pre-requisites
  • timetables
  • subject-specific advice

Contact your if you have a subject-specific enquiry.

Module leader

Your module or seminar leader can help with queries relating to specific academic work linked to that module.

They will be happy to provide you with feedback on your work as well as help you plan ahead by providing you with information about assessments at the start of the module.

All academic members of staff have office hours for face-to-face queries or can be contacted via email.

PASS advisors

PASS advisors are available to informally assist and guide their peer students. This may cover academic issues, including referencing, proofreading and structuring an argument.

PASS advisors are professionally trained in order to offer advice in academic writing by a member of the Writing Development Centre.

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